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Happy Birthday to you, you live in a --- you look a ------ and smell like one too

forever2's picture

On your skids birthday, how do you feel??

A. Hooray, happy birthday, lets have cake and ice cream and lots of presents and enjoy the party. I can't wait.

B. Ugh, what's to celebrate? Let the skid's bio-parents deal with the fiasco. I'm going to the movies...alone!

C. Ugh, I dread this day all year. I will psych myself up, have an extra glass, or ten, put my pretend party hat on and gag my way thru the festivities.

D. Hooray, one year closer to college and one year closer to getting my house back. One down and --- to go!

E. I am honored to be a part of this special day for such a wonderful child. I just want to get him/her the best present ever!

Feel free to add your own.


Eyes Wide Open's picture's kind of "C", but I'll add one:

Oh, look, it's time for you to show up with your hand out for gifts again!

hismineandours's picture

I guess I will go with C. I am usually present for the "celebration" although I take no part in planning it or gettting ready for it. I am just there. Dh out of town this year so I am not even planning on acknowledging his bday. 3 years ago dh was in Iraq on his bday and I sent him a bunch of gifts, etc. Which he never thanked me for, and didnt even talk to me for months afterwards in fact. Although he did call a few weeks prior to his day telling me to call his mom to arrange for his party and have MY aunt send his "bday money" to his grandparents house. Um, yeah. I said no to both demands and I guess that's what pissed him off. So yeah, now I let the parents take care of that train wreck.

MyLifeMyRules's picture

Q) ~ I wish the Goblin King would come and take you away. Right Now! ~~~~ immediately followed by my brother and I hideing in the back of whatever crappy resturant the noseminer picked drinking excessive margaritas

Lauisifer's picture

A and a comment.

SS15, SD11, SD10, SS9, SS7, and SD5. No Biological Children.

Youngest turned 5 on friday.

I busted my butt to buy gifts, bake a cake, and throw a little party at our house because BM is a failure at working and supporting her family.

After the celebration, my boyfriend sits downs like he did the work and starts playing video games all night ignoring his children. He didnt work all day, he didnt spend $200 on groceries or presents, he didnt bake. But sure enough since he birthed the little turds he can owe up to the work.

Life is just amazing sometimes, the step-kids and boyfriend are wearing me out, but on a lighter note, Im getting pretty good at this fake smile the next time I see my boss I will be 10x better at buttkissing.