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Q: For the divorced folks: Do you or your Ex still call each other by some sort of nickname?

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Question For the Divorced Folks

Do any of you all still call your ex-husband or ex-wife by a nickname that you called them when you were married? Not necessarily a lovey-dovey nickname, but a shortened version of their name or some other form of nickname?? Does your Ex call you by any such nickname?


Jim - you call him Jimbo
Gabriella - you call her Gabby
Roberto - you call him Robbie
Antoinette - you call her Annie


Amazing weekend with the stepkids

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DH had to work all weekend, so I was at home with the kids. Quite a number of nice things and pleasant interactions took place. This is just so that I remember the good stuff in years to come.

1. DH went out to get bread, SS went with him. DH got the kids a snack each, and one for me too, but SS was the one to remind DH what MY favorite snack is.

O/T perhaps... A Good Book - to help one see through the FOG of Emotional Abuse

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Fear. Obligation. Guilt.

I thought this was such an eye-opening book:

Emotional Blackmail: When the People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation, and Guilt to Manipulate You by Susan Forward & Donna Frazier

For learning how to deal with parents, in-laws, the husband's/wife's ex, the guilty parent, kids and even my own self-sabotaging thoughts as a second wife and stepparent.

Overstepping to get BM to step up, what are your experiences with this?

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So, the thought has occurred to me that, perhaps, if I step up and act motherly together with DH in his plan to get the kids to do more schoolwork in order to bring up their grades (they are both failing Math), that BM might think I'm overstepping (or doing her job) and she'd step up and at least attempt to do HER job a little bit better.

Getting it out so that I don't hit my hardworking DH with it as soon as he gets home today...grrr..

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The stepkids are FAILING math. DH has stepped up and is doing work with them on the weekend, but they only do work when he insists.

Unfortunately today he had to work and they went back early, so they did absolutely nada, despite the many lectures they have been getting. SD watched High School Musical for the millionth time and SS watched YouTube videos of Wrestling.

He called me by the X-Wife's name!

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He called me by the X-Wife's name!!!!!
During an argument.
WHILE referring to OUR child, eg X-wife's name, where is "our child"?

I am sooo mad.
He refused to admit he even did it.
It was like he didn't even realize.
It was like he seriously thought he said MY name.

The names are not that close, just similar ending, same vowel.

He refused to ADMIT that he did it and it was clear and plain as THUNDER to me.

I honestly NEVER ever thought this would happen. I don't know how to begin to calm down.

SD has an attitude with her parents; she's a GEM with me

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Apparently SD (almost 13) has been giving her mom a hard time - trouble with schoolwork, nasty attitude, acting up. And apparently DH gets the call to talk to her and straighten her out.

Hmmm... this has only just begun. Does this mean DH is going to be the go-to-guy every time?
Are the phone calls going to escalate into him having to go over there to solve the problem?

I don't get DH sometimes (BM got a new car)

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SD texted DH "Good morning, daddy, I'm on my way to school. Have a good day!"

That was unusual, she never initiates texts or calls during the week, but DH replied in kind.

The next day, same exact text from SD to DH. So it's starting to sink in, something's up, he gives her a call.

She was bursting with the news of "Mom's dropping me to school. Mom got a new car!"

DH actually blurted out "How the F*** can she afford a new car?!" and then apologized to SD for his outburst.

Failing Math

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SS was made inactive in his 5th grade math class. I know DH is worried. I'm great at math and want to help but we get the kids only on the weekends and they never bring books home from school on the weekend. I asked DH to get SS to bring his math book home, I asked DH to call the teacher and ask her to let SS bring it home. SS is seriously falling behind, and he says his mom only helps him with hard HW questions.

After I defended SS versus Grandpa, we are moving out!

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I can't give all the details, but after I defended SS versus Grandpa (my FIL), DH stepped in to defend me and SS and he went a bit too far versus his own parents, so MIL told us we need to move out.

We had guests, so DH embarrassed his parents in front of the guests, but it only happened because FIL embarrassed SS in front of the guests. I hate it when adults think that they should be treated with respect simply because they are older and don't think that children should be treated with the same respect.
