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grannyd's Blog

O/T Update and Confusion

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Hey, my dear friends on StepTalk, subsequent to my post of 14 February, I received the following e-mail from my abusive relative. I’ve changed the wording of our names to ‘grannyd’ and ‘Mr. grannyd’.


Hey grannyd,

I have struggled with the words to come up with this past week, I am truly sorry to you and Mr. grannyd for everything I said and did. I feel awful about it.

Off Topic: Do you ever feel?

grannyd's picture

Do you ever feel so hurt, so devastated, that you want to lay down, pull a blanket over your head and sleep for a week? How is it possible for us empaths to accept maltreatment and damage from those people who should love us, without collapsing into a puddle of heart-broken goo?

Without naming my relation, I’ve been driven to my knees by his recent insults over our governmental differences. How in the world can a disparity between political parties drive such a division between loving relatives?

A cautionary tale

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In an earlier blog, I wrote about my beloved Dad having recently died. He has an adopted daughter, now 64 years old, and two nieces. After Dad divorced his ex-wife, his daughter (who had been difficult since early childhood, made worse by her mother’s PAS), blamed Dad for everything wrong in her life. Her only contact with him was when she wanted money or help paying her bills. She was unable to keep a steady job due to entitlement and poor time-keeping.

My Beloved Dad

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Ah, Aniki and all,

My beloved Dad (Stepfather but more dad than any bio guy in humanity) was hospitalized yesterday with congestive heart failure. He is now completely blind and his hearing is practically gone. Oh, how I love this man! He has supported me and my 7 siblings for decades and is our hero.

Off Topic; Medal of Honour

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The terrible rift in the Republican/Democratic political parties, tearing the country apart, was briefly set aside this afternoon while the extraordinary hero, Captain Larry Taylor, was awarded a well-deserved Medal of Honour. Having been appalled by watching that exceptional tribute bestowed upon an unworthy recipient in the not-too-distant past, it was heart-warming to view the medal appropriately presented.

Evil, new computer devices

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Is it just me? Am I getting too old to cope? StepTalkers, I’ve considered myself a bit of a computer guru since, for the last two+ decades, computing has been one of my favourite pastimes. I love nothing better than a good manual and am able to solve most internet problems with determination and those years of practice. 

However, last night, while trying to hook up my new TP-link AX55 router, I experienced such a mind-numbing, circular run-around that I ended up in tears of frustration and rage. 

Old hurts

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Today, I received an invitation to a bridal shower. We talk about ‘triggers’ on ST and this invite brought me back to an incident nearly 20 years ago. 

My husband’s ex-wife, although a loving mother to her son and daughter, was unreasonably hateful to her ex, my uxorious, handsome, tolerant, generous and kind husband. 
