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You guys are a bad influence! Shame on you :) (sarcasm)

IAmALady77's picture

I read that article that someone (sorry don't remember who :() posted about fathers looking for unconditional love from their daughters and pitting them against their spouses, princess syndrome ectect and I got really scared. So I decided to have a heart to heart with SO about our future and how he had better not ever undermine me (even though he sometimes does) or put me on the same level as SD, ect ect...we are a TEAM blahblahblah, our RELATIONSHIP will always come first know, one of those talks.

And he just looks at me when I bring up the term emotional incest like I grew another head and says "where are you GETTING this from???"
So I said, well, I read all these horror stories and these poor ladies have to deal with so much...but rest assured that if SD (she is only 2 now) gets to be a teenager and wants to try to push me out of the picture, I WILL put her in her place. To which he said "she would never do that, she loves need to stop going on that forum those women are filling your head with crazies that will probably never happen"

So there ya have it, I am terrified of the future yet trying to nip it in the butt now and he thinks were all just a bunch of gossipmongers complaining about nothing...figures Smile

Im not going anywhere though, I kinda love you guys Smile


alwaysanxious's picture

That may have been me. I love the Hygo Schwyzer article on princess daughters and hero dads.

No need to go anywhere Smile Its good to get a head start.

bellflower's picture

My advise to those contemplating a relationship with a divorced dad... run the other direction!!!

IAmALady77's picture

I think if SD were older and I was going to be a "second wife" I would not have gotton involved...however he and BM were never married (barely dated at that) and SD is only Im hoping some preventative measures can be taken now Smile hoping being the key word

momagainfor4's picture

I knew my bf had a kid. I'd met her several times. I just didn't know the extent of the guilty dad syndrome. I tried to give the sd12 a chance. I mean we've been dating for almost 3 years. So..yeh, you'd think that's enough time to work something out.

I hope that you are able to build a good relationship with your sd2. It's very important to both of you. As long as your SO isn't undermining you, then you'll do great. And that was what you were trying to say to him. I get it.
I just hope he does and that he doesn't guilty daddy parent.
BC that sucks!!!

It almost makes me want to physically vomit when the guilty daddddddddddddddddy parenting starts.

I do have to give some credit.. my bf said last night that he thought it was good for sd12 to bring her friend bc it helps him to get a better handle on what she's should be behaving like. He's got no clue what kids act like or should do. So far that's why his sd12 acts like a maniac.
Good luck!!