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IAmALady77's Blog

I'm bored (you guys are pretty much my only "friends" ) LOL

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Update to earlier:

So tells BM that he will switch days and take SD on Monday instead of his usual Sunday because it is mothers day and SD should rightfully spend time with her "mother".
Whatever, his choice I am ok with that.

BM then wants to know if he is working Monday night. He tells her that yes he works every Monday night but he is going to work his schedule around so that he can take SD.

I knew this would happen

IAmALady77's picture

So last Fathers day (A sunday) BM refused to let SO have SD even though it was Fathers day AND his court ordered day.

WELL, today she dropped SD off for exactly an hour because she had a "job interview". ok whatever....use SO as your personal babysitter you pathetic bitch. When she came to pick SD up I was in the kitchen and heard everything:

BM: I need you to keep her till 4 on Saturday because Im having a yard sale, plus I'm going to need her early on Monday because its my birthday so thats conveinent.

I feel good?

IAmALady77's picture

Well, that was pretty strange. Of course I get to SO's uncles house and I immediately fall into a panic attack. NO idea why, I wasn't nervous or afraid of anything, my body just went numb and my heart started pounding. I was trying to listen to what the healer was saying to me...not working.

So then everyone left and the healer told me to lay down and close my eyes and then she worked on me for like an hour. Didnt touch me or anything just balanced my chakras and connected with my "guardians" or whatever...

Going to see the Witch Doctor

IAmALady77's picture

Which is what fmil calls her lol. My anxiety and panic attacks are literally driving me insane and these vitamins I've been taking are helping but are EXPENSIVE. I refuse to take xanax or any antianxiety "drugs" for personal I decided to see this holistic healer that SO's uncle sees for his back problems.

SO is skeptical and doesn't beleive in this "voodoo" just like FMIL lol but oh well! Im meeting her in half hour so LETS HOPE THIS WORKS and I can actually feel normal again!

How do you guys do timeouts and why?

IAmALady77's picture

Just looking for some help on this, we only do timeouts in our house right now as SD is only 2, so if she is naughty or throws a fit she goes to the time out chair for 2 minutes.

Well, she has learned a new trick where she will bring her toys out into the living room and when we tell her to go put them back in her room after playtime she gets pissy and just starts throwing them on the floor.


IAmALady77's picture

^that is how I feel right now.

BM just texted SO sweet as can be asking if he could take SD early tomorrow so she can have the day off to get job applications. Of course he said yes so that is not a big deal but WTH?

Why couldn't the officer get a hold of her when he tried to call?

And its making me wonder if he went to her house with the cease and desist and scared her into playing nice for now, or if he never contacted her so she is just genuinely insane?


Update to BMs scare tactics

IAmALady77's picture

So yesterday, BM continued to harass SO via facebook messages about the legality of us posting pictures of SD on our facebooks. She then went on with the same bullshit about what a deadbeat he is and pathetic ect ect blahblahblah.

THEN she says that SO isn't allowed to even have pics of SD on HIS facebook because SHE is the MOTHER and he needs her lol

BM's new scare tactic part 2...

IAmALady77's picture

So our phones have been shut off for that past few days so no angry irrational texts from BM lol

But THEN SO gets on FB and she has unblocked him! She sent this message:

so the reason its illegal for someone to have SD's pictures without my permission is because SD is a minor,. and i have full cuztody and without my consent its illegal to have her pictures on any social media site ect... so either i can suit you and take a lot of money you dont have.....or you can take them down...its your choice, but ill go to the police tmrw if their not down...ENJOY!

BMs new scare please

IAmALady77's picture

SO went to drop SD back at BM's today at 4 and this was the conversation:
(keep in mind that she was smiling and full of glee as she relayed this "information" to SO)

BM: So I went to the courthouse today and guess what I found out??
SO: what?

BM: Lady is going to get charged $1000 dollars for every picture of SD she has on her facebook!
BM: Its child endangerment.

BM: those pictures better be off by tomorrow!

SO: Don't threaten me.

BM: Im not but good luck hahahahaha

SO: (gets in the car)

