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New Here

noexcuses's picture

I'm new to the site and now that I sit here at my computer I'm not sure what I want to write. My BF is not yet divorced from his wife, and yes, we started the affair before he even knew he wanted to leave. He has 3 children, from the wife, I have one. The soon-to-be ex-wife moved out in May, and recently the kids were told of our relationship. Things are complicated to say the least, but I'm not so stupid to start whining about a situation I put myself into with open eyes, I'm just trying to figure it all out.

Happy Birthday

smcpaw's picture

to me. I'm always writing in the negative, but today is my B-day and my boyfriend is the most wonderful guy in the whole wide world. He gave me a card last night that sounded like it was written just to describe our love for each other. He woke me up this morning with coffee waiting and a happy birthday note in the bathroom. He asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner or stay at home and he would cook us dinner - I chose to be at home with the one I love. My daughter is in California on vacation with her godparents, but left a voice mail at 12:30 a.m.

Amazing.....New Attorney is Doing Follow Thru

Sweetie's picture

I can't believe it! The new attorney is actually doing follow thru to make sure information is getting to the internet providers to make sure the blog sites are getting shut down. I just got a "cc" on an email he just sent today, which was actually a complete shock to me. Could believe that somebody was actually doing some work. That's new.
Hopefully I won't hear from the wicked witch, or what we commonly refer to as "the old bat", "the Loon", or "the lunatic" for awhile. Like never would be most acceptable to me.

Blog Site Officially Shut Down

Sweetie's picture

Well, we're making some progress. I just got email confirmation from and they just shut down SD's site. I think that the site was also shut down as a result of the attorney's letter, as well. It helps some.
It doesn't make it go away, though.
I think most of you probably remember the age old saying, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." Don't think I'd ever say anything more personal than a comment about the weather if I ever heard from SK's in my life again. Cause the climate here, is really chilly.

Expect No Communication for Husband's BD tomorrow

Sweetie's picture

Well, it is my husband's BD tomorrow. We are technically "on vacation" but the cell number is not changed. But I don't expect that even SS will be big enough to call his Dad to wish him a Happy BD. I am rather annoyed with him anyways from this other mess from SD and his lies, rather than being honest. And SD will not talk to my husband, unless he apologizes. He has said, hell will freeze over first, as he did nothing wrong. And he is now absolutely furious, after the defammation incident, saying she just completely crossed the line.

Finally Fed Up

smcpaw's picture

My boyfriend's daughter went to a party on Saturday with her biomom (on our weekend) and then she had to work from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. When we picked her up she wanted us to stop and get her a calzone, which we did (we had already had dinner earlier). We went home and my boyfriend told his daughter that he would be waking her up around 11:00 a.m. the next morning to spend some time with her before she had to go to work at 5:00 p.m. Well, 11:00 a.m. the next day he woke her up and she screamed at him telling him she was tired and to leave her alone.

Husband is home on vacation

Sweetie's picture

Hi all,
Well, if I were in the UK, I'd be saying, "bloody hell, I've had my husband underfoot for 2 days, with 8 more to go! He is on vacation from work and will be home with me so this should be pretty interesting. I sent him out to go swimming a couple of hours ago to keep him busy. I'm not used to having him around like this and it will probably drive me over the edge by lunchtime tomorrow.
