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moving forward for real this time?

IAmALady77's picture

I was so upset yesterday, I think with the panic attacks and everything else things are just so overwhelming.

SO got home from work and I was still pretty pissed about earlier so I asked him "whats your plan then?"

He says,"plan for what?"

I told him well what are you planning on doing about this custody issue?
and then I freaked out and told him that I'm sick of my life being on hold, and I knew what I getting into when we started dating but Im sick of my life being on hold and it was going to continue being on hold until he figured out how he was going to take care of his mistakes.

I am almost 23 years old, I want to get married and have babies, I am well on my way in my career, we have a nice home together but he CAN NOT support 2 women at once. He fucked up and knocked up this slut and now I am paying for it.

WE NEED 50/50 before we can move on in our lives.

I cried because I realized how much deep down this was really hurting me that I can't have a baby right now. It hurts me that we can't get married right now and that I had to forbid him from proposing until this is figured out and he just wants to "wait it out".

we can't start our family because we only have a 2 bedroom home (technically 4 but the basement isnt finished yet) and where would we put a new baby? We can't have a baby because I refuse to get pregnant if I'm not married, and we can't get married until we get 50/50...because I am NOT going to spend my marriage kissing BMs ass and paying her money to sit on her ass all effing day. So the cycle continues.

I feel like a horrible person because our life would be perfect (ish) if he hadn't gotton BM pregnant 2 years ago. We wouldnt be broke all the time, we wouldnt have to deal with this shit. But shit is what we have and I am doing my best to deal and make something out of it but its just not fair.

Why should she have a daughter with him? They barely even dated and she doesnt even want her! Shes just using her as a pawn in her crazy manipulative little games.

after a long talk, SO agreed (again) that we should take steps to getting back in court to get custody motified. I told him he can try it his way first but as soon as BM trys anything we are going to be in court so fast.

Oh and get this shit- the mediator asked SO about me and SO told him that in the beggining I tried so hard to make it so we all got along and BMs response was to falsly accuse me of stalking and threatening to kill her and got a ppo against me. The mediator told him that I basically needed to be put in my place and I shouldnt be forcing friendships on annyone! Well fuck you very much then! first of all, I wasnt "forcing" my friendship on anyone I was trying to communicate with her when she would just scream insanitys at SO. And speaking of "forcing" people to get along...isn't that what the mediator is doing?? you stupid ignorant fuck!

Oh and he tells SO that he will most likely never get 50/50 because the childs place is with the mother and he started spewing a bunch of scientific bullshit about the "bond" between a mother and a child and endorphins and a bunch of other bullshit. yeah ok buddy.

Well guess what? We're going to do this SOs way, I am going to leave the house for a few hours next week and SO is going to invite BM over to talk and he is going to try to convince her to modify the schedule without going to court...we already have proof that she is perfectly fine with SO spending a ton of time with SD so when she starts her normal bullshit of "your house isnt safe" and "Lady hits SD" and all the other bullshit she can think of, then we are taking her back to court and thats that.

sorry this got so long, Im having a rough week lol


IAmALady77's picture

Thank you for your comment, and I love your signature (I'm a huge game of thrones fan, have all the books and everything lol)
And normally I would want the same for myself.

The thing is, I've had a pretty complicated life (long story) and I was in a rough place until about the age of 18. Then, I moved to this town, found a job at a shitty little bar, and I met my SO. He is 26 and I am 22, and I already did all the crazy young people things if you know what I mean. I appreciate your sentiments but I am ready to settle down and I know that SO is the one I want to marry, I know, gushgush gag lol, it's just how I feel.

And we have SD every Sunday overnight and every other Wed overnight with alternating WEd evenings. Plus there was a period of time when we had her EVERY day for 5 months straight (read my past blogs) is the perfect time to get custody modified you know?

