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raped by so and ss

bestwife's picture

I have about 10 knives sticking out of my back right now.

SO took SS24 (the worthless druggie crotch dropping) to a hotel and checked him in with MY CREDIT CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am more livid than I could imagine. I feel raped.

ThatGirl's picture

Is your SO an authorized user of the card? If not, report it immediately. When you get a new card, do NOT let SO have it, as he obviously can't be trusted with it.

beyond pissed-off's picture

Call the hotel and tell them that your SO is not an authorized user and that any charges that they put on your card will be disputed with your credit card company. They know that you will prevail when you refuse to pay because they will not have your signature and they were informed by you that you did not authorize use of it.

This is total bullshit!!!!! I am angry FOR you!!!!

queen-B's picture

I work for a major card company. Call your bank first; report the unauthorized transaction immediately. You will not be charged for the room. Cancel the card and have them issue a new one, or you can ask that they freeze the card until you authorize its release for use (when the card is back in your hot little hand). If you have any issues with the bank, contact the card company (Amex, MasterCard, Visa, whichever card it is); there will be an 800 number on the back of the card for them as well. If you need any other help dealing with the banks/card company, pm me and I'll see if I can pull some cards out of my sleeve. That is disgusting that your SO did that to you!

Yeshwee72's picture

That is total crap! What were you supposed to do? Pay for his room until hes ready to leave! He should have used his own money for that!