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stepmom31's Blog

After 3+ years, a LIGHT!

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This weekend DH told his own mother that "The only arguments Stepmom31 and I have are regarding BM, who likes to push her boundaries and thinks she still has control over me." We had a skid free Sunday and invited MIL over. DH said this in front of me. MIL said she was elated to hear it coming from him. Smile

Is DH finally seeing the light??!!

Very weird Friday, though one of the better ones for me.

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So today, BM changed her plans from dropping kids at DH's work because I had to go pick up DH when he was done. She said she'd drop them at 8p, when DH is at home. At about 7.50pm, SD changed her FB status to "At X restaurant" in their town (30 mins away), so it was pretty obvious to me that they were not going to arrive anytime soon. And this is the calmest I've ever been about it, because this time I wasn't waiting on them. DH on the other hand seemed soooo anxious, it was really weird to see him like that. I did show him SD's FB status, so he knew too.

My hunch was right! BM and her man are having problems.

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So... a couple days after my blow out with DH, I really tried to review the whole thing objectively and it occurred to me that BM's man probably isn't around and that's why she's latching on to DH and trying so hard to be friends with him and trying so hard to exclude me.

Damn, I was right.

BM's uncle spoke to my in-laws and told them that BM's bf never came back after their mini-vacation for BM's birthday. AND that BM's father and brother are not on good terms with her right now.

BM's email

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Reading this over now, I want to laugh. I do have authority over the kids when they are here and it pisses her off soo much. DH did not reply, I really wanted to reply but haven't. Things are over now, but...say what...

It's over.

stepmom31's picture

Thur we went to drop CS check and pick up kids, had to beg for them one day early even though they on summer vacation. BM doesn't want to sent the because they will be with me all day at home.

Pics - I waited years for this!

stepmom31's picture

My DH has finally put up a pic of OUR kids in his office. He has had pics of the stepkids since he moved into that office, pics that BM put in frames etc and he took when they divorced. For years, since the birth of our first baby, I have been begging him to put up a pic of our kids. It didn't matter to me for it to be in any fancy, expensive frame, or any frame at all for that matter. I would have settled for a computer print out put up with tape (and that is indeed what I have had to settle for).
