About ready to divorce this man
On Friday, DH, SD13 and I went to get a tree. We got home, DH brought all the totes of Christmas decorations up from the basement, I got out the lights and said I planned to put up lights outside first since it was a rare nice day (but about to get dark). Meanwhile, the dishes in the dishwasher are clean and need to be put away, and dirty dishes are piling up in the sink- this is skids chore. DH and I have gone rounds about this. He just will almost never make them do them. And HE doesn't do them, which means if no one else does them, I'M the one doing them. And I'm not a maid, so we're back to skids doing them. After many fights, I told DH we should just make the wknd dishes automatic like all of their other chores- when they see the dishwasher full/clean and dirty dishes piling up, they just do them without being told. So we told them they need to do them without being told. Of course that doesn't happen, and I always have to point out to DH that the dishes are piling up (as if it's not obvious) and he needs to tell them to do them. This started on Wed. I gently said to DH Friday morning that the dishes needed to be done. On Friday at 5:30pm, no one had done the dishes, and SS had left for work.
As I'm struggling with the lights, frustrated and waiting for DH to help, SD comes down and asks DH to play a game, and he does. They get done and she goes back up to her room, DH comes in by me and tests lights for maybe 15 mins, then goes and sits on the couch and tik toks and turns the TV on. At this point I'm pissed. He still didn't have her do the dishes even though she's literally doing nothing, and now he can't help me either? I walk in and say, I thought you were going to help with lights? He said I seem crabby and he's not going to help a crabby person with lights. He's right, I was crabby, because there was only a short amount of daylight left when it's not freezing out yet and he's playing games with SD and not making her do her chore rather than helping me. So I basically said that. He does his usual- threatens me with anger. Keep it up and you're really going to piss me off. I said, I'm already there DH! Then he starts yelling about how dare I get upset that he played a game with SD, and I should be the one to do the dishes since I make them all, skids barely make any since they are only there 2 weeks a month. And told me how I don't do anything anyway, I sit around all day (I work from home) and work maybe 2hrs a day, so I should be the one doing things around the house. And from now on, we all do our own dishes (which is literally impossible since we have a dishwasher). Also, everyone walks on eggshells because of me, because if things don't get done exactly when I want them to then I'm upset. And somehow in there he said I always play the victim, and started mocking me and saying "poor me, I'm always the victim, poor me". I told him I'm not the f*cking maid, I will not be doing everything around the house for everyone just because I work from home, and skids are perfectly capable of doing their chores, just as he is perfectly capable of helping. I said, what do you do around the house DH? (the answer is nothing, unless I specifically ask him to do something). He paused and said "What needs to be done". *lol* That's code for "I can't think of anything right now". I told him it wasn't about him playing a game with SD- it was them playing a game, then her going up to her room and him not making her do her chore, then him not helping me. But of course he thinks the worst and I am the evil SM who is upset because he played a game with SD! He said he had text SS earlier to empty the dishwasher, but apparently he left for work without doing it. Because SS thinks he doesn't have to do what he's told lately, and DH never even said anything to him about it.
I walked away at this point because I was furious and hurt. DH thinks every disagreement needs to be a gloves off, insult-throwing blowout, and I'm over it. I can disagree without being toxic and verbally abusive. DH cannot. Actually, we had a period where he could. We could talk through things without it escalating into....this. Lately he thinks it's a free for all.
After I had walked away DH came back a few minutes later and starting railing about our friend/SS's coach, who SS had called fat and threatened to punch in the face. DH said "Oh and FYI, I don't give a F about him (our friend/coach), don't you ever talk to SS about how he's wrong and our friend is a saint, and on and on and on. I said, maybe you should teach SS to not be an a*shole then and to control his temper, because gee, I wonder where he gets that from?
In all of this, what I noticed is that none of my feelings matter. With what SS said about our friend- my feelings don't matter because SS was upset and DH doesn't give a F about our friend, he's only going to defend SS to the point of insanity, and that's all that matters. I should sit and accept a dirty house, they will get to things when they damn well feel like it. DH can say what he wants to me, about me, and my feelings do not matter.
