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SD10 is super jealous of DD3. She is also guarded and secretive and generally growing up to be not a nice person. Fun times!
SS11 asking DD3 a question out of a game and DD3 responded with a correct answer. Bravo! SS was surprised and praised her, but SD couldn't help herself and immediately ask her.. 'yeah but do you know what 2 plus 2 is?' DD went quiet and stared at her because she obviously doesn't know what plus and minus is yet!! She hasn't even started pre school FFS.
What world is this? My god. For the survival of my marriage and my own mental health and peace, I put some strong boundaries in place two years in. Because the skids were still somewhat young, we had faith that they would one day "see the light." I kept trying with them. Kept getting smacked down, kept getting my feelings hurt. 5 years in, I threw my hands in the air.
This has been a long-time thing now with SD13 ignoring me in the house. Going OUT of her way to. This morning, when she was getting ready for school and eating breakfast, she turned herself in the chair the complete opposite way, back facing me. She rotated chairs to do it a few times, just in different chairs, at different angles. Been disenganged slowly over time, but more rapidly recently, and I think she's just angry she can't pick a fight with me. I'm nonchalant. I've taken away her power. She's one of those silent plotters. You know the person outwardly expresses angst and hat
As we know...DH and I have two different parenting styles....and then we have Beaver who's parenting style is...."let me be your bessssttttt frieennnnndddd". Now, all of our kids are just about adults and the differences are striking.
Husband gets a call from one of his many nieces, one who has 2 kids that Feral Forger used to baby sit, and would pile affection on regularly while her sister would look on (after having been punched in the arm on the way to some function).
The call was about this cousin getting chewed out major league and ripped a new whatever and she doesnt know why. Something to do with comments made on instagram.
Husband replies "shes sick, and lives in garbage..."
Sometimes I feel like Cassandra or Chicken Little, over here seeing warning signs that no one else can (or will).
For as long as I've known him, SS13 has been sneaky. He lies. He gets upset when he doesn't get his way. He's not rotten or malicious, but he's 100% self-centered and thoughtless.
As I blogged before, I'm disengaging from everything that doesn't directly impact me, my property or my dogs. Better for my marriage and my stress.
Last night my SD called the police on me. She thought they would arrest me for locking her out of the house. A little back story since I'm new here. SD got her phone taken away by the police because she shared things she shouldn't have online. A few days ago I got a notification that she logged on to Instagram using my email and cell phone number .So when I went to her room asking for the phone she lied and said she didn't have one. I took her door down and said you don't deserve privacy. You want to sneak around this is a consequence. She snuck out of the house.
So I am way behind in retirement investing (had many years where I worked part time bc I wanted to be available as a parent but I'm now seeing the downside of my decision) so I'm having to attack it at all angles and do more than the match at employer s offices.
Im kind of perturbed they won't give my my 6%'match till im
"vested" which I think is like 3 mf ing long years
#employerscam but whatever at least I keep what I put in.
So YSD18 has been here only 2x since December. She has a lot of excuses, some real, some exaggerated.
DH was upset last night because she sent him a text that "C's birthay party is on Sunday so I can't come this weekend." As was already planned. DH said he was trying to figure out how to respond and suggested he might offer some travel help/timing help like "If you come over Friday you can stay until Saturday evening" or "If you come Friday I can drive you early on Sunday morning..." or something like that. He asked for my opinion. Uh-oh.
DW flew out Wed AM at the butt crack of dawn to spend some time with my MIL. As usual, DW did not just see her mom, she crammed in time with anyone and everyone immaginable. Though at least this time she did not exhaust herself doing it. I flew to SpermLand Friday evening. DW and MIL picked me up at the airport and we headed the 2hrs south back toward DW's small town, dropped MIL of at her sister's house to pick up her car about 20miles from the small town my IL clan lives in.