Las Tres Diablaszilla Harpies are at it again with the manufactured drama
BM lives in another state from us. BM currently has SD25 living with her and SD27 is there for a visit. Keep in mind that all 3 of these characters are college graduates. (On DH's dime)
OSD called to tell DH that all 3 of them are fighting. BM and YSD are HITTING each other and YSD is hitting OSD! BM, being the big, lying, manipulator POS that she is claims that her hand just "flies up and accidentally hit" YSD. Lol
BM and OSD are trying to get DH involved in problem solving the situation. Lol Again, they are in a different state and this is happening AT BM's House.
I just can't.
I told DH to stay out of it!
- Elea's blog
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Yawn, call the police like
Yawn, call the police like the grown up you're supposed to be.
This, of course, was addressed whichever of the diablas happened to be whining at the time.
My SO's daughters tried this.
My SO's daughters tried this. The 27-year-old wanted him to call from our state to report BM for abuse in another state, for hitting SD24 during an altercation. I said there is no child here. This is a domestic disturbance AKA catfight.
You are right. It is a cat fight. OSD wants YSD to go to therapy. Fine. F***ing Go then. Not DH's problem. DH is worried tho because OSD is framing this as YSD having a mental health crisis.
I don't know when violence became convoluted with mental health but I think it is all so stupid and insane.
I told DH that the three of them are just unhappy and they want DH to be unhappy too.
"We want Daddee's attention, care, support, time, interest, understanding, etc etc etc. We are so interesting and important to Daddeee". Yawn.
Sounds just like my kids.
Sounds just like my kids. Hitting each other, tattling to a parent.... Oh, but mine are toddlers. I'm hoping mine will have grown out of it by the time they make it to their 20's
When my kids were small and
When my kids were small and hit each other I let them know in no uncertain terms that hitting is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Did DH or BM tell them to stop it? No, of course not. And BM is the biggest offender of all. She hits and throws stuff, such as plates, at people! What a psycho.
I think I would look at this
I think I would look at this like a spectator sport at this point. Take a passive "Thats nice. Good luck." position and make the Harpy/Diablas show a regular viewing event when they restart thair cat fighting.
These three "women" are ostensibly adults. At least they are supposed to be.
Let them climb into the octagon and go MMA on each other any time they get together. That is on them.
Take a not our problem position. Even daddy needs to leave them to their harpy bullshit and stand down in getting sucked into their coven of succubus activities. Let them feed on each other.
Deleted duplicate.
Deleted duplicate.
I am trying to remain passive
Rather than let my blood boil. It's annoying because DH wants his wittle Diablas to be ok. I have to be passive about his choices too and that is the hardest part.
Re.ind him that they are
Re.ind him that they are adults and there's nothing he can do about their antics ... other than call the cops on them for disturbance of the peace (unless one of the neighbours has already done so).
I was just going to suggest
Pay per view
I am laughing,
I am laughing,
We used to have a similar
We used to have a similar situation in that SD29 used to hit SD27. On one occasion, late at night, DH got in from work, and left immediately - hardly told me where he was going - which was to fetch SD29 and bring her to our house because she'd hit her sister and SD27 and NPD BM wanted her out of the house. I gave SD29 hell when she got to our home, and later told DH that he shouldn't have given her sanctuary at ours because it was rewarding bad behaviour. Thankfully it wouldn't arise nowadays because I am estranged from SD29.
You did right to tell DH not to get involved - unfortunately in the incident I related, I wasn't given the choice.