I was with friends all day Saturday and didn't see DH at all, and have not said more than 5 words to him since, although he would act like nothing happened if I went along with it, which I'm not. This is not acceptable to me. I was already working on getting us into marriage counseling, so that is definitely happening.
I am honestly heartbroken at the things he said to me, and the fact that 2 days have now gone by and he doesn't see the need to apologize for any of it.
- TrueNorth77's blog
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Im so sorry you are going through this!
The anger/rage mode is useful for deflecting when he knows you are spot on. You typically back off (I know I did this). Someone here has had a good time telling me "he is who he is and hes not willing to change sor why expect anything different". Well theres some truth to it. He is who he is. Take some time away. Its good to spend time with friends, get away from there little club that doesnt include you. Have your own Christmas joy.
Funny things happen the same way with me and mine. I get frustrated because Husband doesnt enforce anything, and especially regular chores. Skid will sometimes do right away mostly 4 plus hours later with 3-4 reminders. And this weekend, nice warm day I was waiting 4 hours for backyard to be cleared of doo so I could rake and get some things done to clean the yard before dark. Super frustrating when you are waiting on others. My new attitude is that Im going to "do it myself" and wait for the others to catch up.
Thank you
I had actually perused Airbnb's last night to get away for a few days, but this morning realized DH is working 11am-11pm this week (he was supposed to be on 1st shift) and skids left today, so I mostly won't have to worry about any of them. Part of me still wants to leave, but we have cats and I don't want to spend money uneccessarily if I have the house to myself anyway...
I need to do something to snap out of this because right now I am miserable.
oh no, I am sorry you are
oh no, I am sorry you are going through this. My DH has done that to me as well (not in a while though), it's a way of him gaslighting you and making you the bad-guy, which I think you understand. It's not about you. It's about your DH and skids not participating in daily life, or tasks that everyone should be doing for the upkeep of the home (let alone learning responsibility and such...).
I would calmly just stop doing things. I know you don't want to live in a dirty house; I didin't either. Pack away the plates/utensils/cups and go get disposables. Do ONLY your dishes. Seriously. If the kitchen gets to be such a mess you cannot cook then don't: "Sorry everyone, I cannot cook because all YOUR dishes/mess is in the way." Don't put up the Xmas lights. One other thing I did was opt to NOT participate in "fun stuff" with DH/SDs because I was "too busy cleaning/laundry/chores because it needs to be done therefore I cannot go." DH got tired of that too (thus we now have a cleaner in every other month and he pays a bit more of the cost as a result).
Your DH is getting upset about you holding him accountable. Boo-hoo. And if you think disengaging is not your option, then yes, you do need to think about this further.
Yes to marriage counseling
Will he go?
But I think so. We had this discussion several weeks ago after a big argument. I basically gave him an ultimatum then- counseling or divorce, and I don't threaten that lightly. He tried to stick to his guns but saw I was serious and caved and said he would go because I wanted to. I found a counselor, it's just trying to find a time that works.
Sounds like he doesn't want
Sounds like he doesn't want to go to counseling because he doesn't want to change. Easier to just make you the bad guy than to actually own up to his own wrongdoings...
If he won't go, go yourself anyway
We were at the type of crossroad you describe in 1976. I was staring at a second divorce and putting my 2 bios through more trauma. As a last ditch effort, I suggested counseling to DH but he refused to go. I went anyway.and it changed my life. Go..
I actually have gone recently
I actually have gone recently. Unfortunately it wasn't that helpful, but I don't know that my therapist really "got" the issues I needed help with (how to not be so resentful as a SM). Hoping the marriage counseling is better. I can't even bring myself to talk to DH at the moment unless he acknowledges how awful he was.
