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desensitized ss?

GreenTeaTime's picture

So we drop ss off after a relatively nice visitation weekend, and he starts up his stuff about not wanting to live with BM, hanging on Dh, and basically throwing a separation anxiety tantrum. BM is just feeling sorry for herself these days since her friend moved out, so all she could do was complain that

" No one wants to live with me anymore waaaaaa" barf! and then she went on to tell us that SS tried to suffocate her the other night.
Apparently she lets him sleep in her bed now, ( o that wont be the least bit damaging) and she woke to find him covering her mouth with his hands. hahahahahah. Ok, so once Dh and I stopped laughing about it later, I was like, hey, she lets him watch horror movies, and play adult rated video games, so what to do you want? I'm so sick of this. If you don't allow your children to have some innocence and have a childhood free of mature worries and what not, you cant expect them to grow up to be exactly normal. As far as I know, the beast has been letting ss watch horror movies since he was born. craaaaazy woman... I just cant believe she thinks she is raising him to be "cool" and ignoring the facts of what happens to children who grow up like that, and how desensitized they get. I'm sure she will never let him live with us. So now I am now wondering if she is going to end up one of those parents who is killed in cold blood by her 10 year old son. I'm certainly not in favor of that, as much as I cant stand her, because then the monster she is creating will be with us 24/7. I'm all for therapy for ss, but according to bm nothing could ever be wrong with her precious angel.. haha.


Most Evil's picture

Was she snoring? If not she should knock the kid into next week for that! but like you said, he has no business sleeping with his mom at his age anyway, unless he was sick maybe?

De-sensitize makes sense as a natural result of exposing a child to these things, ie. the 'grand theft auto' murder in the news today. Scary! I wish you could take him away from that influence too!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

GreenTeaTime's picture

I don;t know if she snores, but Dh didn't say anything about that... I think if ss was trying to kill her some punishment is in order for sure, or therapy, but she doesn't know what parenting means. Her boyfriend was doing all the parenting, cus she was too busy getting drunk and passing out every night to do it. So now since the Boyfriend left, she lets SS sleep in her bed EVERY NIGHT.
I never thought I would say this, bud I wish we could take ss away from her, the poor kid doesn't deserve to be stuck with her crap.
After my parents got divorced when I was 4, my mother leaned on all of the older children like they were married to her, and then had a nervous break down so then we spent the rest of our child hoods pretty much making sure she was ok, and taking care of her & the house. Child services was called once for the bruises on us, ( cus she would loose it and get a heavy hand) but we lied about them,( for fear of poor ol mommy dearest being punished in jail or something) and my father never got custody like he should have. Our situation was pretty bad, but the courts still only awarded my father custody of my one brother. It's just sad to see that nothing has changed in the courts, 20+ years later.

Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.-Erma Bombeck:

Chel Bell's picture

From what I know....knew a friend who had this happen to him, if the athorities found out BM was having her son sleeping in the same bed with her, they would remove him from the home, and she would be charged with innaproprate contact with him. This guy I used to know, was going thru a divorce and moved out of the house and into a tiny apartment, his little kids they were 5, & 7 one boy one girl, stayed with him half of the time, and he let them sleep with him, the BM found out about it, and they were taken from him, and even though there was nothing "wrong" going on, he got charged........took him forever to straten it out, but he was told by a judge that it was illegal for a parent to have kids of that age sleeping with them as it is damaging, and innapropriate."~waiting on the world to change~"