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Siferra's Blog

SS7 - Always In Trouble

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We're having a tough time with SS7. We have him every weekday evening and every other weekend.

The trouble is that he's constantly in trouble at school. He is in a special needs class, and in the class they get five "pennies" a day, and can lose them for bad behavior, and earn them back for good behavior. They also use time outs for more serious offenses.

There hasn't been a day this year that he has ended the day with 5 pennies.

SS7's Speech Issues

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I feel bad for my SS7. He is a good kid deep down, but he has some challenges, and I’m not the most patient person in the world.
My SS7 doesn’t talk very well. He mumbles a lot, and doesn’t enunciate well. He has problems with pronouns, tenses, etc. I recently started trying to correct him when he says things incorrectly, because if nobody ever corrects him it’s never going to get better. Sometimes he takes the correction and tries again. Other times it doesn’t go so well.

Lost Job

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My DH lost his job Friday. It was a miserable job, and he stuck it out for two years even though he hated it, so I'm kind of glad.

BM on the other hand is freaking out that she might lose her $200 a month child support, as that is her only income.

A Year Off

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When DH and BM broke up she moved in with her parents. A year later they told her that she needed to either go to school, get a job, or move out. She opted for school as the path of least resistance.

Here we are, 4 years later, and she is a year away from being done with school to earn her degree in elementary education. She wants to teach kindergarten (I don't think she has taken in to account how much work that will be, but whatever)

Last Minute

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I hate how we always find out about things at the last minute.

BM told DH about a meet-the-teacher night at 4:00 the night it's happening. We already have dinner planned with my mother, so either they have to miss it, or we have to reschedule the dinner.

How rude!

Update to Chores

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Yesterday went SO well! I talked to DH a few days ago about SS7 helping me sort the baby's diapers. He said I was welcome to do whatever I wanted.

Yesterday we had a huge load of diapers that needed sorting and putting away. I asked SS7 to help me and I said that every time he helps me do the diapers I'd give him 50 cents. He actually did a good job, sorting everything then putting it away. I had to show him where, but I didn't touch a bit of it.


Siferra's picture

I tried to have my SS7 help me out by sorting the laundry the other day. We're cloth diapering the baby, so I'm doing an extra load of laundry every 2/3 days. I thought it would be super helpful for SS7 to begin to help me sort out the diapers.

It's more trouble than it's worth to try to guide him through it. It's not so much that he can't - it's just that he gets constantly distracted. What should be at most a 5 minute job takes 20 and I have to constantly pay attention.

Taxes and BM's schemes

Siferra's picture

I have a great one!

Our CO says that we trade years for who gets to claim SS7 on taxes. Totally fair, I get that. But it’s also not like it’s official with the IRS, it’s just what they agreed to do.

Last year was BM’s year to claim SS. She doesn’t work, so she wasn’t going to get anything back for him. We offered to claim him and then give her 50% of the difference. If we were going to get $300 without him and $1300 with, then we’d give her 50% of the difference, or $500. Seemed like a reasonable offer to us.