Dragonfly that is exactly what I suspect as well! dH is afraid of what he will hear- he also is adamant that counseling "doesn't work". I have seen the therapist we will be seeing before- I thought he would be a good fit because he is married with kids that are older now and has seen the fault in some of his parenting, so I thought he could relate to DH. But he also has heard of some of my issues with DH and I know he will address them all fairly.
Since your DH thinks you don't do anything around the house
Since your DH thinks you don't do anything around the house, quit doing anything around the house. I'm guessing you do all the cooking and cleaning in addition to working full time. Stop doing anything for anyone else and see how quickly he notices.
This is what is infuriating.
This is what is infuriating. I am the only one who cooks meals for the family- (not every day, mind you) but a few times a week. Which makes dishes. DH said "you're the one who makes the most dishes because you cook". ARE YOU SERIOUS. I said, half of that is cooking for YOUR kids, and sometimes I don't even eat it! He is so determined to defend himself for not making skids do dishes on wknds that he is saying me cooking for them and then for myself at other times means I should do all the dishes. Fine, guess who won't be making them dinner? I have already started washing all dishes I make and putting them away. All the dishes in the dishwasher (which is almost full, since Fri night) are from skids. Looks like your theory that I make all the dishes is complete Bullshit, isn't it DH....
My husband told me the same
My husband told me the same thing - i think I even made a post here about it. This was back when i was fighting and still thinking i could get some help from them
I didnt cook for a while and they were ok with ordering out. I now cook for them only if I want to and if I am prepared to clean up after. During the week, I cook if I want and enjoy my week. On the weekends, its up to my fancy as well. Ubereats and doordash are available
These men have nothing but audacity. We don't even have Doordash or Uber Eats in our town- they want delivery it's Jimmy John's or pizza- literally the only 2 options. lol. SD is 13 and SS is 16, they are perfectly capable of making their own food, I just try to be nice and have a normal family structure- even though typically DH is working so it's just the 3 of us. But if this is how he wants to play it, I will fend for myself and they can do the same.
I bought easy foods for them
I bought easy foods for them to make like cereal, cold cuts, ramen noodles, waffles, poptarts, cereal bars chips, popcorns, fruits because they are teens and should be able to serve themselves to eat.
They stay hungry all day unless me or their dad make them food. The most they do is pour some cereal in a bowl with cold milk twice a day and then call their mom in secret to say that they are starving and can she bring them food down the street at the park (my husband doesnt know but i caught them and IDC lol)
If you cant make yourself a sandwich as a 16year old boy, thats on you. Like Jlo said i aint your mama. They call their mother and grandma to feed them and both think that our home is auschwitz with no food and hard labor lol
Let them starve and order out, if they have so many complaints tell them "im not your mom or dad, call them for food"
We have the same thing here
I have the house stocked with easy foods at all times. You should see them look for things to eat like there is just nothing. They look right past all the leftovers, microwave meals, chicken tenders and fries (we have an air fryer!), cereal, sandwich meat, stuff for quesadillas and salads and wraps and Mac n cheese and more, then SS16 will ask "what should I make". Figure it out! Neither of them ever make a sandwich- they are above eating sandwiches.
Crazy called CPS on us once saying we didn't have food because SS didn't get up early enough to pack a lunch so he text her and she brought him a sandwich to school because he knew better than to tell us he didn't pack his lunch since it was his own fault (he kept going back to sleep after he got dressed in the morning and DH was yelling at him for it, but he kept doing it).
Anyway, they will be just fine. It does suck that DH is the one causing issues and everyone else is going to suffer for it.
