Here's what happens with no parenting
Here's some ammunition to use with all of those bios who just believe in letting the skids have their way.
I am older. My skids are 24 and 34.
SS34 - took a gun to school at 6, it escalated from there to prison, etc. He is a gang member who most likely has been involved with killing people. Dregs of society. Think of those prison shows on tv with the most horrific people you can image. Mean son of a bitch. Sociopath with no concern for others.
SS24 - drugs, alcohol, not mean, kind of sweet, but pathetic.
These are not productive members of society. Is this how your bios want their children's lives to turn out?
I am convinced many bios just
I am convinced many bios just don't care, and are in denial. I work in a daycare and it is DISGUSTING and APPALLING how these children act. Their parents are general ignorant and blind and think their child doesn't understand and can do no wrong. It is very very sad.
Yep, denial. Here are some
Yep, denial. Here are some "gems" I've heard from GG (biodad I've lived with for over eight LOOOONNNNGG years):
"It doesn't matter how you parent; kids will turn out the way they turn out"
"There are bad kids from good homes"
"They're just kids" is my list: 1. is my list:
1. When SD and her friends just about destroy the house (I mean this literally)"She's just a little girl"
2. She has no respect for anyone or anything "That is just the way she is"(spoken in a proud jokingly manner)
3. She is lazy as hell "She must take after her mother" (when her mother doesn't even raise her or hardly see her and DH and MIL cater and serve her)
I honestly don't know about
I honestly don't know about the gun. I'll have to ask.
I was raised with lot of law enforcement relatives. From a young age I remember uncles coming home and putting their gun on top of the refrigerator. Yes I could have gotten a chair and retrieved it but I'd been trained from a very young age NEVER to touch a gun. It was sort of put on par with "don't stick your hand in a pot of boiling water."