Child Abuse?
Father's day was good, and of course My Dh had SS this weekend. All except for the whinning as usual, when he doesnt get his way, and the mouthing of anytime you ask ss to do anything. Well, we are int he middle of having a good time sunday afternoon, when ss starts his where are we going after this routine. He always starts in with the whining on sundays befor we take him home. sometimes it starts as soon as he gets up in the morning, or sometimes its after lunch, but you can count on it,thats for sure. The kid bever wants to go home, and I assume that is because untill recently he never got disciplined by DH , always got what he wanted, and doesnt have to go to daycare when he's with us.
SS always whines that he wants to stay with DH, and not go back to his moms house. Well, lately we have started explaining to him ( because he seems able to comprehend now) that has to live with mommy, and that DH can't do anything to change that right now. SS can't seem to believe that, since up until about the last year DH would give ss anything he wanted. the last two times we asked ss, why dont you want to live with mommy? and ss always says he just doesn;t like it there, and that he doesnt like going to school. This past weekend, he starts this routine in the middle of us all haveing a nice family time with extended family. we still have a few hours befor we take him home. DH asks him that question, qwhy don't you want to go home? YOu know your mom would miss you. SS says, mommy and daddy hit me. DH asks how often, and he sais every day. Well, this is concerning, and we try to question him more, but he doesnt have anything else to say bout it, Except that he means they are spanking him, not hitting him. Well, I think that he is probably just getting normal discipline, like he should be, esp considering the behavior he exhibits when he's with us. Also, there have never been any bruises on the child when we have had him, I can tell you for a fact. So, can any one tell me if a 4 year old would say something like this to get his way? I have seen the boy be very manipulative, and infact the daycare says he is like a little houdini, and really knows how to work people when he wants something. I think he probably heard someone say something like this somewheres and got ideas. DO children make faulse accusations or should we get Child services over there? I just think it's odd that he said nothing of it untill the end of his time with us, and knew he was going home. Why not say something earlier? Not to mention SS had spent quality alone time with his grand ma, who spoils him to death, and he didn't mention anything to grandma. Grandma is always the one ss talks to, not usually DH or I.
Please let me know if anyone has had an experience like this. I'm esp. concerned that this child is learning to lie very well, and will be quite the evil stepchild as he gets older.
- GreenTeaTime's blog
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Sounds to me like he
Sounds to me like he receives discipline at his mom's, which is never fun for a youngster, and that's why he wants to stay with dad, because dad is not much of a disciplinarian. Dad should find out from mom what kind of basic, household rules he has to follow with her and what the usual punishment is so that dad can follow suit with a similar behavior plan when dad has him. If he's being spanked as opposed to being beaten and you're not seeing any marks on him, then there's nothing that CPS is going to do. Someone also needs to talk to him about lying, because he's at the age where they first start learning how to do this and why to do this. He needs to understand that lying to achieve a desirable outcome (staying with daddy) can actually result in an undesirable outcome (having mommy be punished for his lie).
♥ Anne 8102, D/B/A Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)