Microwavable meals are
Microwavable meals are unfortunately too difficult for them (I think? I bought a stock of them and they remained untouched) so i thought maybe a sandwich would be a step easier but that is also a no. They will just eat cereal and cold milk all day or chips which they finish quickly....Anything else remains as is. I dont even expect them to clean up after they make their own food but they are not used to it. One of them claim to be in healthy eating and working out, yet i dont see him cook at all. They are at a healthy weight now (used to be overweight) so at least they have that. I was worried for years that CPS would be called for lack of food but now idc and i love that their mother has to buy them food and drive here under the pretense of saving the starving children lol They also are above certain foods like leftovers and sandwiches but wont make anything for themselves
Good riddance if you ask me, enjoy your life!! F serving male children. Crazy can drive and bring them meals if its so important lol
Believe me, no one knows more
Believe me, no one knows more than me what it is to deal with children who refuse to clean up. In my house, i quickly understood that no help was to be expected from children and I accepted that reality. This was not enough, on the weekends that they would visit, the house would become aj absolute wreck.....Damaging things, refusing to obey simple rules like removing shoes at the entrance or not sleeping on the couch, cleaning after yourself when using the toilet. Once last summer, i had enough and told them they will clean each one toilet. They are both 14 and 16 years old and told me they never had to do that and didnt know because BM does everything as their "mama bear". When I showed them, they had attitude and acted so upset over cleaning the toilet that THEY use lo...she makes their beds, does their laundry, cooks and cleans after them in the bathroom. I wonder if she doesnt go as far as wiping their behinds for them. The result is extreme sheltering and complete co dependency on their mom. When they were younger, i tried to teach them how to do laundry and their beds but immediately I was met with resistance and BM was promptly called to come pick them up and said that I was crazy and abusive lol
My top tips for you:
- Let them wreck the house. There is no need to spend all of the weekend cleaning up after them, you will just be like a prisoner in a concentration camp doing the same repetitive tasks waiting to be exterminated. The best way is to wait until they are gone and do a big clean up. They will never do chores at your house or help you out...If you try to force them, they will cause BIG BIG problems for you and make you the scapegoat for their actions - "i dont want to go over to dads because his wife is mean and wants us to do chores" and of course, everyone is mad at you and creating sob stories of child abuse in their heads
- Purchase plastic plates and plastic cups and plastic dinnerware. Its not economic and its not good for the environment, but that is the only way to curb the excessive use of dishes. In my house, they were using 10 to 15 glasses a day between the two of them...I was filling up the dishwasher with glasses and having to handwash in addition....I complained and complained but i was told that i use glasses as well (i keep the same aluminium bottle all day and use one glass at dinner so that is incorrect) so I have no right to tell ppl how many glasses to use. I get plastic stuff every visit from now on....It has cut down my washing in 3rd
- Use heavy duty garden plastic covers for your furniture....I have become tired of asking and begging to not sleep on the couch and having to wash and vaccuum my couch after every visit so my purchases this week will be these plastic covers.
- I clean their room and wash their sheets once a month. Sometimes even less....I feel like if you dont care about your room, why should i? Keep sleeping on dirty ass sheets idc.
- Use signage if the children can read and are the type who will follow instructions. I put signage about flushing and not leaving food under the bed... Unfortunately, they said it was highly offensive to them to have signs and its as if they were "being treated like babies"....They said they would rather i tell their dad and then they can just ignore it and not do it. So thats that.
- Go away on weekends. I got a second job and make sure to schedule it on the weekends that they are around. That way im out of the home and dont have to deal with their irritating behaviours. I deal with it when they leave by cleaning up the entire home.
Accept that a woman who marries a man with children is basically a glorified maid and nanny when the children visit. If i had understood this before marriage, i would have never said yes and my quality of life would have been much better than it is. Your home will never be yours due to visits and forced lifestyles from other homes on yours.
I tell everyone I know to never marry a man with children unless the children are either very old or married. And especially not a man with male children who are being raised by a single mother....the coddling is out of this world for that profile.
Hope my tips help you make the best of this situation. Dont fight it,you will lose and your health will be impacted. The only thing i now fight about when it comes to children is for visitation time to be accurate (no extra time or extra accomodation)....Idc about the rest. Of course, this has impacted my relationship with my husband greatly as I watched him cater to children and make me a silent servant to them. I cant ever forgive him for that and def dont love him the way I used to in the beginning....
There are lines that I draw
There are lines that I draw in the sand over what I will or won't do. We have 4 perfectly capable teens in the house and DH too. I don't have to do everything and I won't kill myself anymore to do so.
