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omgsaveme's picture

I am not able to post for some reason so I am going to post in my comments.


omgsaveme's picture

Am I being childish ? ?

So DH has always been adamant that he doesn't go to baby showers, when I was pregnant with our bio he refused to go to the baby shower saying men don't go to those things, he refused to go to a family members baby shower. I wasn't really upset that he didn't go to mine, but whats bugging me now is the other day he tells me SDs baby shower is coming up. Her and I do not get along, i can't stand her and vice versa. So I asked if he was going, to which he says yes, "we are going" I said Im not going because we don't have money for a present and its tacky, so he says then he's not going either. Today he goes on to say that "SD keeps asking him to go so he's going to go" then goes on about how MIL wants me to go, but that he knows that I wouldn't feel comfortable.

So I can't help but feel Im being silly on one end but on the other end Im kinda peeved that why, all of a sudden when its SDs baby shower do you change your mind and decide that NOW all of a sudden, you go to baby showers.

Theres a tad more to this story but am I silly for being upset ? I haven't said anything to him and Im not going to, I did mention to him the other day that "I thought you don't do baby showers" DH says "well you know me I always change my mind" It just irks me

Hislastwife's picture

Nah! Id be upset if it were me! Im not sure if its a thing from 'where I live- but where I live the only Man who stops by for just awhile is the Dad-to-be !! Not the 'Grandpa' to be. Seems silly to me that he 'all of a sudden' is now going to said showers based on his past perspective of them!!

Id be more ticked that he didnt come to Your Baby Shower! But thats me. It just seems silly to me that all of a sudden (cause SD said "jump") hes more then willing to go to your SD's Shower. But then again, atleast you Dont have to go along!! Yay!! Lol

simifan's picture

Ditto. He couldn't attend one for his own child, but will go to SDs...I'd sure be upset. I'd be changing my mind about all those things and more.

omgsaveme's picture

I ask cause we went through a rough patch where I was ready to leave every week lol, if you look at my other posts. So Ive since tried to not sweat the small stuff and keep comments to myself. When I see him like this though, it makes him look pathetic to me, like a frail sissy tit. He made a ton of excuses like oh I tried to get out of it, and I understand its his DDs baby shower but you can flip the script for whatever situation suits you at the time. I just can't stand it, among other things this past week, Id rather have him out of my hair anyways but Im frustrated.

omgsaveme's picture

Thats what Im saying, it didn't really upset me when he didn't go to mine, even though he had gone to SDs first childs baby shower, but now its just like you said, Oh here he goes running to her shower. He started acting all pissy before he left but I don't feel like hanging with BM, I don't feel like hanging out with her skanky friends, one of which was hard up for DH before and tried hitting on him when we first started dating, and I get the feeling today that he wanted to go alone for some reason. Usually he will throw a hissy fit if I didn't want to attend something of SDipshits, but today he's like no big deal. Which also makes me go hmmm.

He asked me 100 times "are you ok" and like I said Im not saying crap because I already know his responses "so you're telling me you're mad cause I go to my DD's baby shower" ?? Its also seems like he was trying to start a fight. I don't have time for this bullshit and worrying about him. I have kids to take care of and businesses to run, while this dummy just sits there with his thumb up his ass.

Im sitting here arguing with myself lol, don't be mad its not a big huge deal and the other side saying it is. SDipshit always has something up her sleeve, any other time she wouldn't care but now she's pushing him to go ?

z3girl's picture

If this is SD's second baby, why is there a baby shower to begin with??? I thinks it's greedy to have a baby shower for a second baby unless the kids are far apart enough in age to not have baby items anymore.

Enjoy your time with him gone. Hopefully he won't start a fight when he gets home. Sad

Sounds like he's up to no good.

omgsaveme's picture

Oh its on when he gets home…its on with silence lol and yes I second that. It seemed like he was trying a little too hard to stir some shit up before he left and he wants to go there and get his ego stroked by skankolas that are there Im sure. Right now I feel like punching him in his face, fuckin loser.

furkidsforme's picture

I've been to lots of baby showers for both family and friends and NEVER... and I mean NEVER has a man been there who wasn't a gay male friend of the Mom.

No dads to be, no grampa's to be, no other men. Ever.

And PS no one has a "second" baby shower. Sheer TACKY right there.

omgsaveme's picture

Yep and it seems the new cool thing to do is have co baby showers, his cousin had one recently where men and women were there . I know he's there because my MIL is there and she is big mouth about everything and its the fact that he went and WHAT he is doing while he's there.

And yes SDipshit is tacky in EVERYTHING she does. Not to forget BM who hasn't been with DH in 20 years and has to still act like she's part of the family. Sometimes I miss the old times when it was just me and my bios and didn't have any bullshit but my own to worry about.