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IAmALady77's Blog

And the bitch just can't shut up can she?

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what the hell is wrong with this girl?! and I say girl because calling someone with the mentality of a 5 year old a woman just rubs me the wrong way.

After BM texting SO this morning and telling him that he is going to have to start taking SD Fridays again instead of Weds like we have been doing (because she "told him not to fuck with her and this is what he gets") and after him telling her that ok if thats what she wants he will take her Friday...this is the ensuing conversation:

BM:How can you take her Fridays if your working? Or did you lie in the first place?

Ok yesterday....

IAmALady77's picture

As you all know by now, SO and I are taking BM back to court (its been a year since last time) and we are going to try yet again for 50/50 because a) SD is getting older and b) SD needs more stability c) BMs circumstances have drastically changed D) I think I have a pretty good arsenal to use against her if our lawyer would pull his head out of his ass....but SO wanted to try to talk to her first because she doesn't know that we are taking her back to court yet...he wanted to try to get her to agree out of court. LOL ok honey.

Getting sick of BM and her stupid dumb does she think we are??!

IAmALady77's picture

For about 3 weeks now, every time it is SO's time to have SD BM will text him and ask "do you want SD early today?"

Only she will text him this roughly 3-4 hours before the pick up time...and sorry but we have lives.

Whenever we haven't been busy, I encouraged him to go pick her up early because I assumed that would look good in court, but I know what BM is doing here, she is just trying to use this against him, and I am so angry that I automatically see this as an act of manipulation or a game instead of something nice.

Reaching my breaking point...

IAmALady77's picture

I don't know how I got to this place but I am reaching the point where I am upset all the time about everything.

SO had his last court ordered mediation this morning and apparently it "went well"...he got her to agree to overnights in a row in front of this guy and apparently thats good for when we go back to court. But then he says that he doesnt want to go back to court right now and wait it out...

wait it out for what? what the fuck for??!! BM isn't going to magically become a sane rational human being in a year, NOW is the perfect time to go and try for custody mod.

Going for 50/50 at the end of the summer...thoughts?

IAmALady77's picture

I've been thinking and this court order that we have is bullshit. Every Sunday overnight and Every other Wendnesday (used to be friday) overnight with alternating weds from 5pm to 9pm is bullshit.

That is not nearly enough time for us to establish any sort of routine or ground rules in our home. My SO deserves way more than "visitation"...SD doesnt need to be "visiting" us, this is not a vaca house, she either lives here or she doesnt...and we are not going down without a fight here.

And It has BEGUN! So happy I found your guys...she is in for a RUDE awakening.

IAmALady77's picture

SO gets a call from BM just now, her all cheerful and glee saying that she is going to try to put SD down for a nap before he goes to pick her up. It is Sunday, he goes to pick her up at 4pm.

SO gets several texts in a row right after hanging up with BM from BM saying:

BM: what time do you want to meet?and can you do me a favor tonight?
BM: She says she doesnt want to sleep, I asked her if she wants to go to daddies house and she said "no thank you". what a stinker. but shes in a good mood today so she really didnt need a nap.

What books should I get, Im going to B&N

IAmALady77's picture

Me in a nutshell:

*I love my SD...most days
*I hate BM on a fundamental level, on a personal level I could get along with her if she wasn't so crazy and put in some effort.
*SO and I are pretty much on the same page with everything
*I get along well with his family

*I beleive that BM is starting in with the PASing already
*Im trying to learn how to build our family together and make it work even though the odds are stacked against us.

At my wits effing ridiculous

IAmALady77's picture

Could it be because he was coddled as a child? Could it be that other than him knocking up the "replacement" on accident and her ensuing craziness his life is pretty damn good??!!

I am sooooo sick of this...already, I know. It's only been 2 years-ish and things need to change NOW.

Here is how the past couple of days have gone.

You guys are a bad influence! Shame on you :) (sarcasm)

IAmALady77's picture

I read that article that someone (sorry don't remember who :() posted about fathers looking for unconditional love from their daughters and pitting them against their spouses, princess syndrome ectect and I got really scared. So I decided to have a heart to heart with SO about our future and how he had better not ever undermine me (even though he sometimes does) or put me on the same level as SD, ect ect...we are a TEAM blahblahblah, our RELATIONSHIP will always come first know, one of those talks.