I won't take out the trash. I won't do the dishes. I won't vacuum.
I handle most of the rest but those are my- Don't even pause when I tell someone to do them and they better get done NOW items. I have snatched cords out of the walls. I have taken car keys. I have grounded over attitude about doing those tasks.
DH and I have always had the agreement that he handles yard work and I take care of the inside. We have close to an acre and there are a ton of trees and plants, so about 9 months out of the year it is a lot of work to maintain.
On another note- Fighting dirty would mean me not fighting at all. I shut down and would emotionally disconnect. Then, I would be planning a divorce. I was in an abusive relationship before and I have no intentions of ever being treated like that again. I can do fine all by myself, I am with my husband because I choose him- not because I need him. I don't need a man that will treat me the way you are describing. Neither do you.
This is my hill to die on honestly. I will not live in a pigsty, I will not do everything because everyone else is too lazy to contribute. For 7yrs we have had a pretty good system of chores- SD13 does hers daily (mostly) without being asked. SS16 tries to be sneaky and not do his lately, and we always have this fight around dishes on wknds because DH is so afraid to make them stop doing nothing for 5 minutes and do dishes. It's insane- we have fought about it and come up with a system and now he is fighting our agreement.
I absolutely will not stay in a relationship where I'm the villain and it's me against DH and skids, all because they want to be lazy. He can see what it's like to do it all then without me. I feel the same as you, I don't need DH- I love him and choose to be with him but not if it means verbal abuse and feeling like crap. It will either get better, or we will not be together. Those are the options.
OP, your H is a complete and
OP, your H is a complete and utter jerk who is raising two junior jerks.
None of them respect or appreciate you whatsoever....how long can you live in a situation like that?
Absolutely agree. Especially
Absolutely agree. Especially about DH- I do think skids respect me and appreciate me to some degree. DH seems to have shown that he doesn't. I said this in a previous comment, but the answer to your question is- not long. If he understands this isn't acceptable and a pattern to continue and we make progress, that's one thing. If there is no progress and he thinks this is ok, then we could just call it right then because I can't live in a marriage where I feel disrespected, unloved and unappreciated.
I can get "mean" when fighting. I don't like to but I can be pushed there. So, I get where you are coming from. Your DH? I think I'd have lost it and that would have been cake throwing time. (My dear friend, a SM in a HC situation, had enough one night and threw her birthday cake across the table and slammed into the wall. When she exited the room, she told her DH and two SKs that it WOULD be cleaned up when she came back downstairs. And thanked them for ruining her birthday. It was cleaned better than if she had done it. LOL)
No one is going to speak to me like that especially the man I married. Forget the cake throwing and begin with some serious disengagement. Like NO cooking. Take some suggestions from this thread...easy foods (cereal, popcorn, etc) that need minimal prep dishes, sandwich stuff (I'm thinking bologna and white bread...LOL). Use a much disposable as you can with paper plates, cups, etc. The dishes will still be an issue but one thing you can divert to individuals is CLOTHES! Teach them how to use the washer and then be done. Look for other things that you can do minimally or push onto your DH and his kids. I understand about wanting a clean house; I'm the same.
Counseling. Even if he doesn't go, as JRI said, go for you. When my DH and I hit that hard spot in marriage (I was ready to leave), we did maritial and both did individual counseling. It helped immensely, repairing a lot of damage in my marriage. Today, DH and I are on the same page.
Best to you. I know this is a difficult situation to be in.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Man would I like to throw a cake, that sounds amazing. lol.
