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THIS is what we get when DH stands up for ME.

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SM31 is not my wife nor do I have ANY obligation towards her. As I have stated before SHE is the one that came into a situation where kids were established from a long term marriage. If anyone should be understanding or trying to keep things civil it is HER. I don't care nor need to know what your support is towards her involvement. As she clearly made it known when she helps out it is her helping you with YOUR responsibility.

Gotta love emails from control freak BMs

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Here's what BM said:

1. "I don't think the calendar needed to be changed for those two days especially since you will be at work anyway."

She asked to have one of DH's weekends and sent the calendar in PDF. DH asked for 2 days in the week to make up and I helped him redo the calendar to show this. Clearly, no one is allowed to make changes to HER calendar. But her reasoning is BS, because she's at work most weekdays when the kids are at her house too!

2. "Also I did not copy your wife on the original email so why is she involved in your response?"

SD said that BM will fight me when she sees me... LOL

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DH and I had a small argument and so I stayed at home while he took all the kids to see fireworks last night (and boy did I have a blast not having to deal with traffic, kids or rain! And today DH is being sweet as a button because he learnt his lesson! LOL) My SIL and her kids went too.

Anyway, SIL told me today that
1. The SKids talked shit about me to her the whole time.
2. BM is now copying SD15 on all emails, and forwarding our emails to SD as well.
3. SD said that BM will fight me when she sees me.

BM replied and I'm not even opening it. :)

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So BM replied 2 days later (see previous post, clearly she had to think about it because she usually whips off 1000 word replies within minutes.

And it begins like this: "SM31, you know what SM31? I thought your offering to help was..." and I don't know what comes next because that's all that's in the preview and I have archived that email and won't open it until who knows when because I'm pretty sure there's nothing in there that pertains to the kids.

5 years later I finally get to stick it to BM

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Perhaps I should have taken the high road, but I had waited too long for this moment, and I said what I had to say very nicely, and feel EXTREMELY good about it.

About 1 year ago, BM went at me in an email (after screaming at me from her window), because I dared to try to enforce that teenage SD wears her prescription glasses while at our house and took her cell phone away when she didn't.

More and more I think this arrangement is like poligamy

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Because I'm the only one who is supposed to be understanding and tolerant of the intrusiveness of an ex-wife.

I suppose if I also had an ex-husband, it would be a more equal playing field. But I don't.

And I hate sharing my husband with "the mother of his other children". I especially hate it at meal times, at night times, on his days off, on OUR family outings, and no, she doesn't come along, I just hate having her text or call.

As The Time Goes By, Does This Get Easier Or More Complicated?

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SD posted a pic of herself with her new baby sister (BM's baby) as her Facebook profile. And then DH and half his family "Liked" it.

I am just trying to figure out why this bothers me.

I think I'm a little jealous because SD probably never put a pic with our DD as her profile pic, and that maybe she thinks of her as less of a sister?

I don't really understand how DH and his family feel about this baby, and why they would be so neutral or receptive to the baby, while I feel like I don't want to think of the baby as a part of my life.

DH brings on Disneyland.

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DH actually told me this weekend that he only sees the kids 2 days a week and he just wants them to have fun while they are here.

THIS because we had about 3 weekends of doing schoolwork with them and I wasn't home this Sunday so none got done, none on Sat either even though I asked him about it. Nothing got done because he didn't feel like enforcing, because he has come to realize that helping kids with school work means he has to put in a lot of time and energy, because I have taken a back-seat.
