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BM has called several times in the past couple of weeks asking for extra money to do this and that. I need some gas money, can you give me some spare cash to buy more presents with, I need some moeny to buy food on the way home, blah blah. The way BF makes it out is that she's calling several times a week, at first mentioning some trivial detail about SS so that her call doesn't violate the restraining order, but ultimately asking for more money. BF was just giving it to her to avoid a fight, but after he got that letter in the mail he put a stop to it!
I felt so bad for my boyfriend when his 9 year old son, told him that his mom cut his dads head out of their family picture (it was a picture of just him and two sons recently taken) and replaced it with her boyfriends head....and stuck it on the fridge for all to see...what kind of person would do this?
Well, no email from BM today (usually it is literally almost an every day back-and-forth battle between DH and BM) yet, so if she is ready to talk about this signing over of hubby's rights remains to be seen. I can't help but feel not only that this is just a game and she's not serious....I feel like she is trying to bait us and/or set something up.
I know why animals sometimes kill thier young!!
I'm looking for my pants this morning. I'm sure they were in the laundry yesterday. SSo I'm tearing the house apart looking for them...while my daughter is at the top of the stairs asking if we can leave early... HA NO! I have no pants!!! After 15 minutes..she says.."Oh I have your pants in my room..I took them out of the dryer by mistake..." Why didn't you put them back when you realized they weren't yours!!???!!!!!
Now I'm running late for work.....and I'm pissed...
I can't believe this but last night BF and I were having a really nice evening and we were talking and boom he says BM wants to know the plans for Christmas (which means here's what she wants to do and lets see how it fits into our schedule) "and I'm going to be with the kids on Christmas morning at her house!!!!!" Okay yes did I almost loose my cookies right there.....YES! Just like that no questions asked, no discussion ..boom boom I'm going there Christmas morning and that's that...I was so taken aback that I just blurted out "Wow do I feel left out"!
As most of you know, my ss is so spoiled, that it has ruined my inner desire to buy him too much. But nonetheless, I want him to enjoy Christmas morning, and every year it is getting more and more difficult. He already has guitar hero, an ipod, and a razor cell phone and would be enraged with anger if clothes were purchased for Christmas (although I might do that anyway). He has stated his mother is buying him nintendo wii for Christmas (which we are not interested in buying).
Court went pretty well today! It took about 2 hours and what was finally worked out was that my husband’s child support increased $31 a month (if you remember they had originally reduced it $60 a month and that is why she requested the formal hearing all this attorney’s fees and MISSED WORK over $60!) and the DID NOT back date the increase, it is effective as of 12-31-06 so he doesn’t owe her back pay!
Well, I'm probably going to spread out my "story" thus far over several different blogs. Today's issue is how I have been "banned" from having contact with BM. We had been close friends since 13 yrs. old, and even for about 2 or 3 years after I found out about the affair we would still communicate (though not well, for obvious reasons). Then one day it was just "You are not his parent, you don't have anything to do with this, all this should only be between your husband and I". It was like the past 15 years hadn't even happened in her eyes.
Is your sd still living with you? How is everything going?
I think I may have figured out why BM is being so cordial lately. Apparently she has gone behind-the-scenes to re-route the child support payments through the state board of child support enforcement instead of through the courthouse like it was. In turn, they have called in all of the back child support that is owed all at once instead of tacking a small portion of it onto the regular monthly payment like had been previously agreed upon. We got a bill in the mail for upwards of $3k which has us reeling.