stepmom31's Blog
BM's refrain: "You should do all that you would have done for them if we were still married"
There are the EXACT texts from BM because she refused to pay for SS's prescription, and at the time DH didn't have time to call to do it. Turned out he couldn't call to do it anyway.
"Don't fukin pay nuthin ur a piss poor excuse of a father to SS & SD, It's like they are bastards now & even they feel it."
"Broke ass nigga havin more kids..."
No money, really?????
So BM couldn't pay for SS's prescription, but the stepkids brought their Longhorn Steakhouse leftovers from Friday dinner out!!!!!!!
... and I've been eating leftovers all week because I cooked for them last Saturday, and they ended up going out for dinner with BM and taking too long at dinner so she just kept them for the weekend.
God, I'll just eat my sandwich and shut up now...
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$ always causes a problem
SS got pinkeye. BM took him to doctor, informed DH it's $XX. Then to the pharmacy, and then called to insist DH call and pay the bill at the pharmacy - $XXX. I don't know what exactly was said or went on, but DH was working, didn't get home til 11pm and is super busy with a deadline for shipping his stuff today and apparently didn't have the time to call to pay. Why can't she just pay for the medicine and DH will pay her back?? I'm wondering if she let SS go without medicine until DH can pay... jeez, I can just imagine the earful the kids would have gotten about their father!!
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Why can't my DH just aplogise every day for sleeping with that Bitch?
I don't know, but I just think it would make things infinitely better, if DH could wake up every morning and hit me with an inspirational saying such as, "I regret ever laying sight on that bitch and I'm sorry for how my past decisions have affected your life, continue to affect your life and probably always will affect your life. I'm sincerely sorry. I love you and I appreciate all that you do for me, and my kids, I know it isn't easy for you." Then my day can always get off to a good start.
I'm allowed to dream, right...
Wrangle for the weekend
So BM texts DH she wants to keep the kids this weekend. We expected it, she angry at DH, it's always the first thing she tries to do. DH asked her why. No response. He asked how SD's finger is doing. She replied SD is doing pretty good. DH didn't respond again after that.
Later he sent an email saying that she never responded earlier about why she wants the kids this weekend and that he wants to see them and is willing to compromise to have them only one day if that's ok with her.
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Can we send BM for therapy at this place? :)
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Weekend Injury and the Meltdown when kids return to BM
Over the weekend, the kids were fighting as they always do, and SD complained about SS injuring her as she always does, even though she's usually the one starting the fight by provoking him. Lately, my tolerance for this fighting has been short, and it's usually about the computer, so my stance is to shut off the computer and tell them to sort it out civilly and then when they can get along once again we can talk about getting the computer back on.
Book suggestions, anyone? How to help the kids cope with their 2 parents
I'm looking for a good book about how to help the kids cope when the divorced parents cannot always agree and there is still conflict, even though significant time has passed.
Honestly, I know that the parents are supposed to suck it up for the sake of the kids, but I think that, in reality, when the 2 parents' values and parenting are so profoundly different, conflict is inevitable.
SD and school
So, get this, BM never put her phone number as a contact for SD's school, neither did she put DH's phone number (cell or work). She put her parents' house phone number. SD's teacher called to complain about SD's attitude in class and that she skips a good part of the class to go to the bathroom with another girl in class. The teacher spoke to BM's father. BM's father called DH to tell him that he needs to do something about his daughter, that perhaps SD needs to come and live with us, that if DH doesn't do something, she's going to turn out like DH!!!! :jawdrop:
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It's Friday already!
I'm still mad at DH about the taxes issues. Somehow, I just feel that if he's going to simply GIVE BM $xxx as hush money so that she won't stir up drama, then at the very least he should also give me the same $xxx to splurge on myself, and perhaps more!! Is it wrong to think this way? Why is it that he'd pay to avoid drama with her (i.e. not make her angry or upset), but doesn't seem to care if I'm angry or upset about this??
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