New Years
Hi all. I logged on to see how everyone else's New Years was going (ie. is anyone having a crappier one than me? ) but no such luck, not much New Year's chat. I, like many of you I am sure, am stuck with skid this LONG holiday weekend. I am just curious how many of you who are stuck with skids this weekend are married to men who LOVE that its a skid weekend? I can understand if we can't do anything because babysitters are hard to find, or restaurants are booked, or too expensive or there are too many drunk drivers. I could understand all of those reasons to stay home. But for my BF, there is nothing he would rather do on New Years Eve and weekend than stay home with skid. Its an adult holiday! Do kids drink champagne and kiss at midnight and party all night? Am I alone or do other women out there put up with men like this too? My parents went out on New Years and had a great time. I loved hanging out with the babysitter. What is wrong with these guys? Of all of the days that he would rather be with his kid, I can only think that Valentines Day would be a bigger slap in the face.
- forever2's blog
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Hi Forever, I am CSM to two
Hi Forever,
I am CSM to two SKids so will be at home this year...and every year until they are old enough to be on their own as their BM (Nasty) can't be bothered with them for more than 4-6 days per year. We have been known to go to friends houses so that SO & his friends can blow up copious amounts of fireworks, but it just isn't the same as having a grown up party! This year, we are low on money so the fireworks will have to be watched on TV.
I do miss going out, drinking (or watching others drink...I was always designated driver) & dancing through the New Year...I completely get where you are coming from.
I plan on putting music on, having a couple of drinks & spending loads of time comforting my dogs who are petrified of fireworks while watching the ball drop at midnight. I will also enjoy watching the celebrations around the globe.
Hopefully this is an every other year thing for you?
Well-it seems that sd will
Well-it seems that sd will spend it w/bm consoling her because bm's girlfriend so far it's painting to be a GOOD NEW YEAR }:) BF dreads his wknds especially long ones with sd because it gets so painful for us as a couple. I asked my parents to watch my kids tonight so him and i can have some time alone and they are spending the night there...I will celebrate with my man while I gleefully know that BM is miserable and spending NY's alone w/her misery and newest upset
Life is GOOOOD!!! Not sure what we are doing, if going out or seeing a couple friend of ours or just him and i having some time together at home drinking champagne getting retarded and having loads of hot sex
THAT sounds like the best plan honestly-ha!!!
I'm sorry your guy is being all upbeat about what you dread-that SUCKS! Try to have a Happy New Years though....if only in fantasty land
YES it's an adult ex should have had the kids because he's traveling next week on HIS wknd w/kids....BUT he says he's had them the last 2 NY'rs....LOL-yeah well they've been w/me EVERY holiday, the ones he's supposed to have, and the 2 weeks holiday break that we're supposed to split, every summer, he skips ALL of it and then complains he had them two new years HAHAHA....RRRIGHHHHT!!!
I have the pleasure of
I have the pleasure of feeding princess and pee lobster and crab. We can't go out because princess had her long awaited knee surgery yesterday and is immobile and doped up on percosett, which my husband has to dispense because even though she's almost twenty, she and pee (16) would most likely save as many as possible to take recreationally or sell (they're worth 30-40 bucks a pill on the street). However, given that she's doped up she might provide some entertainment - she likes talking to her knee, reassuring it and what not that it will be ok. As a psychologist, I get the value of positive self talk. As a step mom, she seems like a twelve year to me. But I refuse to give up having a nice dinner, even if it is at home, and I guess I'm not a wicked enough step mother yet to exclude them.
After dinner, however, we retreat to our room to enjoy champagne and satin sheets : )
I hope he pulls his head out and makes it special for you. Men should know it's always in their best interest to do so!
I am stuck at home with my 2
I am stuck at home with my 2 bio kids. Just the 3 of us!!! My Dh was scheduled to work until about 8 or 8:30 tonight and then be off.So we could spend New Years Eve together. (in our 7 yrs together we have only gotten to spend 3 together) Well, apparently his boss got a F*%king a burr up his ass and ordered my Dh to come into work at 1 this afternoon take a train all the way to the other side of the state, and then stay overnight and head out tomorrow afternoon,(New years day) which means he wont be home until about 1 or 2 in the morning on monday morning. New Years Day is my birthday and I get to spend it with my 2 kids (house arrest and grounded)
His contract states that he is to have all national holidays off, and since Sunday AND Monday are being treated as the holiday and he has to work BOTH damn days.
So my Entire weekend SUCKS!!!!!
No you aren't alone. SO has
No you aren't alone. SO has said in the past how he just LOVES sending these holidays with the skids. I would love to have a couples night and go to a real NY's party.
Tonight we will watch movies with the skids. How grown up. I promise you I will be asleep before midnight.
The skids went back to their
The skids went back to their sainted mother's house at 5:00. The CO says that she gets every NYE - she insisted because I drink and she doesn't. Apparently she thinks I am going to get drunk and dance on the dining room table in my underwear or something. :O
It SHOULD be a good night but FH is moody as the most PMSing woman you can imagine. He and the holy trinity (3 skids) are at odds with each other as he made them do a couple chores, they moped and then he took them out for a big lunch to say thank you. But he feels guilty since they were mad at him. Awwwww! :sick:
Hello Everyone ! Happy new
Happy new year to all. I wish you're find the best new year holidays and Christmas wishes. christmas quotes and messages //