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Stick's Blog

Territorial Feelings - at home and on here!

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It is so bizarre. For those that don't know my story, SD over here has been living with her dad and I for the past 2 years - and consistently with almost no visits to her mom for the past year.

Recently, SD has begun relations with her mom again. SD is surprising me. She had such bitterness toward her mom that has now been replaced by almost a complete 180 degree turnaround. Before, her mom couldn't do anything right. Now, her mom gets a pass when she does the same behavior that pissed SD off so much before. It's very curious to me.

SM2one, Heaven, BMJen, BBB, Belle, DPW - And any one else that may know my situation... I forgot to add

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Ladies - thanks for answering my last blog... I forgot to add a piece of info....

DH got BM to sign the revised Divorce Agreement! And it has been signed by a judge on March 23rd and is in the process of being filed with the court.

In the latest revision...

BM agrees to pay DH child support ($100 less per month than she is required) but she did agree

Her half of SD's health insurance

Half of all other expenses (maybe she would have been better agreeing to the $100 a month extra with prom and exam costs coming up!)

On pins and needles....

Stick's picture

So, this shouldn't be a strange turn of events, that makes me nervous, but it does.

SD has just seen her mom about 5 times over the past 2 weeks. That's after not seeing her since January.

Bm of course, spoiled SD for Easter and I had to play the bad guy and tell SD that's not how most families celebrate Easter. And then BM came to SD's play both nights, and then took SD for a facial where her cousin works.

Something that may help your DH understand what life is like for you...

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My SD's grandma on her mom's side (Nana) is 86 years old and very very in the throes of senility. By all accounts, she was ALWAYS somewhat of a mean person. She is the "matriarch" as BM's father has passed a long time ago. Nana was born in Italy, lived through WWII and an accident that made her limp. She is from another world, another time. She hates DH for "leaving" her daughter and really HATES me - just because I exist. She has made no bones about that fact and does not attempt to hide it from SD at all.

Hello Ladies - Long time no see... Just saying "hi" and update... Long

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Wow. Lots going on here, huh? I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I check in on the girls about once a week, and am sorry I don't get to be part of the site anymore. But also, I can see some of the emotional havoc that has been on lately. I truly hope that everyone is alright and finding strength when and where they need it.

As for me... I am up and down.

Another take on "venting"....

Stick's picture

Watch your 'Thoughts,' they become words.
Watch your 'Words,' they become actions.
Watch your 'Actions,' they become habits.
Watch your 'Habits,' they become character.
Watch your 'Character,' for it becomes your Destiny.

This was sent to me in an email as a Feng Shui horoscope. I thought it was particularly fitting for this site! Smile

Here's a vent for you..

Stick's picture

I cannot stand when I hear people... friends..... members on this website... co-workers, etc....
VENT, COMPLAIN, B*TCH or otherwise consistently are unhappy in situations where EVERYONE ELSE is wrong, at fault, not listening etc etc... and the speaker is "right".

NO ONE is right 100% of the time.

Here's a question for you.. What DID you expect?

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We are all so sick and tired of the whole "You knew what you were getting in for"... line of reasoning when it comes to our situations.

BUT... the flip side of that question is... "What DID you expect when you married a man with an ex-wife and children in his life?"

For me, while I didn't really expect SD to come and live with us...

I did expect that she would continue to be a big part of DH's life, and by proxy, my life too.
