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SD28 to visit

Elea's picture

I am in need of Stalkers sage advice.

Here's the setup. (And yes, a visit from SD28 always involves sneaky traps.)

Snooty, demanding, sneaky & mean SD28 is coming for a visit. She will be staying with us for a few days but she will be in our area, staying with friends for a more extended amount of time. Thank-the-heavens that she will be staying elsewhere for part of her time here. It took awhile but recognition that the red carpet is no longer being rolled out has dawned upon her. I used to cook for SD's when they were kids because you literally have to feed them no matter how horrible they are. I also keep a tidy house. Welp, I haven't cleaned guest room since last summer when YSD spent an extended 4 week stay here and then SD spent 2 weeks there. Do either of them bother cleaning? Of course not. I consider tidying before and after their stays to be DH's problem and apparently it's not important to him either. They don't seem to enjoy staying in their own squalor as much as when I used to keep things cleaned up. I will clean up (and disinfect) if we have other guests staying but recently we have had no guests other than SD's.

I expect DH will be at her beck and call for what she refers to as "quality time" aka excluding me, attempting to cause a rift in our relationship & trying to create drama to split us as a couple. It is like having a pesky fly around but not any real threat as she will go off and live her own life soon enough. During her visit I will enjoy a break from her AND DH.

DH is picking her up at the airport. I will refrain from joining in the pick-up. (Unlike when I was a kid and always warmly greeted my SM, as she did I, when my SM and Dad would pick me up at the airport.)

Here is where I need your help. Back in the good 'Ol days SD would storm into the house without bothering to say "hello" or "goodbye" to me. Now that Dh has mandated basic civility she will greet me in some shape and form.

I need suggestions for how to greet her and then gracefully bow out. I have no desire to chit chat but I also don't want to be discourteous. In the past I have said something like, "Hi SD, how are things going?" She doesn't give much of an answer but will then move on to an abrasive, pushy demeanor and ask me somewhat personal questions about my life that I have no desire to discuss with her now or ever. She is socially awkward so it's not entirely her feral upbringing or sneaky personality at play but also simple ineptitude.

How do I greet SD when she arrives?  How do I get in & then get out?!? Ideas, Suggestions, Thoughts & Prayers appreciated



Felicity0224's picture

"Hi, I hope you had a pleasant flight? You did? That's great. Well, I have <insert places to be or things to do> that I need to get to, so I'll see you later."

Elea's picture

I like this. Simple and sweet but I will have to get to the  "I have things to do" part quickly or she will ask me stupid personal questions. Last time she wasn't even facing me when she talked to me. She was cooking for herself in MY kitchen and had her back turned to me as if she is the queen bee. I walked away after giving her a brief reply and went out to my garden but I think she didn't even notice and kept talking to me. Lol DH got upset because he felt I wasn't engaging with her "trying" enough or some such nonsense.


Rags's picture

Greeting: Hello. (Nothing more)

Response: Sorry, I have things to do. You will have to ask your dad. (Nothing more)

If she asks about anything personal:  I'm not comfortable sharing personal information with anyone who does not invest in sharing theirs. (Nothing more. Stay on message.)

If it requires distance, leave. Go to a theater/restaurant that serves you while you are watching a movie. They have multi feature options so you can catch up on your movies while having a drink or several and some indulgent food.  Under communicating is far better than over communicating.  Tolerate no bullshit, grey rock both SD and DH if they overstep. After you rip them both a new asshole.

Good luck.

JRI's picture

I think your greeting or the others suggested are fine.  Do you have a hobby you could be doing when she arrives?  How about scheduling any long delayed appointments like dental, pedicure, anything that takes you out of the house.  Just stay polite and civil and noncommittal.  You can do it!

Side note:  I don't like to be around SD63, either.  I prefer to be gone when she comes.  Since I started going to Silver Sneakers regularly at 11;30, I notice thats when she prefers to arrive.  She doesn't want to see me, either.  Perfect for both of us.  Lol.


Elea's picture

I do need to take the dog to the vet but in the time-frame since I posted this blog I think I am coming down with the flu. *bad* I have a fever and just spent the afternoon in bed. It seems that the universe is helping me out. *biggrin*

AlmostGone834's picture

SD: Hello Elea

Elea: Right back at ya!

Rumplestiltskin's picture

This is the one who told you guys she wanted alone time with Daddy then invited her friend and her friend's parents, right? Yeah, screw her. You can greet her like Felicity said or not at all, either would be appropriate. The fact you are still letting her stay in your house is big of you. 

As far as the red carpet, i don't even clean my college kids' rooms before and after visits. I didn't clean their rooms for them when they lived at home past elementary school, so why start now? Maybe when they are totally on their own, but...meh. 

Elea's picture

The very same one. She is quite the pill. DH is allowing it. If it were just up to me I would not. 

I didn't clean my kids rooms either. They have been taught to clean for themselves. 

I cleaned after SD's because as teens they would spend the weekend with us and then I would be left looking at their messes for 5 days until they came back for the next weekend. I am a neat freak and hate clutter and dirty spaces. They were supposed to be here every other weekend but revered BM who to this day they uphold as "always there for us" could never be bothered with her own children on a weekend. I used to throw their messes into their rooms, close door and clean their bathroom. 

MorningMia's picture

I love the idea of making appointments for yourself, preferably pampering appointments. Can you not be home when she arrives? Then you have to go shopping. Also, have friends and family call you. And there is something you need to deal with on your computer. . . in the other room.  For a long time. Lastly, "Sorry, I need to go give myself a root canal." 

Elea's picture

I will be in bed when she arrives since her flight arrives late but she is staying for several days so I will have to see her and make small talk at some point. 

Elea's picture

For real so it seems that the universe saw fit for me to be much too sick and tired to entertain. My bio son was sick last week. I babied him quite a bit, chicken soup and all that, so I probably caught it. He is the sweetest, hardest working son a Mom could ask for and he deserved a little extra care. I would hate for my germs to pass to SD? 

Harry's picture

Hope you had a good flight.   Hold on a minute think the good fish is sick. Got to goggles it.  Then leave