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At my wits effing ridiculous

IAmALady77's picture

Could it be because he was coddled as a child? Could it be that other than him knocking up the "replacement" on accident and her ensuing craziness his life is pretty damn good??!!

I am sooooo sick of this...already, I know. It's only been 2 years-ish and things need to change NOW.

Here is how the past couple of days have gone.

Remember the dishes that sat in the sink and the no clean towels incident because I wasn't feeling well? Yup again. I have severe pms symptoms. As in my body is so effing achey and cramps and fatigue it's all I can do to drag myself out of bed. Now for the past FORVER, I get up in the morning and I bust ASS all day. I would clean, have coffee made before he even got up, take care of SD if she was here, clean some more, ALWAYS kept up on the laundry WHILE WORKING FULL TIME. Ok, well I quit my job (bartending) and I started working for a general transcription company at home.

I'm not complainging really, I get to work from home, I have plenty of time o keep up the house, take care of the puppy cook meals, ect....but that all goes out the window if I happen to not feel well.

So yesterday, I got up, I took care of shit like I always do, I went and took a nap.

Puppy is barking in her cage the ENTIRE time. I finally get up and let her outside. Where is SO? He is playing his fucking video games.

I go back to bed. Puppy starts barking again.

I finally get up and le her back in. I leave her out of the cage. I get up an hour later and there is SHIT in my KITCHEN...because SO is so fucking lazy that he can't take 2 seconds to let her out or pay attention to her.


Still not feeling well and its rainy and gross dark today so I decide to just stay in my pjs, get a couple of hours work done and chill out. Then I start to get pissed. Once again, BECAUSE I HAVENT DONE IT, the kitchen is trashed, SO has his friend over playing fucking video games, puppy is being ignored. THIS WAS ALL DAY. I timed it. 5 HOURS of him and his friend playing those stupid fucking games. Then at almost 8 PM his friend leaves and SO decides to "take a nap"

ok....he has to be to work at 8:45....and I am almost out of cigarettes (I know, filthy habit :/) So I ask him, will you please run and get me some cigs before you go to work?

mmhmmm sure.

I had also been asking him all day to fix the puppys lead because it keeps getting stuck shut....nope.

At 20 after 8 I tell him he needs to wake up he needs to go to work....nope.

FINALLY AT 8:42 PM I go in and say you have to be to work in 3 minutes wtf.

And he wants to lay there and give ME attitude.

mind you, we live 30 seconds away from the bar where we both uses to work now just him but still....he didn't fix the damn lead, no cigs for me....WTF? Is it THAT hard to just think

"hmmm, lady sure isn't feeling well today, it would be really awesome and probably get me laid if I took care of the dishes and went out and got her some smokes so she doesn't have to go to drop me off at work and hen come get me at 2am"....yeah right.

So he left with his damn attitude and Im siting here pissed off.

I texted him saying, thanks alot for being such a thoughtful dick, DONT wake me up when you get home."

And in case anyone is wondering, I finally caved in and did the damn dishes anymore, Ive been in my pjs all day, I smell, no make-up on=I look like something from the walking dead. NO WAY IN HELL I was going out in public to get my own damn smokes. Its the principal of it!

He just came back home after half an hour with cigs and a bag of whoppers....don't know whether to still be pissed or somewhat happy that he came back...with whoppers.


IAmALady77's picture

lol I started using a squirt bottle on our puppy and she likes it! She just laps it off her face and comes back for more lol...she also likes hot sauce so that on the no biting thing doesn't seem to be working :/

I should get SO his own special squirt bottle though, just quirt him right on the nose when hes stupid, maybe I'll start Sunday so if he doesn't take too kindly to it I can just yell April Fools! hahaha

But good for you and the room situation, I was following that and your SS needs a kick in the butt! Im glad you took away the toybox, and goodluck in the new house!

IAmALady77's picture

Well i took a shower (finally) and ate some whoppers...still not in a very happy mood though, so yeah, I'm counting your vote Smile