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omgsaveme's picture

My DH is one of the toughest men I know except for when he gets sick, I posted about when he had the flu a few weeks ago, he was on his death bed… would have thought. The other day he gets a stuffy nose and all of a sudden a stuffy nose means……he's sick again…..not the cold weather, allergies, sinuses, he has a cold. So pretty much the last few nights I have not gotten much sleep cause he's miserable and when he's miserable he has to wake everyone else up. Then tonight he freakin sneezed and hurt his stomach.

Ive had that happen to me numerous times, especially when I was pregnant, it hurts like a Son of a bitch for a bit then goes away. This flipping Ahole made this big huge ordeal over it, like someone just stabbed him, so then he coughs and it hurts him even worse. I and my son could not help but let out a giggle, he got pissed and goes upstairs.

After a bit I go to check on him and just started cracking up at how much he was over reacting and started yelling me telling me to get out of our room and I have no compassion. So then to my pure shock, I told him I wasn't laughing cause he's in pain Im laughing at the situation and when he had the flu I wasn't laughing, his comment was " you weren't overly attentive then either"

When he had the flu he stayed in bed for 5 days. I took care of all 4 kids by myself and went up every four hours to give him his medicine, made him several cups of tea every day, got his pills for him, wet his washcloths over and over, ran to the store several times to get him gatorade and his drinks he likes, brought him his food, took his plates, rubbed his back, checked on him several times throughout the day every day and he has the nerve to say that ????

So with that and other comments he makes I told him that he is one of those people where NOTHING is ever good enough, you always could have done more. The man does a lot for this family I give him that credit but as I told him, you are never fulfilled, you are one of those people that always wonders "what if", never totally happy in your present situation.

I wear my hair straight he says why don't you wear it curly, if I wear it curly, its you never wear your hair straight, he wants me to wear a certain style I wear that style, why don't you wear this style, I don't work out its you should start working out, I work out its you don't need to really work out. ALL. THE.FUCKING.TIME The whole relationship he always said he hated make up and would bitch every time I wore it, I haven't put on makeup in a while and he says to me the other day "you used to always wear makeup" Me: you hate makeup DH: hmm maybe switch it up.

Im just annoyed and venting, sometimes I think I do best on my own, he is a great man for the most part but this crap is just ridiculous sometimes.


z3girl's picture

That's what girlfriends are for! Wink

So sorry he's acting that way. He does sound similar to my husband. The "never being satisfied with what he has" feels way too familiar.

Vent away!

omgsaveme's picture

LOL yes !!!! Girlfriends are awesome, I am just staying away right now, he can sit upstairs and text his family like always and complain complain complain. He's a fucking saint, a god, and all should kiss the ground he walks on. He can kiss my ass, walk out and leave, i don't give a crap really.

omgsaveme's picture

yes please, I will pack his shit up for him. Im so over it, I think he just likes to complain and Im tired of it. Whenever he's home, he sits around the house like someone shot his dog. He's one of those people who always has to move (when he's not sick) so today I took out his jacket and tried to get him to leave to go do something but he didn't want to. Its annoying when he's home, I told him to leave in the morning tomorrow and go do something.

The only thing thats annoying about him being self employed, is that he gets a lot of free time cause his employees do all the work, and now his cold (stuffy nose) and new disorder of SneezAbdominitus (muscle pain with a sneeze very common) will prevent him from leaving the house.

omgsaveme's picture

Oh ya I did and its always the SAME shit, things that are cut and dry he's usually good at correcting, right away. However if its something like tonight, where I told him, he's never fulfilled and I asked him, when is the last time you've said how much you appreciate me, his GO TO response ALWAYS is " oh so I don't ever tell you I appreciate you" or "when do you show me" blah blah blah.

So now it will go as usual when we fight, he gets to go and do whatever he wants while we are fighting and I am always the one for the past year who approaches him first, so we aren't fighting anymore. Im not saying a flipping word, I'm over it.

omgsaveme's picture

LOL dozy then the world would have stopped right then and there cause HE is hurt and I Am NOT running to his aid. I know men can be dramatic but come on, he came downstairs all stiff and said he can barely even move, so when i tried to touch his stomach and that was a big ordeal. Screw him