Please read bio & post msg if you have any advice...thx
Joined tonight. Desperate for advice. Extremely unhappy with situation I am in. If anyone interested, please read bio posted tonight & responses will be appreciated...thank you
- Enufzenuf's blog
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Make it uncomfortable as
Make it uncomfortable as possible for her to want to live with you. And since you are bringing in the money then there is NO extra for her! She is an ADULT she should be on her own to handle her own crap and will only keep doing what she is doing b/c she knows that she can mooch of you guys! Stop giving her money or anything she has to find a way to get it for herself.
Looking for constructive
Looking for constructive advice...thanks for the input bit being a parent only one part of his life. Is attempting in the way he thinks is right to help her, and you know only a small part of the history. So if no helpful thing to say, please refrain
You apparently did not read
You apparently did not read the part that said I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE FOR HER. She is part of BOTH our lives, not just his. Total turmoil in this house...i want it to work, she is lazy, spoiled and a pathological liar. my kids were raised eith responsibilities, consequences, love, accountability, consistency in parenting. Some of this (really all except the love part) missing in the raising of his kids. Like i said, you do not knoe him or all the dynamics here. So REALLY, nothing useful to say then keep it to yourself. Thanks.
I'm married to a guy who is a
I'm married to a guy who is a terrible parent, he indulged the kids beyond the beyond! I was the baddie because I had expectations similar to the ones society would have of the kids as they got older. That'll teach me huh!! Hell on wheels for years when they hit puberty but I let it go, they are his kids and his responsibility and they will grow up regardless of what I say, think or do. I disengaged when they were about 15 and DH saw the light...they plagued him instead of me and he got sick of it...just like I did! I just referred them to daddy for decisions, rides, money, or anything else they felt entitled to. I love them all, very much, and I am saddened that I allowed myself to be sucked in for that duration but I saw the light too!
On a positive note, the kids do begin to think about stuff and SD tells me she understands now why I did/said all those things back then. It's worth the wait!
Thank you!! Any advice on how
Thank you!! Any advice on how to get hubby to see he IS NOT HELPING HER BY PUTTING UP W/HER CRAP? Really think we have to be on same page to preserve our relationship. Don't quite know how to do that w/out downright insulting him because i am soooo freakin angry. Seriously, about ready to walk out on the best man ever....he is just so BLIND about this
And i agree, it's the most
And i agree, it's the most important job in the world.howrver, WE are important as well
Thanks for
Thanks for that...encouraging, really. And the other comment made by someone who apparently not intetested in giving helpful advice. Whatever.
Honestly, i was not aware at
Honestly, i was not aware at all that the problems w/her were this bad...i prob would have had 2nd thoughts. Just so you know, i'm an RN and have been for MANY yrs...guess i have the tendency to try to "fix" things that may not be fixable. He seriously is confused about how to handle this. To me, it's pretty clear...she needs to GO. Now.
You wouldn.t believe how long
You wouldn.t believe how long and how hard i've tried to convey just that to him...that i want her to have a good life, etc. kinda getting past that point...just so frustrated all the way around
Thanks, Echo....much
Thanks, Echo....much appreciated & food for thought
Thank you, kayro...well said
Thank you, kayro...well said and helpful advice. Had long talk w/him this morning, told him nicely but succintly how i feel about this situation & how goals/responsibilities/expectations for her are neefed and this is not acceptable on either of their part. Finally he has agreed things need to be spelled out for her in black & white with consequences, and a timeline for her leaving, which will be sooner if rules not followed. He expressed a lot of guilt for not "rsising her right" but does agree it will not help her in any way to continue to bail her out & enable her. We are talking to her later today to make our decisions perfectly clear so she has no further excuses. NOW comes seeing if he sticks to it. He had a very good job but it was a very long drive then going to school 6 days/week so I actually insisted on putting him through school as he wad sleeping 3 or 4 hrs/night, maybe. I am starting to see I hold the keys here and it is up to me...if things do not change i.e.she leaves, then I will. Very hard choice but not spendin what's left of my life in constant turmoil. Thanks for the advice![Smile](
You pay the bills - make sure
You pay the bills - make sure you control all of the cash flow. Next time she gets in legal trouble - and from the sound of it there WILL be a next time - let her swing. No money for an attorney or bail. Guilty daddy is going to have to deal with his darling being represented by a Public Defender (some of whom are really quite good but they are incredibly overworked and underpaid!). And no cushy private rehabs - state funded only.
