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And the bitch just can't shut up can she?

IAmALady77's picture

what the hell is wrong with this girl?! and I say girl because calling someone with the mentality of a 5 year old a woman just rubs me the wrong way.

After BM texting SO this morning and telling him that he is going to have to start taking SD Fridays again instead of Weds like we have been doing (because she "told him not to fuck with her and this is what he gets") and after him telling her that ok if thats what she wants he will take her Friday...this is the ensuing conversation:

BM:How can you take her Fridays if your working? Or did you lie in the first place?

sidenote: SO and BM agreed to switch friday visitations to weds so that he could work more hours in mediation.

BM:The funny thing is is that my lawyer is also a private investigator and he will have no problem finding out who's watching violet on fridays....wether its your mom or Lady. Cuz I know damn well it won't be you. He could go to the bar u could serve him a drink and th next week you will see him in court and you'll have to explain to the judge why your not with SD during your parenting time.

Sidenote: So doesnt work until 9pm when SD is asleep anyway sooooo......

BM: I love to watch you dig your own grave, its so fun.
BM: we can have your talk at 4 today but I can promise you it wont go your way.

So, SO and I get in the car because we need to go grocery shopping and drop SD off at BMs house on the way. Typically when I have to go along on the drop off for whatever reason, SO will drop me off at a park down the street and he will go drop of SD and then come pick me back up...because BM has a PPO against me for violent stalking...whole nother bullshit story there. I don't really care, it pisses me off sometimes but I only have 2 months left on the thing and then trust me, I will be sitting in the car at EVERY pick up and drop off, watch me.

Sooooooo, we are driving and BMs sister sees us as she is pulling down there road and what does she do, runs into the house and tells BM that I was in the car....So when SO got there to drop SD off (I was at the park)...this was the convo:

BM: wow, really? you have to go pick up your girlfriend hurry along now.
Bm: (laughing with glee) your so pathetic and she is so lame, what is she scared of me?

SO didn't say anything lol even though a good smack up the head would have been nice...ummm, I have to be inconvienenced because I am not allowed within a mile of you or some bullshit, so fuck off bitch.

Then we get these texts:

BM:Its funny that Lady thinks she can be a better mom than me but she cant even take the time to brush SDs hair LOL, you are so pathetic SO, you want to talk to me and I give you the chance and you cower away like a hurt puppy. grow a pair of balls and learn to speak for yourself. but you never will. you have to speak cuz Lady wants you too, you could care less about seeing SD, Lady wants too. pathetic.

BM:You make me laugh with your pitiful attempt at being a parent. Wow really prooved to everyone u can be a good parent. You can't even brush her hair LMAO.your a sad excuse for a human being.

BM: face it SO, your never gonna beat me Biggrin

Ok FIRST of all, I ALWAYS make sure SD looks presentable before we take her back for this specific reason!
SO is a 26 year old guy for heavens sakes, he doesnt know the difference between a hair tie and a bobby pin!!!!!!! AND she just woke up from a nap! She was napping, we put her in the car and brought her too you. FUCK OFF!!!!!

I seriously hate this bitch. I hate her. She has NEVER made an effort to meet me, the only time I have ever interacted with her was in court when she got the ppo against me. And I had only texted her a handful of times before that regardding the schedule. WTF??!!!

Can we show these and MAKE the effing judge read them??!! The fact that she said "your never gonna beat me" all gleeful should show that this is a fucking game to her and she doesnt give a SHIT about SD unless she can use her somehow in her fucked up little games!

excuse my french btw, but I am fairly pissed.


CrazieCoconut86's picture

I sure hope you can show them to a judge. Is this the same case as before, your SO didn't respond during the whole thing and she just kept ranting?

If that is the case, talk about digging your own grave. This woman is an idiot.

I am sure you can use her comments about how she feels about your SO as a case for PASing. I can't imagine she is saying nice things about him to your SD.

Keep strong. I firmly believe that people get what is coming to them. Maybe not as soon as we would like, but eventually they will get it. And you can point and laugh when it happens.

knucklehead's picture

Blum 3 I doubt the judge is going to care much about the texts. It's stupid people being stupid.

I'm trying to figure this out... only two months left on the PPO, was it for a year? And the skid is only 2? How did she get a PPO based on violent stalking for a year? Holy cow, sounds like she can make your life miserable.

Just stay away from her. Period.

IAmALady77's picture

Last summer, SO was bartending his uncles wedding (before we had a court order in place) and she was trying to force him to take SD (a friday night coincidentally lol) and he kept telling her he couldnt, back and forth with the arguing. She kept accusing him of lying and not caring about his daughter and a bunch of other bullshit ect ect, so I finally stepped in and calmly told her that SO was working and that he could not take SD that night. She calmed down. She then wanted to meet up with me and talk so we agreed to meet up the next day. I texted her the next day asking when she was planning on coming over and she said that if I texted her one more time she was calling the police. Thinking she was insane, I texted back asking what the issue was and we were perfectly fine yesterday so what happened.

I get a call 10 minutes later from the sheriff saying to cease all contact. The next day I was served with a ppo by her my work no less.

I appealed it obviously, she just got in court and lied her ass off about how I texted her over 200 times threatening her life and said I wanted to kill her ect ect. I tried to subpoena my phone records to show that it wasnt true but it never went through.

The judge beleived everything she said EVEN though in the rough draft ppo one of the stipulations was that I was not allowed to be around during SO's parenting time..even though we lived together. you would think the judge would see through her ploy to fuck with his parenting time but noooo, and here I am a year later branded as a violent stalker. the end lol

IAmALady77's picture

A friend of mine saw on BMs facebook, her bitching about how she cant go out Friday nights because she has SD (when they switched to weds) because her friend had invited her out....2 days later she pulls this shit with making SO go back to Friday visitation...umm can you say bullshit?! LOL our lawyer is going to have a FIELD day with this one Biggrin

oneoffour's picture

Email the texts to SO's email. They will prove useful in the future. Promise.

He is showing great restraint and deserves a medal.

IAmALady77's picture

He has a program on his phone that automatically backs up all sms and mms texts to his gmail account with time stamps and everything, its very convienent Smile

whatwasithinkin's picture

oh my god I feel like your dealing with the same wacked BM I am. Im a birth mom and ex wife and I just dont get it, my ex hit the ever loving jackpot. and yes you can take them to a judge, your SO can also tell her to stop texting and when she doesnt (and I can promise from experience she wont) he can then pull the same stunt she did and get a ppo

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Save the texts. A judge will care that she is systematically harassing and bullying you/dh.

simifan's picture

email the texts and save them. when ur DH gets to court, he needs to ask for monitored email contact only & bm should pay for it because she is obviously harassing you.

constantly_irritated's picture

Wow! You're dealing with a lot of crap here. I agree with all the other posters -Save the texts, your SO is a hero for just letting her vent (it will kill her in the end), document everything because judges can't ignore documentation, and I agree with imaSmom and just stay away from her house. Take a page our of your SO's book and don't go by her house just to mug her, she'll want your blood after that.

IAmALady77's picture

Oh yes, I am documenting everything. Thanks for replying everyone I just really need to vent, I think we have a plan now so I will tell you all tomorrow! goodnight Smile

oncechoosetosmile's picture

what a cow.You must find a way to ignore her completely, let us know your plan!!