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confusing rant

GreenTeaTime's picture

So we finally had ss after 3 weeks, b/c he went on vacation with his BM. it was quite the emotionally draining weekend, and I just wanted to give up a few times. I always tell myself I'm not going to care so much, but I can't stick to that for long.
It started out with us picking up ss as usual Friday night, and driving an hour to our house. Well, ss starts crying as soon as he gets in the car, that he misses "mommy", and wants to giver her another kiss & hug, and is making quite the fuss , that he doesn't really want to come and would rather stay with his mom. Her live in Boy toy actually packed up and left when they were away on vacation... Guess he woke up and smelled the crap that was her after all lol. So anyways, apparently ss said to bm before he left, " o your staying here by your self??" and Dh said that she looked like she was about to cry. It's not that she wanted ss to stay, but she has a big problem with being along, and has always gone from guy to guy. BM would not answer the door, so we had to leave and listen to ss acting up for the next 30 minutes. " I wannnnt my mommmmmmy!!!!!" This is a very new thing, and in all the years dh has taken him EOW he has never cried for mommy when he picked him up, only when we take him back home.

The rest of the night ss was a snot to us, and I could tell he would rather really be home. Dh starts trying to placate him with candy & junk, and I flip out, because at 9pm a 4 year old should be sleeping, not eating cookies and what not. I thought we were over this crap, but Dh has had a lapse in memory on how to treat a 4 year old child, so more clashing of the horns ensues for the remainder of the evening. Of course, Dh apologizes by the end of the night, and makes up with me. I think that the 3 weeks away form ss he has forgotten how we have been parenting, and how far we have come with ss. Saturday got better, but there were a few moments where we knocked heads, and the whole time i just felt on edge , like my intentions were being scrutinized. Dh doesn't meant to hurt me, but he does forget that I am part of the equation at out house, and that he cant have it both ways, either I will become one of those step moms who disappears when ss is over, or I will stay around and help him , but he cant be mad at me for telling ss he cant have snacks in bed ( for example). So, Throughout the weekend, Dh spazes out randomly, at things that we have already establishes, and of course apologizes after he realizes what an ass hes being. I was looking forward to seeing ss,and actually missed him. there was a really cute moment when ss asked me to style his hair in the morning, and then later he asked me if it still was ok or if it was messed up Smile ss was totally back to normal with us by Saturday, and hardly acted up like usual, so that was nice for a change. Just Dh being an ass lol. So, befor we took ss home sunday, he started his usual " i want to live with youuuuuu" tantrum " i dont want to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We try explaining to him again, that its no tup to us and that it's mommys decision. So we take him home, and as aoon as he sees his mom, he cowers by the corner and starts saying that he wants to live with daddy, and doesnt want to live with her any more. She must be so proud of the child she has raised. she just stood there, and didi not say anything, while her son flipped out. she turns to us and said, just go guys, I'll handle it. So we leave, cus we need to anyways, and we can hear ss a parking lot away screaming " I want daddy! I want to live with daddy!!!" having a much worse fit then when we picked him up. I have no idea what to make of the child other then he is just really confused, and maybe tired of going back and forth. Does anyone have another take on his separation anxiety? he's almost 5, shouldt children be done with that faze? And esp since he never used to do that befor...


Sia's picture

I feel sorry for him! He's obviously confused and torn. Dh is probably feeling guilty about the divorce and is trying to make up for it by relaxing on SS. Is SS in counseling? If not, try to find a good child therapist, it sounds as though he could use it!

justbdais's picture

I think it is pretty normal for that behaviour of wanting one parent then switching and wanting the other parent. My nephew is 5 and he just started this when he visits my parents. He gets all sad and whiny that he wants his mom and dad but after they get him home he starts calming down. Then when my parents have to take him home he gets sad and says he doesn't want to go home and my sister tells us that about 20 minutes down the road he will throw a huge fit in the car and scream and cry, but then he calms down. I can say he doesn't get that upset when we get him but he still gets whiny. My advice would be not to give into it, because if he just started this and you let him throw his fit and try to 'bribe' him into submission like your H was doing with the candy it won't end. In fact your SS will learn that if he wants something all he has to do is cry for mommy and daddy will give him what he wants. So just keep doing what you are doing and make H listen. otherwise you will have a nightmare on your hands. Plus it is normal for a kid to miss his mom when he has been with her for a week then has to leave her. Once he realizes that it isn't bad at your house and gets over the inital scare of leaving behind his mom, he is ok. It is the same thing when you take him back. He is sad and scared about leaving daddy and I am sure he calms down when the intial scare wears off.

GreenTeaTime's picture

Sounds like he is acting normal for his age in this situation then. thats reassuring. we have been talking about getting ss in child therapy for a while , ever since BM started messing up his head telling him the boy friend was his dad. The same Boyfriend that just packed up and left her miserable ass when they went on vacation. bet she never expected that to backfire.

Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.-Erma Bombeck:

Sita Tara's picture


He will be very stand offish on the phone with me and act like I'm putting him out, like he doesn't care if I pick him up, drag his feet coming out to the car. But is all over his dad on the phone daily when here, and is calling him bugging him to pick him up on exH's day. I think he's just daddy's little guy deep down, and struggles with us being apart still. And we've been divorced since he was FIVE.

When he was younger it was worse because SM was home with the kids after school, since she worked at a school too at the time. I had to drop them off for the bus every morning, and pick them up there after I got off work every afternoon. I appreciated not having to pay for daycare anymore (no choice for me since they pulled out for their week soon after SM moved in since she was home anyway.) BUT it made for a terrible transition every DAY.

Sounds like your little guy is having some trouble transitioning. It may be that he's finally old enough to understand that not all parents are in different homes. It may be a phase he'll grow back out of. Sounds like BM handled it well, by just suggesting you guys go.

The less attention he receives from it, the quicker it hopefully will dissipate. It may have been worse because of the vacation and break from having to transition.

Hang in there!

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra