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SS is a PITA even from across the country

TrueNorth77's picture

So quick recap: SS18 is in college across the country- he has a gf in our state who is a Jr in HS, and they are obsessed with each other. They have had sex, her parents are religious and don't know. This wknd SD15 (temporarily retiring her Demon nickname as she has been consistently normal and decent for a few months now) told us that SS's gf's parents love SS because he told them they are waiting until marriage to have sex. So, he straight up lied to their faces when they talked to him about sex, because they were worried that SS and their daughter were having sex in their house. Instead of just the normal lie (no we're not!), he went and said they are waiting til marriage. 

This is actually disturbing to me, because I already know SS is a huge liar- he lies all the time and I can't stand it. It makes me actively dislike him- meanwhile he has everyone else that doesn't know he is a liar charmed. SS is very charismatic. But this just feels...gross. DH did not look impressed either when SD told us, but I highly doubt he even said anything to SS, which just further frustrates me. Honest opinions- is this in the realm of what normal almost-19yr olds would lie about? Straight to their gf's parents faces? SD also said SS and his gf have sex at Crazy's and Crazy has talked to him 3x (she doesn't know they are doing it, because she's an idiot) about not having sex there and he doesn't care or listen. And of course she won't make an "open door" policy, because...she's an idiot. (SS's gf isn't on BC- that's the real issue, plus she's underage). 

Then, DH fronted SS the $ for this foreign car SS just HAD to have when his was totaled, using $ from our Home equity loan. I grudgingly agreed because he said it would be paid back as soon as the loan came through that he was co-signing for SS, (which usually takes a few days) but I let him know I was not happy about it. Fast forward a MONTH, and the loan is still not complete. The title took forever and SS was too dumb to know to mail the title to the DMV priority mail. I'm pissed at this point. SS is in college- he didn't need this car immediately. But DH can't say no to him.
Then, there has been all of this BS about SS's ins. It's $222 this month alone. DH told him he has to pay it. I got the bill to my email (although it's coming out of DH's acct) so I simply forwarded it to DH and SS as an FYI with no message added. SS starts texting DH whining about how Trunorth sent him this bill and said to pay it (nope! Lie. DH was copied though, so he saw) and it's "more than he expected", and it's due in a few days. DH told SS he was supposed to call the ins co. about the discount, which I had text SS WEEKS ago, but he never did. SS said "this is the last thing on my plate". Oh is it SS? You just had to get your way and get a fancy foreign car and the ins is more, you never called about getting the discount set up, and now that it's time to pay and it's more and you have to call it's "the last thing on your plate"? He is so entitled and just expects DH to do it all for him, but DH literally couldn't make this call if he wanted (SS has to be near the car to set it up). 
Even from across the country, this man-child is on my last nerve.

As I was asking the bank about SS's loan (because really it's our $ now), I inquired about a CC for SS to build his credit- I am done with DH co-signing for him. It affects me too! Next time DH better not cosign. The bank said SS qualified for a $2K student CC. Initially we thought it wasn't a good idea- he would charge it up. DH had the idea to only have SS's ins billed to it and then SS pay it back out of his checking. Perfect. Today, I find out that DH had to COSIGN for this f'ng Credit card!!! I almost lost it. I only asked the bank about it so that DH wouldn't have to cosign for things! I told DH I was upset about it because I am on the hook for these loans if something happens to him, and I would have said no had I known he had to cosign. There are other ways to build credit. I am beyond livid with this co-signing, ins, CC, loan situation. I sent DH a message about it today and when he came home he was "frustrated" and needed space, so he went upstairs for the night. Fine with me, I'm frustrated too. 

To top it off SS is definitely moving back for summer and he's applying to schools back here next year. It's terrifying honestly. Some of them are still out of state, but a drive away. I know DH is going to have to force him to get a FT job this summer because he's lazy and will drag his feet trying to stall, and even though he has champagne tastes and a fancy car with bills and $ he needs to save, he wants to do the bare minimum and thinks he should be able to "enjoy his summer" and sleep all day and spend every second he can with his gf. (Who has no problem working). If he stays with us all summer I may scream.



Dollbabies's picture

and the girl with religious parents is only a junior in high school? In my state that would be a big, big problem... 

TrueNorth77's picture

Big, big problem here too. Which is why it's mind-boggling that his idiot mother just allows them to close his bedroom door and believes they aren't having sex. 

Rags's picture

There are 30 States with Romeo & Juliet laws that may mitigate age of consent/statutory rape situations if the age difference between the couple is not significant even if one partner is above the age of consent and the other is below  My mom and dad married at 17 & 19. My dad was no perve and my mom was not a naive little girl.  They grew up together and all of my GPs were good friends.  Mom and dad reconnected a couple of years after both families moved when my dad visited my mom's family when he was attended USMC tech school 35miles from my mom's family home.

Even with an age difference and one underage, most states have a caveat that a short age gap mitigates statutory rape violations.    A Jr is likely 17 or nearly 17 and a 19yo is only approximately 2yrs older.  So, odds are there is not a likely consequence if they are within a couple of years of the same age in a State with R&J laws.  

My bride was 16 when SS was born.  The Spermidiot was 23.  My ILs did not prosecute him. Unfortunately.  Him in prison and on the predator's list would have made life a whole lot easier for us.

That said, I have not been a Saint on this topic.  I dated a number of younger women in my dating years in my teens and 20s starting in HS. i also dated a number of older women some more than 10yrs my elder.  My Jr year of HS I dated a college Sr who was 5+  years my Sr.   My HS GF my Sr year was a Sophomore and 14.  I was 18 and turned 19 a few months before graduation she turned 15 a couple of months after my 19th B-day.  Age of consent was 17.  I was not perving out, we met, then we dated with her parents' consent.   That State also has Romeo & Juliet laws potentially mitigating statutory rape if one partner is under age and the other is not "significantly" older.  No clear definition of "Significantly" though so it could be a role of the dice. That State's R&J laws also include that someone `14 can consent to sex with someone 17.  Though an 18yo does not have a get out of jail free card if dating a 14yo.  Since it is not out of the bounds of possibility that some HS Freshman can be 13 or 14.  I was also a 5yr Sr as I had two Sophomore years.

My next relationship with a significantly younger GF was ~6yrs later with a young woman who was 18.  I was 24.   Then again when I was 26 during my divorce.  I was 26, she was 18. That young lady was relentless and .... legal since age of concent in that state was 17.  I met my bride of 30 years when she was 18. I was 29.  Not cruising high schools though. We met at university during her first semester and the last semester of my 11yr undergrad career.  She was a mom.  Not necessarily germane but part of the equation maybe.

One of my employees in NJ had dated his GF through much of HS. After he graduated, they had a weekend over the bridge in another State. Her dad pressed charges. He was convicted of statutory rape and for transporting a minor across state lines for sexual purposes.  He appealed several times and many years after his conviction he finally ran out of appeals and had to report to Prison.  They had been married for 8yrs and had 3 kids together all born after they married.  Even after they married and his FIL requested for the charges to be dropped he ended up in prison. He had already been convicted.  He was only in Prison for 6mos but that nearly destroyed his career. At that time my DW and I had been married for about 12 years and our age difference was nearly 3X that of my employee and his wife.  Though my DW was of age when we met. 

Hopefully this kid does not end up destroying his life and the life of his GF.  Back in the day, pre-internet, this type of thing did not get a whole lot of attention as young people in HS together dating even with a few year age gap was common if not the norm. 

Dollbabies's picture

stating a fact - in my state the guy would be in trouble. 

JRI's picture

I don't blame you for being frustrated, I would be, too.  If you've read my posts, you know my 87yo DH is still doing this type of thing for SD63. It's all so sickening.  And, like you, I worry about the obligations for the "child" he's taken on in case he passes before it's all resolved.

Well, you know it's going to be a clusterf$$$ when SS gets the gf pregnant.  Sigh.  Hard times ahead....

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"Honest opinions- is this in the realm of what normal almost-19yr olds would lie about? Straight to their gf's parents faces?"

Doubling down and pontificating about waiting for marriage is extra slimy IMO. Eddie Haskell on Leave it to Beaver style.

I hate that you can't trust your DH when it comes to skids and your family finances. I would rather my spouse just give them the money and be honest about it than cosign for a lot of debt if i couldn't trust the skid to pay it or my spouse to keep track of it. 

TrueNorth77's picture

These are the words I was searching for. It was an uneccessary addition to the lie- a simple "no we aren't" would have sufficed. That's the thing about SS's lies- he doesn't just lie, he goes the extra mile and makes up a story. "I'm the president of the chess club". No, he wasn't. His first week of college, the e-sports team asked him to be the Captain of the Varsity e-sports team, without even meeting him or having him tryout. Also not true. 

I guess it's not that I don't trust DH with the debt- what I am not ok with is him just going and doing it without discussing it with me or me agreeing to it. I have no say. I was adamant that SS not get this foreign car, (his last car was the same make and I also said he shouldn't get it and was absolutely right about it, but they didn't listen. So what does he do? Allows SS to go and get the same make again, and cosigns for it, even though SS doesn't have the $ for repairs if something goes wrong). I would have been ok with this loan had it been for a different car. The credit card is a gray area- yes I was the one that looked into it, and yes I agreed with putting the ins. on it, but the bank never said anything about SS being approved only with a cosigner. I would have said no. But DH just signed without saying anything to me. He just goes and does it. The biggest thing is, I'm on the hook for this if something happens to DH and SS doesn't pay. And SS didn't need that CC. He could have gotten a prepaid CC to build debt and in a year gotten his own when he has a job that isn't just paying him cash like he does now. It's more that DH is just making unilateral decisions that affect me also, but because it's for SS, he thinks I shouldn't get a say, and because he probably won't die they don't "really" affect me.  

Rags's picture

Take a matching amount out of joint accounts and invest them in a you only investment account. He pays SS's credit card, you deposit the same from joint operating accounts in you account. He pays a SKid car payment, you take that amount.  Kid defaults on car loan, you sell the car and put anything above paying off the car in your account and you continue to pay yourself what the car payment would be until you have recovered the amount of the car loan remaining at point of k=SKid default.

Daddy... can F-off.  Make sure you keep daddy's nose scrubbed in the stench of his spawn coddling idiocy while you kick him in the ass every time he does it.  So to speak.



ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

This is distressing @TrueNorth77, I've been down this rodeo too. The car, the extra this and that....Frankly speaking it was a hill to die on for me. This is not reasonable for you to be told you are now liable for this debt of the stepson...stepson and dad are in financial bed together and you are now the interlooper who is going to be hooked to this silly garbage. I have spent years untangling myself from the mess stepsons create and every year I find another way to close a loop hole. My DH is very clear on the line and is respecting it but if I were you I would seriously consider divorce and even if it's just on paper legally that way if your husband did pass you would not be responsible. You could still live together and write the wills in each of your names but simply not be married. This to me is financial infidelity and it really does impact you.

Also for the living situation- we also had SSs each come back for a miserable amount of time- make sure there's a deadline for them being gone. It can go on and on. If GF gets pregnant you could have an indefinite situation with SS, GF and a child...then you would be pushed into babysitting on a regular basis or just dealing with a young kid in teh house.

I am not trying to scare you but I could see a very similar path I was on until I started stating my hill to die on: 

SS can be here temporarily - 6 months but have to go by X date. 

NO GF cannot move in or live here on the weekends.

NO there will be no co-signing of loans or giving of money without us consulting one another. 

Very black and white boundary laden- NO gray areas. That's the key. And if he accepts the terms great, proceed. But if he does not accept the terms, you might have to evaluate whether he is putting you as a priority or not and whether you deserve to be at the mercy of all these terrible decisions that will ultimately fall on your shoulders. 


Rags's picture

Not that lying is the way to go. However, I would say that prevaricating in answering a direct question about sleeping with someone's daughter may not get a direct and honest answer.

I have never been asked by a parent if I was having sex with their daughter. If I had been asked when I was a teen, I likely would have answered with a resounding NO! because I was not confident enough to put that parent in their place. Besides, who wants to poke that bear by being a cocky shit about it.  Don't as, don't tell is the best side of discretion on this IMHO.  If I was asked in my 20s, I would have made it clear, respectfully, that it was none of that parent's business.  In hind sight, even if I was in HS or post HS and my GF was at the age of consent, I would respectfully inform the asking parent that it was none of their business.

Now for story time with Rags. 

My GF in HS was a sophomore. I was a Sr. I was a 5yr Sr and was 4 years and 2mos older so we had a 5yr age difference for a couple of months.  I did not know how old she was until her mom called and invited me to her 15th birthday party.  It just never came up.


We met when she was 14 and I was 18;  With school approval I had hauled my Middle School cadets to the skating rink for an outing one Saturday.  She and I met then.  We dated with her parent's consent.  The whole meet the parents, get the hairy eyeball from her mom and dad, grudging approval, standard dating progression. My stock improved with her parents when I got the call to help her dad cut piglets.  I am sure he was trying to freak out the city boy BF.  Little did he know both sets of my GPs had retirement farms and castrating piglets was something I had done a number of times.  I spent a number of weekend permits from school helping them on their farm, playing in the town softball tournament with her family, etc....

I drove a van in HS. Which cost me a notable number of dates when parents said hell no, when I was picking up a date. My friends affectionately referred to the van as the F-k Truck.  That vehicle got more miles in the school parking lot than it ever got on the road.  Classmates borrowing my keys was a regular event.  My only rule was use your own sheets and the vehicle does not leave the parking lot. I mainly dated college girls from the college town 40miles away, or girls from town and not female Cadets.  I did get called to the Commandants office several times for lectures on letting friends use my van for parking lot spicy sleep sessions with their Cadet GFs.  Participating in sexual activity in the barracks was a major deal and is why I was promoted to Battalion XO halfway through my Sr year when my Battalion Commander and my Battalion XO got busted with female Cadets in their room.  In a vehicle in the parking lot was a grey area and was a known treated as an unknown.  I was a bit less brazen and kept my extracurricular activities to hotels or off campus parking locations in the woods.

The story time event is that my Sr year GF and I had been dating for several months and I picked my GF up for a date.  I brought her home on time. The problem, it was butt cold. Like below 0*F cold.  I pulled up to her house, walked her to the door, hugged her goodnight on the porch and walked back to the van.  Her dad was on the porch.  Frozen to the window of the van was a used condom that I had not tossed far enough and had touched the window. Her dad started laughing while asking how we had enjoyed dinner and the movie. 



We dated the rest of the year and before I headed out for University out of State at the end of that summer, I spent a couple of weeks with her family.  It could have gone very differently in another State.  Fortunately AOC in that Sate in those days was and to this day is 14.  Depending on the age of the older partner.   Though with some confusing caveats.  

 Sex with a minor under 14 is illegal regardless of age differences.

Sex with a minor 14-16 is a felony unless the offender is under 21.

Sex with a minor 17 is a misdemeanor if the offender is under 21.

The age of consent is 17 years old. This means that people who are 17 or older can legally consent to sexual activity. 

Consent for people under 17 

People who are 13 or younger cannot consent to sexual activity with anyone

People who are 14, 15, or 16 cannot consent to sexual activity with someone who is more than 4 years older or who is 21 or older

People who are 17 can consent to sexual activity with anyone who is 14 or older

Statutory rape 

Having sexual activity with someone under 17 can result in prosecution for statutory rape

Having sexual activity with someone under 14 can result in prosecution for statutory rape in the first degree

Having sexual activity with someone under 17 when you are over 21 can result in prosecution for statutory rape in the second degree

Romeo and Juliet law

There is a "Romeo and Juliet law" that may protect some people from statutory rape charges.

If the internet had been a thing when I was a Sr in HS, I would have been paranoid as hell.  I was blissfully ignorant though I was below the legal hurdle, except for 2mos between our birthdays.

In hind sight, this is some scary shit that teens need to be made fully aware of and parents need to be all over their teens and post teens about.  Anyone in their 20s should be checking IDs of dates as due diligence. Just to be safe.  Though in some States that have no age caveats or R&J laws, even if the under age partner has a fake ID and you meet them at a bar or night club, prison is likely.

If I had it to do over again, I would be far more interested in cougars than age peers while in HS.  Heck, even in university. There  are some scary smart young-uns that get into college at crazy young ages.  Going to jail in hand cuffs instead of to your college graduation because your GF or BF ended up being a 16yo university student savant would suck majorly.  With dual enrollment programs where HS students can attend colleges for dual credit, things can get squirrely in a hurry if a person is not careful.

Not all that long ago I saw a documentary on a young woman who was in her mid 20s who had a genetic condition that pretty much stopped her from physically maturing at about 12yo,  Though insanely rare, this young woman looked like a normal 12yo, her voice was appropriate for a 12yo, etc.. She was an honors level university graduate and struggling to engage in a career.  She had the interests of a woman in their mid 20s, men, make up, travel, was into fashion, etc...  That young woman was incredible and lived pretty much in hell.  Though her friends and family were great and were huge parts of her life.

