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Ex issues..have caused problems w/my husband & I

happy mom's picture

I gotta stop complaining to my husband about this ex issue's ruining my marriage. I guess I tend to take out my frustration on him and he is hurt & upset about it. I am now taking steps to control my emotions and anger so I don't ruin my marriage. I do realize I do that. Are you guys in the same situation?

Dissomaster Disappointment

Gwen's picture

I don't understand why for the next 12 years (SD is 6) we are subject to having our income ripped out from under us at the ex's whim. My BF pays PLENTY for SS and SD in monthly child support, promptly each and every month without a word. Ex is getting remarried next month, and today my BF let her know, as nicely as could be done, that pursuant to the settlement agreement the alimony payment will terminate next month. Her comeback was "well, I think it's time to have our attorneys run the child support program taking into account your increase in income".

I am a mother not just a step mother

stepinin's picture

well this is my firt time and I am so glad that this site is here. I thought I was alone. I have a 14old dh my DH has two grl two boys ages 18sd 16sd 14ss 8ss the 18,14, live with us and the 16sd lives with the EX the 8ss goes two weeks there two weeks with us. The EX- has had near to nothing to do with her 18yrold or 14yrold and had the nerve to leave a nasty message on DH cell that we keep them from her she lives on the other side of the the school and we live on the opp side. walking distance. she announced that SHE IS THERE MOTHER and I need to realize this. This EX-.....

Internet Photos

tyra's picture

So finally my DH emails the ex and tells her to get the photo off the dating site of SD. The photo was along side pics of her in her underwear. What does the ex do she emails saying the pics are off...GOOD NEWS!!!! but goes on to say that he shouldn't judge her since he has someone already in his life, dating sites are a good way of meeting people. He never even suggested that it was wrong....we both approve of it, know lots of people who have met throught a service. She just doesn't get it. It always comes back to her.

I'm Back

lylagarrett's picture

Well, it's me again! I wanted to post a little note to let everyone know that I am alive and kicking! Surgery went well and they removed both breasts and approximately 9 to 12 lymph nodes. (I'm a little foggy on the lymph nodes!) There was no cancer in the lymph nodes but approximately 6 cm of invasive cancer in the left breast. Therefore, I still have to go through chemo. Unsure on radiation, but will find that out when I visit the oncologist. Physically I am doing well. It was a major shock seeing myself the first time after surgery but think I am dealing with all of it fairly well.

Just me?

Melise's picture

I am having a hard time dealing with my SD. the problem is she cries about EVERYTHING!! She cries when her dad goes to work, she cries if a commercial comes on during her cartoon, she cries if I want her to go play while I do something.I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THERE IS A NEED TO CRY OVER STUFF!!! I have NEVER been a cryer even when I was little and to be honest when I hear kids crying about stuff it fries my last nerve REAL fast. Am I the only one who is like this? I dont know how to fix it. I try to not let it get to me but it is nearly impossible. I get SO irritated with crying!

Things are going to get heated

Kim's picture

My BF's ex-wife has had a history of causing problems for my BF. She tends to use their son as a reason to contact my BF for the most ridiculous reasons. They have been separated for the last four years and divorced for the last two. However, she constantly initiates contact with him and tries to provoke arguments about random things (which seems to be an attention-seeking behavior on her part). The frequency of her behaviors have escalated since I moved here about two months ago.
