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happy mom's picture

SS wanted to come w/me & my daughter to join my family's halloween party. we don't have him on halloween, so i told ss that i would ask his mother. i never got in touch w/his mom, then ss told me that his mother said he cannot go to the party because its a school night. he would have gone trick or treating anyways at his neighborhood, what the hell is the difference? i was going to invite her too, didn't mind if she came or not.

My 13 yr old is grounded...

lovin-life's picture

My 13 yr old is soooooooooo busted!!

A little background. She had her 1st BF in grade 6..1st crush puppy-love ect..they called each other BF & GF and hung out in a group playing tag at recess/lunch at school That was the extent of it. TO me no big deal. I thought it was kind of cute..this lasted for 1 yr..ended middle of grade 7.

Big Ears

smom1007's picture

My stepdaughter is absolutely gorgeous. She turns six in December, but you can just see how beautiful she's going to be. I try not to resent that my kids (none of which have been conceived) won't be as gorgeous as her b/c I'm totally white, so my kids will be mostly bland while she is half-Chinese and half-Puerto Rican.

I resent all the drama that's come with falling in love with my BF, but I want nothing more than for this little girl to grow up and be a well-adjusted person, a woman with a head on her shoulders.

Update from last week...

Kim's picture

Last week I wrote about BF's son and his extra-curricular activity (bowling)...BF's son didn't go to bowling two weeks ago (Thursday), while with us because BM didn't pick him from our house that day. He called his mom that night to ask why she didn't pick him up and she basically screamed at him about blaming her for not going to the activity...saying how dare she get blamed for this and that his father was supposed to take him. She proceeded to ask why he did not call her that weekend and he said because "I didn't want to". The conversation ended soon after.

Young SD telephone calls to BM

Gwen's picture

My little SD is 6 going on 7. I have known her since she was 3 going on 4, we have a strong bond. She goes through phases of missing her mom when she comes to our house--it was a lot for awhile, but for 8-10 months she hasn't said a word. Tonight out of the blue she started crying again about missing BM and wanted to call to goodnight.

Good News!!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I just got back from the school office. Stepson's report card looks awesome!! He got mostly A's and 2 B's. We were able to bring the social studies grade up from a C at mid term to an A!! Yippeee! I am so happy! I can't wait to congratulate him!! All of the hard work paid off!


This woman drives me insane!!!

Dee's picture

This may seem like such a minor thing, but this is just one in a long line of things the BM does that gets on my last nerve. The SD lives with her Mom during the week and with us each weekend. The SD had her school pictures taken and we just got our copies. MY GOD!! I think the BM just let her roll out of bed and throw some clothes on and sent her off to school. She obviously DID NOT have her brush her hair - it was sticking out in ten different directions. So my BF and I decided we're taking the SD to Sear's to get another picture taken, this one is SO bad.

I personally like #4 & 10 "Guidelines for Life"

Lil's picture

I read this today and just wanted to share. Wink

Guidelines for Life

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

3. Follow the three R's: Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions.

4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

5. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

Please, advise and wisdom

Ellie's picture

Hi to everyone. I’m so relieved to find this web site. PLEASE, I need advise about ways to cope. My husband and I have been married going on 5 yrs. I bring 3 children and he brings 3 children. We have custody of 5; my husbands oldest child (16 yrs) was awarded custody to his mom because he didn’t like me and he didn’t like being at our house. He acts up all the time, calls his mom constantly if he is corrected, gets really bad grades at school because he doesn’t do homework or study (and told the judge we “hassled” him about schoolwork), and he hit and pushed my husband.

ok ladies and gents help me out with this one

Shar's picture

Met man with 2 kids, ex wife is very bitter that husband left her, she got everything in house, half pension, 4200 a month support, and she still doesnt have enough money to buy the boys new shoes, winter clothing, school trips etc etc. She constantly tells the boys their father is useless, not providing, dead beat, etc etc. He always takes them Wednesday nights, and alternating weekends, aligned with my children's schedule. Our children get along fairly good. Court ordered she has 3 years to get educated because her spousal support will be cut off or reduced.
