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How to deal!!

valerie10411's picture

I just CAN'T stand my ss anymore. He irritates me beyond belief. I don't feel like I should ever be disrespected by a child and his attitude is always an "I'm the boss" one and I'm sorry, I refuse to be manipulated by a 3 yr old. My bf says I should be the bigger person but this kid just know how to push my buttons and I just can't put up with him. I know bf and I need to set some ground rules but once skid leaves I'm way to happy a relieved to bring the topic back up. Lately I've been trying to distance myself but when he comes back around all my bad feelings toward him return. How do you all deal with your skids? I want to work things out and be able to be happy and myself even when he's around and not bitter like I have been lately. Help? :/

phoenixgem89's picture

ive got the same problem, but mine is almost 13. i wish he was 3, i could just threaten to string him upside down in the garage from the rafters and let the dog lick him to death (i wouldnt but it works on my 5 yr old niece and my 8 yr old nephew, one who doesnt care, and the other who hates being licked). but alas, mine is taller than me.

honestly, id say you need to lay down the law with him, hes 3, your the adult last you checked, and hes not the boss in your house. maybe in mommys house he can be the boss, but not with you. what i did with my niece, she doesnt walk around my house anymore like she runs it.

phoenixgem89's picture

thats my exact problem with my SO, he thinks so much about this kid being 'the good kid' he doesnt see the little jackwad hes becoming.

dledden's picture

my ss8 is autistic. often talks back to me and tells me he don't have to listen to me, etc. i get dad on the phone and make the kid comply. my feelings towards him are the same feelings you have towards yours. problem in my situation may be the same a yours. by the time dad gets home from work after the kid's done something i've had to call him for, hours and hours have gone by and there is no follow-up or discipline from dad. he just wants to come home from work and relax and not deal with it. my fiancee is an expert at NOT dealing with shit, you ever need help in that dept. he's your man! skids are frustrating as hell. i just got fiancee to agree to 2x a week this summer for the skid (who lives with me 24/7 ughhh) to go to grandparents house just so I could have a break, which I need. he actually agreed, prolly just to shut me up. don't care, as long as i get the time I need. good luck to you girl!!!