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Does anyone else ?

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Does anyone else dry up seeing their DH up their SD's ass? We got a surprise visit from SD today as soon as we returned home, my DH barely even got the car into park before he went running out the door over to her and acted as if they were the only two in the world. Meanwhile I got my BD, diaper bag, purse, and everything else myself. Not a huge deal to carry everything myself, just that combined with spineless running over as if she were on fire, total turn off. We just saw her last week, and they text pretty much every day as of late.

Never had a problem with BM but……Over reacting ?

omgsaveme's picture

So I wanted to run this by you guys cause its something small but it rubbed me the wrong way.

So SD had her baby and as much as I can't stand her I put my feelings aside and went with DH to congratulate her. BM was there, and BM has never really been a mother to SD, having my MIL raise her when she was younger, never really liked to do anything for her, etc etc. So we go up there with a good amount of gifts, flowers and all the regular baby stuff. She apparently had nothing, and make this huge production repeatedly asking SD if she wanted anything when she came back.

Ladies…….Opinions please

omgsaveme's picture

My DH likes to play silent treatment and will only say whats necessary and plays this stupid game that I have to come to him first, when we fight. For the past year or so Ive been the one to always go to him first, when we argue and I bring up, us discussing our issues, getting it out of the way, and getting over it. The way I see it, its a waste of energy to go days fighting when we could simply fix it, and move on.


omgsaveme's picture

My DH is one of the toughest men I know except for when he gets sick, I posted about when he had the flu a few weeks ago, he was on his death bed… would have thought. The other day he gets a stuffy nose and all of a sudden a stuffy nose means……he's sick again…..not the cold weather, allergies, sinuses, he has a cold. So pretty much the last few nights I have not gotten much sleep cause he's miserable and when he's miserable he has to wake everyone else up. Then tonight he freakin sneezed and hurt his stomach.


omgsaveme's picture

Had the perfect Christmas, great time with the kids, then just when I think Im going to have a great rest of the night, DH just announced SDipshit is coming over with her "BF", at least he asked me if it was OK, but Ugh !!!!! Whyyyyyyyy I can't stand her