When I was in Jr High, what we called it before Middle School became a thing, there was a 19yo 9th grader in my school.  That guy was a thug.  He had a beard, rode a motorcycle to school, etc...  

Stuff can definitely get weird and cause legal risk even for someone who has no intent to take advantage of anyone.


AlmostGone834's picture

This kid doesn't need a fancy car. He hasn't earned anything fancy. Also why did he need a co-signer? DH didn't have to co-sign for LI's first CC (Discover Student Card) and she had no credit (however she did have a part time job at the time... does SS work at all?) 

TrueNorth77's picture

Same thing for my friend's 18yr old son- no co-signer or proof of work needed. No idea why they made DH sign. And SS doesn't need a fancy car! It's infuriating. 

Rags's picture

CC companies not infrequently will give college kids cards to hook them.  It happened to me. I got an Amex when I was in my mid 20s.  This was after my divorce.  It was part of new student orientation when I started engineering school.  I grabed an application, filled it out, bingo. A pretty green Amex card.  I got into some trouble with that. Not insanely bad. But it wrecked my credit score for several years.  Amex is a charge card, not a credit card. The full balance is due monthly. I had to get a car repair done and did not have the money to pay off the card at the end of the month. I knew I was about to default. So, I got a non qualifying Visa card before I got put in Amex jail and they wrecked my credit.  It took me a couple of years to pay that off. The good thing was that my Amex was canceled and I could not use it.  THe defaulted balance just sat out there as I chiped away at it.

I still have that Visa. I have been a "member" for more than 30yrs. They love me. Mainly because I am married to the credit Nazi that manages household finances like a zero debt Ninja.  If I was the one paying the bills, our credit score would be jacked.  Not because of anything other than I just don't think about it. I never have.  A failure of my parenting by my own parents I guess. Though they are and always have been zero debt people.

I am a mutant.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

This girl is going to get pregnant - that is what DH should be worrying about. They are relying on condoms, and your SS is not responsible enough to be using a condom correctly all of the time. Your DH needs to have a "come to Jesus" with his kid about that, because if she ends up pregnant,that is going to end SS's life as he knows it and all the lies in the world won't help him.


Rags's picture

If there was one, for damned sure I would have any pubescent and beyond boy kids I might have on it and preach the just say no, wrap it before you tap it, and no glove no love to reduce health risks.  

Even if I was a girl dad, I would depro or norplant the hell out of my daughter(s) with the same health risk lectures of no glove no love, and wrap it before you tap it.  IMHO to protect teens from parenthood while assertively pushing the wait until adulthood or marriage message is not a playing both sides of the issue.  The issue is protecting kids while effectively parenting.  IMHO, a parent hedging their bets regarding their kids maturing sexually is wise.  Teens of both genders are creatures of curriosity driven by raging storms of hormones that can cause a short circuit between their brains and their tender bits. Even highly involved observant parents can find themselves on the STB grandparent list.

So to speak.


Harry's picture

SS can lie and do what he wants he's an adult .. DH keeps bailing out SS is the problem.  If GF get PG. then SS gets those three letter. J O B .  and makes a family after the courts get done with him.

Now YOU. you open a bank account in your name only,,  is SS gets 2 k. You put 2k in your account. SS gets $222 a month. Your account gets $222 a month. Its call a exit account.  Your DH is going  bankrupt   Don't go with him

Winterglow's picture

Your husband is not respecting  you. He signs anything and everything his son asks for. So what happens to your retirement because he has pledged goodness knows how much money to his son's "needs"?

I suggest you find a flat for yourself and divorce him. You can still continue your life but differently.

It has be clear that you are in no way responsible for his debts. If he wants to throw away his savings to satisfy the whims of a selfish kid, then let him but damned if you will follow suit.

Your retirement is of ultimate importance to you. Do not lose sight of that.

Winterglow's picture

I am not suggesting you throw your relationship away, simply that you disengage yourself legally from all of his financial responsibilities. All it takes is one accident, one car crash, and you suddenly find yourself having to pay all of his debt. Imagine how many other things he may have signed up for that you don't know about (yet). 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

This is very sensible and I wrote something similar above. You can still have a relationship but legally get yourself away from this mess.