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summertime blues

TooNewTOoknowBetta's picture

this summer my mate got his daughter. The initial plan was for both kids to go to dance camp, however due to his babies mother not wanting to assist with cost... (she is still receiving child support) we couldn't put his daughter in. NOw I am my daughters only parent, and she has two... due to this I decided I couldn't incur the debt not to mention I couldn't afford it anyways... the issue at hand however is that she has stayed home with me for the majority of the summer and now I am tired of watching/keeping her everyday. She isn't bad at all I am just tired... is this wrong?


TooNewTOoknowBetta's picture

I have brought the above up to my mate... and he then says well I am just going to send her back home... now let's be honest this would hardly piss me off.. but can he find any other solution... let his family keep her until school starts... or simply you become the running man for her... because at this point I am just too tired to keep it up!!!

Crizzle's picture

LIVE with us and never go visit their mother because her whereabouts are unknown and she only has supervised visits anyway. She hasn't even visited or called skids since October '08.
DH works nights and sleeps part of the day. He spends MAYBE 5-6 hours a day awake in the home while I am here with THEM EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY. I totally understand how you feel....and then some.

"They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle. I just wish he didn't have so much confidence in me."

Sia's picture

I get how you feel. My Dh got custody of SDs in 02. BM promptly disappeared, not to be heard from again until sometime in 05. I WAS the only parent that took care of them b/c DH had to work 60+ hrs a wk just to take care of us all. Of course, BM paid NO CS during this time. In fact, she only ever paid us a grand total of $141, for the entire time they lived with us, which was a total of 7 yrs. NICE huh?

Is the SD now living with you or just there for visitation? If she is living with you, why is he still paying CS?

TooNewTOoknowBetta's picture

Well my mother took me and my daugher out this weekend... I called an did my normal check ins and then was told that she(SD) has been at his mothers the whole time... looks like he is trying to make sure he doesn't have to do too much work when I am gone... and he has also said she(SD) will stay there all week... I don't believe he really understands the way I feel but atleast he has found another solution... can you say thank you lord for hearing my prayers... and relieving me of my stresses..