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SD17 wants us to take her and her new husband on vacation!

Patsy's picture

Dh filed to stop child support this morning. He hands over a copy of SD17's marriage certificate. I get a text at 9:30 that BM knows about it and goes on to slander DH for trying to stop it. Gotta love small towns! She is adiment that it won't. Whatever Lady - your daughter is preganant and you took her to another state to get married not thinking we would find out. IDIOT! SD and DH have not spoke since the day after Christmas. SD didn't tell Dh she got married or that she is pregnant. Now that the cat is out of the bag and she knows her dad knows what is going on and that support will most likely stop she has the nerve to ask if she can go on vacation this spring break and bring her husband too! :jawdrop: Oh wait the real shocker DH texts me that it might be a good idea to get to know her husband!!!! He must be forgetting who he is married to! A simple HELL NO! was my reply! I am going to be all over him about this when I get home!


amber3902's picture

Oh no, Patsy! Tell your DH that the way to get to know SD's husband is to invite SD and hubby over for dinner.

You don't want to take them with you on vacation, things may go south, and you'll have to cut your vacation short or suffer through the rest of the vacation with them.

You want an easy "exit" if things don't go well. Wink

Patsy's picture

I am beyond pissed. I feel that angry black out coming on when I have no idea what I have said so I am practicing below. SHE WILL NOT BE ON MY VACATION!

Patsy's picture

That is where they can vacation together - hell! Oh I don't really mean that, but I sware if he really thinks I will cave in on this he is not the man I thought I married and he sure as $hit doesn't know the woman HE married!

Patsy's picture

Oh yes now she is blaming it all on the BM. BM didn't want her to tell him. BM has brainwashed her. BM only wants money.... That may all be true, but how easily SD was able to overcome the "brainwashing". What it has been a week since she moved out from BM. Who knows for sure. You can't believe a word either one of them say..

Patsy's picture

I can hear him now - they will pay for their share and everything will be fine. I can take him fishing while you have time with SD! I sware if he says this it is going to be war and there are going to be so many nasty things come out of my mouth-

Oh she wants to bring her new husband - Well maybe I will have a new one by then do you think he can come too?

Oh she wants to spend time with me - Really then have her come on Thursday nights that is when I shampoo carpets.

They will pay for their share - Can their share include paying for a condo at lest 50 miles down the coast for them to stay in.

It will be fun - Your daughter and the word fun have not crossed my lips or yours in over 3 years now!

DD will like having her around - DD likes pickels too. I will pick her up a jar!

Patsy's picture

Just for him to ask me NO I do not feel like he told her No. I am thinking it was more of a I will think about it. When he says that SD knows he means I will aks Patsy.

Patsy's picture

HA HA I think the mention of camping on the way there would totally throw SD off, but I have a feeling this new husband really wants to get to know my DH better. He always asked SD why she didn't go there more. He practically beams when he saw my DH in the past.

Anon2009's picture

I get, in a way, why your DH thinks the way he does, but it'd be better to invite SD and her DH over for dinner first.

Do SD and BM know that you know that SD is married and pregnant?

Patsy's picture

Yeah I get it too. He has been trying for years to have a relationship with SD. BM found out when DH took the papers down to the courthouse. She has an aunt who works there. I don't think 20 minutes passed from the time he was there to the time she contacted him. My problem is my SD knows she is always welcomed in our home. If she was really concerned about a relationship, she would have moved brought him over. She is just trying to get a vacation. DH is just hoping for a relationship with her.

Patsy's picture

Oh it doesn't matter they are all inbreaders in that office. I'm just glad to be done with it. That county is as backwoods as it comes.

hereiam's picture

First of all, just no.

Second of all, the time to get to know someone is not on a vacation, that's what dinner is for.

Third, does the young couple have the money to pay for said vacation? No? I thought not.

Fourth, the girl does not even tell her dad that she is pregnant or that she's married but now she wants him to take her and her husband on vacation? Seriously laughable. And that's just what my DH would do, laugh. I can't believe yours is even entertaining the idea.

After my SD tried to keep her marriage a secret, we didn't even get them a wedding gift.

Patsy's picture

I find it hard to believe he is too. I have not heard anything since the HELL NO reply and if he knows what is good for him I won't hear anything more about it.

