Shallow and Superficial
this topic, and me in this topic (at least I'm honest)
I found an AWESOME dress! I’m a size 12… and a bit busty so finding something that looked appropriate was not easy
I decided to command my husband and his credit card (we keep separate finances) and we went to a fancy department store, where I was waited on hand and foot…(please understand we are right up the middle, middle class people, I don’t do stuff like this, but I was feeling fat and crappy and didn’t know what to wear, felt left out at the bridal shower, and generally wasn’t very motivated to buy a dress for this wedding)
Anyway… the sales person was built a lot like me… so she knew exactly what I was looking for… I tried on about ten different dresses and then THE One
It’s navy blue lace overlay, sleeveless, “boat neck” , with ruching along the sides…
(I did not pay this much and I didn’t get it at Saks)
So, I took the dress to DSW shoe store and the next thing I knew I had three sales people oohing and aaaah-ing over the dress and helping me buy shoes
One of them told me that I was going to look “fierce” the other said “Kardashian hot” (???)
It was uplifting! I got a very nice pair of slightly darker than nude peep toe pumps that are kinda shimmery and have a corset type tie and bow in the back
My goal… to look sophisticated/sexy
Not slutty hot, sophisticated/sexy
I’m admitting that this all sounds very shallow and petty… but after the shower,(DH’s family treating the mother like Mother of the Year and barely acknowledging me or my family!) and mother’s day (I didn’t’ exist) I REALLY just needed this for myself
Now…with ‘big’ brown curly hair, what the heck am I going to do with this hair for this dress?
(suggestions, please)
Thanks you guys! I think
Thanks you guys!
I think an up-do also, I wear glasses. they're the thick black frames, and My bio-kid thinks that a tight up do would be too harsh with the glasses... she thinks something 'soft' with pieces hanging down (she's in teh wedding, and getting her hair done in the suite at the venue, otherwise I'd have her come to the salon with me and just tell the stylist what to do)
jewelry will really just be
jewelry will really just be the little diamond square studs in my ears and no necklace, I might put a cuff bracelet but with a boatneck and all that lace, I dont' think that I should wear much jewelry
I'm olive skinned, so I go for very neutral colors with makeup anyway
I'm thinking just stay with bronzer for cheeks and beige/brown shadows with a little shimmer and black lashes (mascara)
DD says I should "totally" do red lipstick... too much maintenance! LOL
Pink/mauvey color would be nice for lipstick
jewelry will really just be
jewelry will really just be the little diamond square studs in my ears and no necklace, I might put a cuff bracelet but with a boatneck and all that lace, I dont' think that I should wear much jewelry
I'm olive skinned, so I go for very neutral colors with makeup anyway
I'm thinking just stay with bronzer for cheeks and beige/brown shadows with a little shimmer and black lashes (mascara)
DD says I should "totally" do red lipstick... too much maintenance! LOL
Pink/mauvey color would be nice for lipstick
yes, up, soft, (not tight and
yes, up, soft, (not tight and harsh) with ringlets.
Love the dress and the shoes sound great!
Have you ever tried contacts before? The soft ones are sooo easy to wear.
I tried contacts once a while
I tried contacts once a while ago... but with the wedding a week and a day away... I don't think that I'd have enough time to try to get used to them now

(maybe... we'll see)
Beautiful dress !!! I am
Beautiful dress !!!
I am going to a skid event soon too, and I am dressing up !! Firstly, for me ( lost a ton of weight and feeling good, it's a treat to myself) secondly, DH rarely sees mr dressed up, so it'll be a treat for him, too !!
We deserve to spoil ourselves, especially when stepdoom is crappy !! Don't care if the skids or BM stare, DH and I will look fantastic, and I'm only going to support him. I'm currently thinking about hairstyles for the day, and I love the idea of a relaxed updo too !!!
Congrats on the weightloss
Congrats on the weightloss

I'm always struggling with my weight... so I'm happy that you feel better (let em' stare, they're just jealous cuz you look good!)
You're going to look
You're going to look fabulous! Congrats on the dress and good times .. I hope you have a fantastic time
an idea?
The dress is very lovely.
The dress is very lovely. Sexy but classy.
If you are still in the mood
If you are still in the mood to splurge a bit to feel great about yourself, schedule an appt at a nice hair salon, you can look through books and get ideas and ask a professional stylist what would look good with your hair?