In the mean time stop buying her favorite snacks, letting her control the tv or have any "adult" imput into the household until she starts functioning like an adult. Make her life as uncomfortable as possible and KEEP YOUR VALUABLES LOCKED UP!
You are describing what I truly fear is my future with my SS16. I can guarantee you that if FH permits him to live like an adolescent in our house as an adult he will never again take a shower without me turning on the dishwasher or flushing a toilet and dumping freezing cold water out of the shower head. The washing machine will mysteriously "eat" items of clothing and the power supply to his 'xbox paradise" bedroom will become oddly unreliable. And when he has friends over I will be indulging my sudden passion for marching band music and Broadway soundtracks played at top volume. Oh, do I have PLANS...... }:)
Sounds like it is time to sit
Sounds like it is time to sit the husband and daughter down to a discussion as to how life is supposed to work. Children should be raised with the expectation that they will become independant, self supporting adults.
The sooner any child learns that that there are consequences for bad choices the better. If she gets herself in trouble with the law then she needs to pay the price. Otherwise she never learns from her bad choices.
If she enjoys the luxury of eating,shelter,and transportation then she needs an income. She may not have a job now but there is no reason not to set a reasonable time limit to get a job. ANY respectable job.
You took on the responsibility to support your husband while he finishes school. Did you agree to take on the responsibility for his adult daughter? If not then he needs to be footing the responsibility. How willing is he to quit school and get a job to support her needs?
It is easy for him to be generous towards his daughter when he is not the one sacrificing anything. Everything in life has a price tag attached. It is not always money. The price tag to continue coddling this other adult may come at the cost of his education, his having to work to pay for her mistakes in life, or even him having to sell a few of his belongings to provide for her expenses. When that happens, being generous can lose it's appeal.
My situation was a little different since I married a man that was retired on barely enough to pay his own monthly bills. I was the one pulling in the larger majority of income. He was generous with volunteering what ever his adult children asked for. There came a point that his generosity made me feel taken advantage of. I told him that anything he agreed to without my approval was totally his responsibility. If he made promises or commitments that he was not in a position to fullfil, he could sell his belongings, stay home while I went on vacation, or increase his income by getting a job to pay for his generosity. The generosity stopped. His choice. He was not so interested in giving up his comforts of life,
You have the advantage of the
You have the advantage of the relationship being new, you can 'start as you mean to go on'. I'd sit them both down, let them know you love them both and commend DH for finishing his degree and ask SD what her plans front of DH so that he hears her response. I'd be saying that until DH completes his education it's going to be tight for a while financially. Ask SD what she can do to help. If she is unresponsive then express your dissapointment to them BOTH and suggest that SD finds an alternative because you just cannot afford to keep everyone. What about her mother? I think I might tactfully suggest she shares herself around family members but she's always welcome to visit...I think I just threw up in my mouth at that one but I said it so I am not sure if I take it back or not...yeughhhhh
It took a whle for DH to wake up and smell the coffee here too! Now it's tough love for them and they are out of the house and making their own way.
Keep asking relevant questions, that way they are compelled to THINK of answers and then they have to 'justify'...and it takes a while to run out of is worth hanging in there though because it does happen.
When she goes to jail, it's kind of inevitable from what you are saying, then no bail! Put a tighter reign on the finances and restrict access to DH too...I understand he's in school and striving for a good job but until such times as that happens he's ON YOUR RIDE! This ride comes equipped with BRAKES!! You are the one who has the financial power in reality. If you wanted to you could set up a separate account to syphon off funds for 'emergencies' of your own. Anything of monetary value should not be visible or a temptation to SD. It really does suck to have to hide valuables though, I've hidden cash before so's SKids did not steal it. Our uncle got so sick of adult kids that he and our aunt did not keep food in the house, they ate out ALL the time and did not invite the kids. The dishes were not washed? There were no dishes iether!! You can build you up a little 'strategy' that is less obvious than that though. If her favorite things run out then conveniently forget to purchase them. Keep only healthy items in the refrigerator, a minimum quantity. It's actually not that expensive to eat out, when you consider all the items you need to purchase, the time it takes to prep and cook etc. I think I would also keep a bathroom tissue for me and let her use the cheapy ones. Soap and shampoo and toothpaste etc. can come from dollar stores, except for your own use, just think of the spa day you can have with the money you save on those items! You can leave out cheap laundry detergent for general use too. Hey, tell them you have to make good economic choices. If SD wants expensive products she can work for them! Set her a 'payscale' for chores and she might develop a work ethic but it's highly unlikely. Drive her out subtly by setting chores for her and when they are not done, and if DH doesn't do them for her then it's out the door! One parent I know woke up the son and locked him out of the house during work way was the kid laying on them!! I heard it said that people who are looking for work should spend as much time looking as they would working...damn I wish I could find the reference for you to show her. I'd try not to make it about competing for status in the KNOW you are queen bee so you really do not have to flaunt it. A quiet air of authority, calm, do not dignify crap and most certainly do NOT get into negative discussions with her, what they call 'pissing contests' because the second you dignify that she considers it a victory in her shallow little mind. I wish you all the luck in the world, I know where you are coming from and it really sucks but things do improve in time. I urge you to maintain your OWN self first and DH is your next priority and SD is waaaaaaayyyyyyyy down on the ladder. Once she sees you are not going to enable her and her daddy is on your ride resentments will set in and she'll try to pick quarrels...hold your ground with dignity. When she starts trying to goad you tell her that this is how things need to be right now, you are sorry if it inconveniences her. I had to locate all my hot buttons and metaphorically switch them ALL off. It works!!