IAmALady77's picture

Also, I am VERY close with his family, they are pretty much my family and I would be leaving them too. I can;t imagine my life without them as well as SO you know? Like I said, our life would be wonderful had he not knocked up this girl...she is the only issue and I am trying to take proactive steps to metaphorically get rid of her, or least limit her ability to control our lives.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I'm glad to hear you are documenting everything. Thats what we do and it has helped immensely when we go to court.

I agree about your thoughts on the mediator, he doesn't know what he talking about "putting you in your place" I can't tell you how many Judges and mediators we have had over the years, that have stressed about the BM and SM "forging" a relationship for the "sake of the children". What happens is the children pick up on the discontent of the mother not liking the SM and that puts the child in the position to decide who to love. And because the mother is the unhappy one, the child will side towards their mother for loyalty sake.

That is exactly what happened with my SD who is completely alienated from my Dh and BM is working the other two skids, who we are fighting for full custody.

I have heard that it can be difficult but not impossible to get 50/50 custody of small children. The statistic crap the mediator through out at SO is ridiculous. Ask the asshole what the statistics are when children don't have a father? It takes two parents and both parents are just as equally important.

I think I'm just as pissed off as you are with this mediator :O

I also feel badly for you in your situation, I'd be frustrated too!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

IAALady, I try to understand your hurt, but please try to stay patient.You are really quite young and have a lot of time to have babies etc.In this moment where everything is still in the open it doesn't sound fair to your BF to expect him to start a new family straight away.
Does he even want to do that right now??I mean , it sounds to me a bit as if you want to set a sign as quick as possible to show the world and BM that SO is yours now and that you can show your own baby as a proof .
Why not giving it a year or two at least to see how the other problems can be solved and arranged?
It is NOT that you have been told like some other much older SMs here that your partner doesn't want to have any further babies with you in general.THIS is heartbreaking and very unfair on the stepmothers, in your case I have to say it would be rather a bit unfair for SO to rush him into this right now.
My recommendation is to settle the stress a bit and give your SO some time to sort things out.
You will be still a very very young mum when you get your first baby at 24 or 25.I got my first at 26 and was still the very youngest in all the mother and play groups!!

IAmALady77's picture

SO is ready to propose tomorrow if I let him...we've had many conversations about this. I am the one that is holding off for the reasons I listed above. And I know that I am young, but the fact that he has SD with BM makes my life decisions even more difficult for me. I could care less about "showing BM" that hes mine. That is clear. I am thinking about the long run. I don't want SD to be too far away in age from our children. She is already 2 and I know that eventually BM will try to pull the whole "daddy had new babies" thing...I don't want her to be like 6 or 7 by the time we get along to bringing in a little brother or sister you know? I don't know if Im explaining this right....but rest assured I am not rushing him into anything. He is ready to settle down now. He was ready to settle down 2 and a half years ago...just not with BM (which he made very clear BEFORE and AFTER she got knocked up)...they were never married, hardly dated, volatile relationship...we are BOTH ready to start our lives together.

And like I said, SD IS a part of our lives and I want her to have a relationship with her future siblings...but I know that if the age gap is too much and she is old enough to be manipulated, that will never happen...Im just struggling to build and keep this family intact right now so Im not kicking myself later for not doing everything I could to take care of this now...

knucklehead's picture

Oh, boy... a couple of things.
1) It will be VERY difficult to get 50/50 of such a young child. Not impossible, but very difficult.
2) You should marry because he is "the one," and NO other reason. If you think it will be "easier" and/or "cheaper" with 50/50 (less child support, more time, etc.) you may be very, very wrong.

I've been in your shoes. I was married at 20 and made a stepmom. BM had primary custody, DH paid CS. We went through it ALL, and we actually got custody. PRIMARY custody. Two days a month with BM. Did she pay CS? Nope. Did DH pay CS? Yep.

Your relationship needs to be strong on its own...not because of BM, not the amount of custody, etc. You are still very young and have lots and lots of time to marry and have babies!