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Siferra's picture


BM now has custody back of SS5 because her doc says she is doing better and she refuses to give back any of the child support we paid while we were CPs.

She decided to take classes at the college over the summer, which is fine. But then she came to DH saying that DH would have to find something to do with SS5 every Tuesday because she has class and her mom can’t watch him.

My DH is like “You’re CP….this is your problem to deal with.” And she says “I can’t afford to put him in daycare.” DH: “I give you child support money every month for exactly this reason” BM: “But if I use that to pay for child care then I won’t have any money for me.” DH: “It’s not for you!!”

Best of all, she has a huge trust fund she could use to pay for this, she just prefers not to.

She is actually arguing that DH either needs to take SS5 to work with him (which he can’t do), or pay for child care (which we already do through CS)



skylarksms's picture

Let her continue to whine.

Maybe she will be stupid enough to take him to court over it. Any judge would have a field day with that hearing, I bet!

Auteur's picture

Pretty typical. At least she was stupid enough to ADMIT that she spends CS on her and not the child. While others do it covertly and PrEtEnD to spend it for what it was intended.