I have been thinking a lot about this, and have plenty more time to think with DH being gone to work almost this entire week. Unless there is some ground-breaking conversation that changes things, I won't be cooking them meals. I'm washing my own dishes (started this on Friday already) and putting them away. They can figure out the rest. I already do not do anyone's laundry, not even DH's- They each do their own. I DO wash the towels that only SS16 puts in the laundry room basket (SD never washes her towel and I Nacho that), but last week I decided to stop that since I have told SS to wash his towels with his clothes, but he doesn't listen, and then last week when I saw he put dirty socks in the basket too I said nope, and just let them pile up. Today DH put them in the washer and started the towel load- this is the first time he's done that in months and months. He also cleaned his bathroom sink, which was absolutely disgusting and he never cleans. I told him during our fight that he just "doesn't notice" messes, or "doesn't notice" that skids aren't cleaning up after themselves, and that's not a good excuse for not helping- I told him he should be looking around for what needs to be done, not just claiming ignorance. So he has since done these 2 small tasks he normally does about once a year. I'm assuming this is the world's tiniest olive branch, and him showing initiative. I don't want to discount it, but it sure isn't making up for what was said.
Just called to get the paperwork started for counseling.
I´m so sorry, I feel your
I´m so sorry, I feel your pain and can very much identify with it. No advice, just that you aren´t alone!!
Thank you so much! I really
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I have been really struggling today.
There's good reason why
There's good reason why January is THE busiest month for divorce filings. Holidays are the straw that breaks a lot of camels' backs.
WTH are YOU the one who has to find a counselor?? He's the one who's an ass raising ass skids and treating you like manure. What's HE doing to try to save the marriage?? Sounds like he knows you always cave. You've fallen into being the wife appliance who makes life comfortable for He Man, so stop. Let him feel the consequences, and what happens when yet another good woman gets fed up with his crap.
Don't do ANY decorating for Christmas. Zero, " because Ahole was too busy/didn't schedule any time to do it as a family". Make appointments with a few good divorce attorneys (NOW, they'll be fully booked next month) to find out where you stand, remove all important financial and personal documents from the house, and don't waste any money on presents for a$$holes. No cooking, cleaning, provisioning, or planning, either. Give this jerk the gift of absence for the holidays - never be alone with him, spend time with friends and family, always be busy elsewhere. If/when he seeks confrontation, tell him "We can discuss these issues in counseling. When is the appointment?"
Some men only respect a superior force, so be that.
Its bad
From your blog, your DH sounds like he is emotionally immature, doesn't know how to resolve conflict, and thinks its ok to manipulate you into doing all the work around the house. Marriage therapy is a first step, but if he doesn't want to change, and it sounds like he doesn't, then its time to move on. Sorry. I know that is not what anyone wants to hear, but you deserve better than this man.
I would definitely take a vacation on your own, and get your head cleared. A little perspective and peace will do you good. Take care of yourself and don't take any crap from this worm of a man. He deserves to be taught a lesson!
In a nutshell
"From your blog, your DH sounds like he is emotionally immature, doesn't know how to resolve conflict, and thinks its ok to manipulate you into doing all the work around the house."
This sounds about right. I know he is capable of solving conflict, I've seen it and at times he has tried, but lately it feels like he feels like he doesn't have to try and just fights dirty instead. He makes me his enemy and will say or do anything to keep me in that role, rather than working together to resolve the issue. I tell him this, but he tells me I have "made him the enemy", and it gets us nowhere.
I actually had the perfect opportunity come up yesterday to get away, there is a meeting in CA for work that they told us we could attend last-minute (I would have to leave today)...it was a really hard decision, but I am passing it up because I absolutely love having the house to myself and don't want to miss this chance with no skids and no DH. I am not in the mood to be around a ton of people, also, which is what my work function would have been....
I feel for you. I hope
I feel for you. I hope things work out but it doesn't sound good.
I agree with 1st3rd5thWEInHell's post about avoiding men who have kids. I tried to avoid men with kids when I was younger, got screwed over twice. In the first situation, I was the only parent who gave a sh&t about the kid - ALL responsibility was on my shoulders. The second situation was a codependent, Disney daddeee and his boy who became a man and never launched - couple that with emotional abuse from DH and I ended up walking, no, RUNNING away from that situation (and the financial burden was all on my shoulders in that situation). Never again. At my age I will likely have to remain single but that's fine. I will NEVER AGAIN be with a man who has kids, no matter the age.
