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Siferra's Blog

Short BM stories

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My DH is looking to take a few classes at the community college to feel a little more proactive in life. I fully support him and offered to watch SS6 on the evenings of class.

BM's "calculations"

Siferra's picture

Follow up to yesterday’s blog:

BM met DH at the door and said she had been doing some “calculations” She says since we only have SS6 “six days a month” that the extra weekend she’s asking us to take would end up being $15 in child support.

Yes, she seriously says we only have SS six days a month. She deliberately forgets EVERY WEEKDAY EVENING. We have SS from 4-8:30 EVERY SINGLE WEEKDAY. By our state law we get a quarter day credit for any day we have him more than 3 hours. So, as non-custodial we would have him for 13 days a month under this new schedule.

Nice try BM

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Background: BM lives with her parents and goes to school because they would kick her out of the house if she wasn’t at least doing that. We have SS6 every weekday evening from 4-8:30, and every 2nd, 4th and 5th weekends. This means that BM actually sees her son about an hour in the morning before he goes to school, about an hour after school before we pick him up, and two weekends a month. We have him the vast majority of his waking hours that he is not in school. Still, because SS sleeps at her house we end up paying child support.


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I seriously don't know what's wrong with my MIL. My DH called her to give the happy news that we're expecting, and guess what her reaction was?

"Oh great, another grand-kid I won't get to see as often as I'd like to."


She lives in another state, and we can only afford to travel to see her once a year or so. And frankly, with an attitude like this I don't really enjoy going to see her anyway.


So angry

Siferra's picture

Tonight SS5 both pulled the dog's tail, and kicked her with his foot. I am shaking I'm so angry. He's in time out right now and I hopped on here to calm down.

I'm SO furious!


Siferra's picture


BM now has custody back of SS5 because her doc says she is doing better and she refuses to give back any of the child support we paid while we were CPs.

She decided to take classes at the college over the summer, which is fine. But then she came to DH saying that DH would have to find something to do with SS5 every Tuesday because she has class and her mom can’t watch him.


Siferra's picture

I had started taking SS5 to the gym with me so he could spend time in the kids club while I work out, and DH could have a break. He really enjoys it and asks me as soon as I get home “Can we go to the gym?” every day.

On Monday I went to pick him up and the girls told me that he had been hitting! And not only that, but he deliberately threw a basketball into a little girl’s face and then screamed for a long time after they asked him to apologize.
