TooNewTOoknowBetta's Blog
why does she deserve custody
So I have been thinking... my boyfriends BM, has been a pain in my side from the beginning of our relationship. She has called me and left threatening messages, and called me everything but a child of god... not to mention made threats about kicking my @$$ right in front of SD. Now truly I find this comical... Comical because she is upset with me because I am a better mother then her.. atleast in my eyes, now SD would probably give us a 50-50 split but hell she is only 5. Now we...and yes I say we, have been on child support for about a year now.
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How could you plan this? PREGNANCY?
Again I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years... he has one daughter 5, as well as myself. My daughter is the hare, and his is the turtle... but let me get to the topic.. When I met him I was made aware immediately of his BM. Now I didn't know she was a hot ghettos mess... because I am just the opposite. I am very well spoken and from the middle class... which would make me assume that maybe she was some what put together, or atleast similar to myself... hell no! After meeting her, on her numerous pop up dropoffs... this is when I realized This girl is ghetto...
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is it me or my mate
Okay so I have been in this relationship on and off again for about 4 years... and to be honest I think we are not the most healthy for each other ... for we love each other differently but I am wondering at times if the love is one sided... i.e. I find myself having his daughter on most occasions, functions, events etc.. most which of recently he doens't attend. for the various occasions the child has to be dressed. Due to his limited incomde he rarely purchases her clothes or provides finances for me to do so. I find myself purchasing her things while I am out with my daughter...
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summertime blues
this summer my mate got his daughter. The initial plan was for both kids to go to dance camp, however due to his babies mother not wanting to assist with cost... (she is still receiving child support) we couldn't put his daughter in. NOw I am my daughters only parent, and she has two... due to this I decided I couldn't incur the debt not to mention I couldn't afford it anyways... the issue at hand however is that she has stayed home with me for the majority of the summer and now I am tired of watching/keeping her everyday. She isn't bad at all I am just tired... is this wrong?
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