Try to get DH into counseling and see if that helps. If there's no change in his behavior, you can bet the skids won't change either. At that point, you'll need to do some serious soul-searching about your situation and what you want.
Keep us posted... ***BIG HUGS***
100%. Some of the happiest
100%. Some of the happiest people I know are single and I read a article that said studies show when the husband dies, the widow's happiness goes up most of the time lol. The reverse isn't true for men. I wonder why? Haha it's because we do everything around here most of the time (not always of course) and sometimes men can be real jerks to us. I know my husband certainly can be and some days I know the only reason I stay is because it would be a huge PITA to go through a divorce. But, I may get there eventually.
Thank you!
I honestly want nothing more than for my marriage to work....but if for some reason it doesn't (for lack of DH trying), I will NEVER date a man with kids again. This has been the hardest, most frustrating thing I've done, and I would never go through this again. Even the positive moments with skids are not enough to do this again or make me say I enjoy any part of being a SM. I honestly would probably move back to CO by my best friends who are like family and spend time with them and their families and be just fine alone.
I have Intake counseling paperwork printed, DH just needs to fill it out. I'm not talking to him because I am so floored that he hasn't tried to apologize, which means he feels justified and doesn't see that he's wrong, which just infuriates me and makes me sick to my stomach all over again, so I haven't given it to him to fill it out yet...
It's frustrating for sure.
It's frustrating for sure. As a SP it is really hard to be in the role of enforcer.. and unfortunately.. the bio parents.. are reluctant to do it either.. and it is still difficult to break the gender bias in chores..
And.. if you work in the home.. he assumes you have time throughout the day to take care of things.. while he isn't there at all. I know when I do my WFH days.. I can do things like run loads of laundry.. but don't have time to do the full fold and put away.. that is the time consuming part.. so cleaned clothes go on the couch in a pile until I'm done with work..haha.
And.. if this guy is like my DH.. he has a lot more tolerance for letting stuff just sit.
I have taken to not putting my dH's things away.. and he has a constant folded pile of clothes on the couch.. haha. I will be darned if I wash it.. dry it.. fold it.. least he can do is put it away!
DH lets things sit for weeks.
DH lets things sit for weeks. Sometimes piles of clothes in the laundry room, unfolded, for weeks, until I tell him. I don't put it away for him either though. Sometimes if I'm feeling nice I will fold his clothes. He will never clean the air fryer or wipe the counter or table after himself. If I wasn't here, I couldn't imagine what this house would look like. Absolutely disgusting- no one would ever clean the stainless appliances, mirrors, sinks, vacuum. Often times I DO have time during the day to do other things, so I do all of that and more. DH just doesn't care if it's done because he's apparently blind to dirt. Even having time, I don't think it should be my job to do the dishes for everyone or any of their other chores. They are just as capable and it takes 5 minutes- I'm not a maid. The notion that I should do these things for them is infuriating, because DH doesn't even do it when he has time.
Sounds as if this guy was
Sounds as if this guy was single for very good reason. His work schedule has probably helped your relationship limp along, but what do you think life would be like if he was around all the time, being a lazy pig and mouthing off at you?
Take the skids out of the equation - is this someone you can be happy with?
I know what you mean.
I know what you mean. His lack of cleanliness bugs me, but I knew that before we got married. It's one of those annoying things that I can deal with- I'm not perfect either, although he could try harder in that area for sure. On our skid-free weeks especially, we are often immensely happy. It's a much lighter feeling, we joke and laugh and get along great. The majority of our fights start with something skid-related, and that's where it all goes downhill, and the way DH handles any conflict. The mouthing off thing, that is NOT something I'm willing to overlook. That is not something I will live with in a marriage- I couldn't even if I tried, it makes me genuinely unhappy. If he can't learn how to handle conflict without resorting to low blows, and soon, I will be skid-free before they are 18 after all.