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SS's "lost" credit card

Timetogiveup's picture

Already Stink (SS16) is using his newly confirmed Asperger’s to his advantage…it has to be stopped.

Dh got him a credit card with a $500.00 limit. SS was told he was NEVER to let his BM know about. He was with BM last week, I said to DH maybe you should take the credit card from him….he said no he is responsible.

Yesterday, we had uproar over his Lean Pockets. Part of his therapy is going to the store and buying them. He was out and started screaming that “SHE” made me run out of food and “SHE” didn’t buy me more food. He was throwing a fit. Then he threw in “SHE” knows I have Asperger’s and I need routines. I wanted to smack him. I was ignoring him.

DH stepped in and asked why he didn’t go to the store. SS fessed up that he lost his credit card at mom’s. He added he didn’t want to get DH mad so he didn’t tell him. Then SS said “ya know I have Asperger’s and I don’t know these social things.” I wanted to smack the kid again.

DH checked on line, there was $492 charged on the card dinner at Red Lobster (the kid didn’t go), 3 pizza deliveries, 4 $25.00 trips to Starbucks and a trip to the grocery store. DH asked SS what happened, he said BM saw the card in his wallet when he was showing her new school ID and took it. Then SS said he thought it would be alright that BM used it because she doesn’t have a lot of money to spend on him (she never sees the kid and still gets full support, she turned his house into the bank and is living in Section 8 housing, she also filed bankruptcy—all her bills are gone). DH said something about it and SS replied “I have Asperger’s you know I forget things.”

The kid has had this for a long time but the Eval created a monster. DH is just allowing SS to now use the “Asperger’s card”……..things got worse.

Jsmom's picture

Unreal....your husband deserves to have to pay the card. Although he could say it was stolen. Why are you paying CS for a kid that lives with you? Sounds like your DH just likes to give it away. As for the Asperger's excuse and if he really had it, he wouldn't be acting like this. I have three kids that I know that have it and they don't use any of it as an excuse. They are relatively good kids, they just don't interact well. But, to throw it back at you, that is ridiculous.

Sorry but this sounds like your DH needs to grow a pair with regards to BM and the kid.

Timetogiveup's picture

One of the reasons why DH is still paying CS is he feels that what he stil "owes" her is less than what a lawyer costs. I on the fence about that one....he was to pay until the kid gets out of HS...its 10K in CS payments. Last time we went to court it cost 12k. Then he is afraid that she is going to try to get CS from him until SS is ouit of college. I really just think he needs to grow a pair too.

Stink just had his official eval on Tueday, trust me, this kid has beem f'ing strange since the day I met him. So, this throwing it back in my face is really pissing me off. DH is still in denial and besides himself that his only offspring is damaged goods and the kid is just running with this because he has alway been a manipulative little bastard.

I have already had enough of this crap.

purpledaisies's picture

WHY in the world did he give that kid a CC??? Please, my son has this very same thing and it is NOT about that! Is more about SOCIAL things again where is that dang eye rolling smiley?? Dammit I want one!

Anyway I do NOT let my son use that as a get out of free jail card. It is used as you have this and now you have to work harder to be the person you need to be. He is just as responsible as all the other kids in the house just means you have to be more aware of things than everyone else does. Not saying this the way i want sorry.

Timetogiveup's picture

The reason why DH gave him a CC id because he is going to be soon. That is a joke, he was been practing for a year now and he still sucks at it. Last night the driving school told DH he wasn't ready to take the driver''s test. DH is all pissed he is already into to the school for $ he said he is going to DVM for the test. I doubt he is going to pass. But he was given the card to get gas, if he needs to be towed and for food. I was pissed DH did this....the kid loses EVERYTHING! BM stopped haveing house keys made for him because she had to change her locks a few times because he lost the keys. We won't give him a key to this house because of that. Since he had the CC...we have already had the cards replaced once because he lost it. Now this, but I knew this was going to happen.

I'm just beyond my breaking point.

purpledaisies's picture

Why did he give it to him now? I mean IF that is what the card is for he isn't driving yet anyway. Should wait till he has a car and his license and a JOB! My son knows he has to have a J-O-B for his gas and anything else he needs for his car. I don't think he should be given anything special just b/c he has Aspergers. I already told my son this. I told him the world will not make exceptions just b/c he has Aspergers. The sooner they get that the better.

oneoffour's picture

I hope and pray your incomes are not co-mingled.

I don't know what else to say. I wouldn't live with someone like this... and I mean your DH because THAT is where the problem lies.

With correct discipline Mr16 can control himself and learn tricks to function in the world. However it comes form his father allowing him to be a goof.

And you think he will go to college? He will lose his way on the first day. I mean, this is his MO isn't it?

caregiver1127's picture

I don't understand why your DH would give a kid with aspergers a $500.00 CC - that was just stupid - the kid obviously is screwed up so why would you give him half a grand to piss away or give to the BM to use even more of his money. If the kid can realize that he is not social what the hell does that have to do with letting his mother get his cc and running up all of the credit - you need to take $500 off of the next CS. As far as letting him drive I would not want to be on the same road as him - I am so sorry you have to go through all of this.

NewBeginning's picture

In a situation like this, I would hope DH would report the card stolen and identity theft should be put in play. His ex is NOT his family and sure never had permission to use someone else's credit. Her name was nowhere giving ability to use it..therefore theft took place.

And I don't give 2 shits what SS says about his mother not getting to buy him stuff...BS!! She STILL has no money to buy him anything..she used DH's money!

Oh my - this sounds sooooooooooo much like theBM in our case. She would slit her own children's throats if they came into money of some sort. She soooooooo would use a charge card my DH gave their son. Sounds like she needs a quick wake up call telling her she no longer has the power she thinks she has and DH has to be the one to prove that to her. I'd have her sorry ass arrested to show her he means business.

Might be a stupid thing to give the child in this case a card, but what's even more stupid is the BM feeling ENTITLED enough to feel free enough to use it. She needs put in her place in a surefire hurry.

I'd be pissed..DH is now gonna have to pay off bills from his ex. That alone is worth a hard smack to her face. What a bitch!