You have to edge them
You have to edge them out...LOL
I just read this post after
I just read this post after reading & replying to the other one this morning. He had a great job, made more $ than me (by a little). He is 53 working on nursing degree part time for years. Now the program reauires fulltime attendance. It was me who insisted he leave his job to finish his degree (1 more yr). I did not want him to quit school after working so long toward the degree. I make good $, am willing to do this for HIM and our future. I am not willing to put up w/her crap or with him enabling it. I am strong~ willed and there comes a point with me when enough is enough, hence the screen name. Thanks, appreciate your opinion...really
Guess we shall see...tellin
Guess we shall see...tellin ya not putting up with it. if you read about the talk we had, he does see the validity of what i told him and that his way isn't working, now the test will be does it change? Truly hope so, but i really don't know yet. But i'm NOT going to be miserable, can tell ya that much
Also, I too have my own
Also, I too have my own children, all three very responsible, independent, great jobs. My son has worked since a young age like yours....since he was 14. He is 29 now. Not one lick of trouble from any of them, EVER.
Here's the problem enuf, you
Here's the problem enuf, you have to say this to your SO. Me or the kid(s). You refuse to live with them. You're trying to find a way to make everyone happy, usually the mom ends up being unhappy. It's just not an easy thing to do. You WILL NOT CHANGE HIS OPINION of his daughter. You won't convince him that he's hurting her with his actions. The only way he will learn is all by himself. Only he knows when scorched becomes fried. You can not take him to that point faster. I say this through experience with my own son. No one would have been able to convince me. I had to go down the path at my own speed. You will probably have to either leave him or accept that she isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Sorry. But, it's true.
I agree with you on the pace
I agree with you on the pace of things, I had to disengage for DH to see just what was going on and how big a pain in the ass the kids really were. He go it! Denial seems hard to break out of. I know, I think we all know deep down, that we would defend our kids if someone was saying negative things of them but denial runs deeper with some parents than others...ergo it takes those parents longer to 'get it'.
I would be dealing with SD directly, with appropriate or 'politically correct' phrases that no one can really take offence at. Like 'can you help me with this please?' or outlining some responsibilities for her and letting her know that you have faith in her to complete the tasks. Rewarding positive behaviors.....I know...I hear you on her age but she's quite clearly NOT mature yet so it has to be softly softly catchee monkey here. Drop a few bugs in her ears, metaphorically speaking, and give her food for thought. I had to do similar stuff with SD here, it did not appear to be sinking in but later, her and I were reminiscing and she recalled ALL of it and she told me that what I did was correct at that time. SD also owned that she was a horrible child towards me, understatement, non the less I complemented her on her new found wisdom and we reached a whole new level of understanding.
Often it's a knee jerk response with kids to defy authority, it's human nature, right? I'm a grown woman and I still get indignant at some injustice towards my own self and I'll cuss the offending party for a minute or two...maybe even three! This girl, enuf's SD, really needs to be 'handled' and it needs to be done by someone who loves her unconditionally and who will take the time to reinforce more positive attitudes within her, or a therapist. I was very fortunate that I had the time for SKids, and the patience of Job! I love them deeply too. Regardless of how big an idiot some bio parents are the kids will grow up and make their own way...with well placed nudges and the occasional shove they fly the nest.