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On the topic of Maury...and of being "trapped"...

Anon2009's picture

You'd think that shows like Maury's would encourage men to think with their big brains instead of their little ones.

You'd think that shows like Maury's would encourage men to "wrap it up," at the very least.

You'd think that show's like Maury's would encourage men (and women) to really get to know someone, at least, before getting into bed/the back of a vehicle/on the sofa/wherever with them.

Shows like Maury's really contribute to my having very little to no sympathy for men who sing the "she tried to trap me" tune, or for women who f*ck guys who they KNOW have no intention of settling down and being committed to them.


misSTEP's picture

If he did this.....and guys would actually LISTEN.....he would put himself out of a show.

smdh's picture

First, men don't watch Maury.

Second, you're assuming that people are logical, rational human beings who take personal responsibility seriously and have no agenda. These people don't 'learn' because they don't care. Getting laid and feeling macho trumps being smart. And these women think that having a child will get them to commit. Why? When history repeats itself over and over you'd think they'd get a clue. But they don't because they're like gamblers who are in way over their head and think they're going to "hit the big time" on the next bet.

jeff394's picture

My SS15 was never given the talk about sex or relationships by his mother or father. You might as well drop him off at the porn shop right now.