SituationalTourettes's picture

"Fourth, the girl does not even tell her dad that she is pregnant or that she's married but now she wants him to take her and her husband on vacation? Seriously laughable. And that's just what my DH would do, laugh. I can't believe yours is even entertaining the idea."


Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Seriously mouth drop :jawdrop: WTF. You need to stick with your word of "Hell NO" Unreal how BM is acting, the fact that she hid her marriage and her pregnancy from her Dad and then he is ok and wanting her to go on this trip to get to know her new husband?! He needs a reality check of how much she and her BM has gone behind his back. Maybe she should have introduced her new husband before they got married and came clean on the pregnancy and the marriage. I bet she was in on it with BM to not let him know so he would keep paying support and I bet some of that support was to go to a trip for her and her new hubby and now that its gone, they want Daddy to pay for a trip for them.

I am so sorry you are going through this Patsy, I havent been on for a little while and today I thought I would check in with step talk and I read this. Stick to your guns on this one.

Patsy's picture

I bet they were in this together. It is all about money. I am pissed that the boy didn't have eough decency to contact my DH. He has eaten dinner at my table and he just thinks there is no need to tell DH they were married! I hope he wasn't in on it, but then again more money. Yeah he is in on it too.

Patsy's picture

Vacationing with my INLAWS - yeah I was stupid enough to try that once. Never again and oh how he told me it would be fun. I will shove that in his face if he pushes the issue. That vacation was so terrible he didn't speak to his own parents for months after that. I know I should be calm and tell him how much it would hurt their relationship if the vacation didn't go well, but really I don't think I can manage that. I am pretty sure I am just going to explode!

Patsy's picture

I have had some explosions in the past. Why oh why does he push it!?!?! I am tired of being his damn counselor! He doesn't give me enough back for all I put up with.

Patsy's picture

I think so too. HE had better drop it from the text I sent him. He is in enough hot water with me just for mentioning it might be a good idea. I will come unglued if he pushes it.

Patsy's picture

Well we did that once we didn't ask so much as it was his parent's idea. We paid for most everything. It was a jesture to pay his family back for all the vacations they gave him. It did not go well at all!'s picture

Annnnnd it starts...Sorry Patsy. I was wondering when guilty daddy would come out but I never thought he would consider vacation!!! WTF. I would not be able to remain calm about this, and BS they would pay for their own way. FDH and I RARELY get to vacation you can for damn sure believe SD's would NOT be joining us. She can't come for a visit but she can invite herself along on you vacation? I'm having a heart attack for you. I'm sorry. NO WAY IN HELL. EVER.

Threaten to cancel the vacation and DO NOT GO if Dh doesn't back down. Unbelievable. This is totally something my FDH would do this is way I'm so mad for you. LOL

It's really kind of sad, we really don't have the $ for vacation right now anyway after paying for the reversal but this is the exact reason I haven't taken DD9 on vacation, vacation isn't a huge priority we have other things to pay for but my real reason is that FDH would "have" to invite SD16 and there's no doubt in my mind she would ruin the vacation- it would be a waste of $ and I would be livid and resentful. And no I would never "give it a chance" it would NEVER work and I'm not that foolish to believe it would or waste the $. It just sucks

Patsy's picture

I won't threaten to cancel it. The spring break vacation is all on me. It is a benefit I have with my work. I call the shots for this one. There is no way he can go without me. I know my blood pressure is rising. I am shaking I am so mad.'s picture

Ohhhhhhhh, thats a little different! Well thats the best situation then! Ball is in your court. Good Luck Smile

Patsy's picture

Time to meet up with DH. I will let everyone know how it goes. Thanks for all the support!

Jsmom's picture

Just went on vacation with SD and it was miserable. DH begged so I gave it a shot... huge mistake. Hold your ground, I wish to hell I did. We are still dealing with that aftermath of the brat.

Patsy's picture

He didn't say a word about it all night. He decided to play the passive aggressive card. He chose to be moody and snappy like I am the one causing him anguish. All I know is she is not going on the vacation with us. I will not mother him on this one. He is completeley insane if he thinks I will cave on this one.

Patsy's picture

I wanted to yell at him so badly, but I was so upset I do not think I could have "filtered" my words to him. I hate the passive agressive stuff, but for now I will play along....