Well BM strikes back.....Should have place a bet on it...
Well, DH comes home today and completely ruins my good mood...
Apparently the SD16 that he has not seen in over a year, texted him to have lunch together. He is all happy and thinks everything is great again. This leads to a complete melt down and argument from me. I am still irritated about something that went on yesterday and I had let it go.
I pointed out that the only reason this is happening is because BM has only one more visit with SS13 and that is it. So she is putting pressure on SD16 to see her Dad. She couldn't do that the last two years?????? They live a subdivision away.
Now she is scared and knows we will not encourage SS to see her.
I went nuts, when he pointed out that I am only negative about her. I said it is not her it is BM. How can he forget all of this? All of the money? Nice way to stick your hand in the sand, DH!!!
Well, I am not falling for it. I told him that he didn't mention the texts to me, nothing, he was keeping secrets again. That we survived it all only to have him start doing it again. That I am sorry, but yes, I am negative about her. Did you talk about anything or was it all superficial?
I want to be happy for him, but I just know that this is letting drama back into our lives. I just know it. I was pretty clear, that his head may be up his ass, but mine is not. As this progresses and things work out, she is not coming back into our lives without some pretty clear apologies.
I really lost it. I feel bad, but I am not apologizing....He doesn't get to be all happy about it and then expect me to just be thrilled and forget what has happened. Serious, PTSD from what she did to us. It has taken a lot for us to get past this, only to have one argument bring it all back. Did he really expect me not to see what BM's clear intention is here?
Well, I am sure SS heard me yelling, which I try not to do, but mention BM and SD to me and all rationale leaves the building. I am seriously considering leaving for the driving range. Fancy dinner in the oven, just for him. I was in such a good mood. I really hate that lady!
- Jsmom's blog
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Thanks - I am still working,
Thanks - I am still working, but am so frustrated...He is hiding in our bedroom. I have a meeting at 7 and need the break. No matter how we talk about this, it never ends well. I do not hate her. I hate what she has been allowed and encouraged to do to our lives. I just can't turn it off as easy as everyone wants me to.