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It gets worse!

stepmom31's picture

So when I thought it was BM laughing at us, it wasn't JUST that.

I checked DH's text messages against the phone record and it turned out he had deleted messages!
I asked about it and he LIED and said he hadn't deleted anything. And so I double-checked the records to see if I was just going crazy but I wasn't so I asked him again. He eventually caved and said he did and then he said he didn't know what he deleted and he didn't know why he deleted them!!!! Well I didn't give up and kept pestering him about what he deleted, about what's the big secret with BM, and that I know he deleted it because he did something that I would be concerned about. He eventually gave me the whole follow up conversation to the "I'm keeping the kids this weekend, you and the boss have a good night lol" text. Turns out he was laughing RIGHT ALONG with her, referring to me as "THE BOSS" in his replies!!! WTF!! Telling her "The boss is tight with money" etc and honestly, I don't know what else he told her. I am so MAD. So much for DH being on my team. I feel like I really can't believe a thing he says anymore.

This morning he is gone to get the kids and, yup, guess what, he also has agreed to drop them back, I find out this morning.


3familiesIn1's picture

Maybe its time for the boss to go on vacation for a little while and see how your DH likes being, the boss and everything that comes along with it. Time to check out for a bit and enjoy some time off boss lady.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Wow. What a crappy feeling.

Hey DH "so what about all this makes it ok for you to make fun of me with the woman you used to f*ck? Seriously??"

After this, if you don't leave him, he'd have some serious disengaging from HIM going on. Yes I've done this. SO disrespects me, I start living as a roommate, not a wife/SO. Like the above poster said, let him do everything on his own. Never again any more conversations about what he should or shouldn't do. I'd also tell him if he wants to kiss BM's ass and be a p*ssy then fine, but you can't watch.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Yes this. This would be beyond reproach for me. There would be some serious rethinking going on here. My SO is a lot of things, but he's NEVER said anything off color to BM about me and when SHE has herself, he's gone ballistic on her.

Disneyfan's picture


BM was kind enough to tell me that DF would remarry her WHEN he and I break up. "He will always come back to me. He was with BM1 for 8 years. When they broke up,he came back to me like he always does."

It took me a minute or two to stop laughing.

A. I couldn't believe that she was proud of being a little lap dog.
B. I found it funny that she thinks I would give a rats if DF decided to run back to her Hello Kitty if we ever break up.

knucklehead's picture

Oh, man, that would piss me off!!!

On the flip side, do you act like "the boss?" Do you talk to him or have an attitude of "what you say goes?" Do you try to force him to do things "your way" instead of "his way?"
I often find many women on here who try to dictate ALL sorts of stuff to their DH's.

That doesn't excuse him laughing at you with BM. He should be man enough to tell you that's how he feels.