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Siferra's Blog

Food Advice

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We have been sitting down to the dinner table to eat our meals lately. It has been a welcome change for DH and me; it’s like we get the socialization of going to a restaurant without having to go anywhere! Novel concept, I know.

SS5 has always been a picky eater, made worse by BM also being a picky eater. I am no paragon of nutrition, but man cannot live on mac & cheese alone – so the new rule is that SS has to try whatever I make.

The look on SS's face

Siferra's picture

Yesterday I stepped up our eating requirements a bit more. I served dinner at the actual dinner table (shock!) and we all three sat down together. I made mexican and gave SS5 a cheese rollup with a paper thin shmear of beans. He's never tried beans before (as much as I know).


Siferra's picture

Food has always been a huge challenge with my SS5. On top of being a picky eater he also uses food as a power play and doesn't eat in order to get attention. He will often leave food to sit and get slimy/cold and then complain that he doesn't like it and ask for cookies.

Back off the dog!

Siferra's picture

Like many around here, I love my dog more than I love my SS5.

There is some tension right now because the dog can get up in SS5's face a little bit, and he used to be scared of the dog. Now, he hams it up to get attention. He'll play with the dog, and then wait for his dad to look. As soon as his dad looks SS pretends to be afraid so that my DH will make the dog go in her crate. I believe that if SS doesn't want the dog to be hear him then he shouldn't initiate playing with her.

Lurker no more!

Siferra's picture

Hello all!

I’ve been a lurker here for almost a year now under a different user name. I had to change before posting because my SS5’s BM is totally the kind of crazy person who would find me here and my old user name was too obvious.

I’ve decided to start posting some of my own. My SS5 is with my husband and me every weekday evening and every 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends. Things are OK – but SS5 has some issues that I find extremely frustrating and I love the idea of having a place to vent where DH won’t think that I hate his kid.
