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BM in her final moments

maria14's picture

My MIL called to tell us that BM is barely hanging on. She was really shocked because BM was holding up pretty well at the graduation. They have her hooked up to the respirator and the lawyer is there having her sign some last minute documents. She told us my SS is very upset. My DH tried calling his son but he still will not pick up. We want to help and support my SS but he is not letting us.

I am praying for BM and my SS. I do not know how he is dealing with all this. I cried a bit when I heard the news. I did not cry because I felt very strong feeling for BM, but because I know my SS was hurting and sad. I cannot imagine losing your mother when you are not even 20 yet. I hope a miracle happens.


BSgoinon's picture

Wow. I honestly don't know what I would be doing... knowing me, I would be at the hospital with her, but BM and I have a very different relationship. I am sorry for your SS and his loss. This must be a hard time on all of you.

I pray for the best for you all.

stormabruin's picture

If SS is not picking up to answer your DH's calls, I wouldn't show up at the funeral. When his mother passes, he'll need apce to grieve for the loss. There is a time & place for everything & imposing on the time he has left with her with harrassing phone calls will only add fuel to the fire.

LEAVE HIM ALONE. When he's ready to reach out, he will do it. Let HIM be the one to make contact. I assume when your DH called & SS didn't answer, your DH left a "Thinking of you. If you need anything call me" message.

He will let you support him when he's ready to accept your support. Until then, LEAVE HIM ALONE.