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Siferra's Blog

Summer Schedules

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We keep my SS7 every weekday evening and every 2nd, 4th and 5th weekends. This month we had some weekend trading, so we've had him 3 weekends in a row. We have a remarkably good relationship with BM, but I just don’t understand how anybody could be so lazy.


Siferra's picture

I'm so frustrated that I still can't communicate with SS6. I know he has some special needs, but gosh I wish they were improving faster than this!!

I was watching SS yesterday and BM came to pick him up. She asks if he had a coat (in Phoenix it's really a 50/50 shot if he wore a coat to our house). I have no idea since I didn't pick him up.

We ask him "Did you have a coat?" He says "Yes" and runs off to his room to get it. 2 minutes later he wanders back without a coat. "SS, did you have a coat?" "No."


Siferra's picture

I just posted about BM asking us to keep SS6 an extra weekend each month, and it got me to thinking about children and schedules.

Right now our schedule is M-F from 3:30-8:30 and 2nd/4th/5th weekends. But, SS6 doesn't really have "friends" in the kids that come over to play sense. I'm starting to wonder when the day might be that he won't want to spend so much time with us.

DH standing up!

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My DH has always been good about dealing with BM, except when it comes to having SS6 more than our share of the time. I can't tell you the number of weekends he has just agreed to keep SS6 when it was her weekend because of one of her lame excuses.

Typically we're supposed to have SS6 every weekday from 3:30-8:30 and the 2nd, 4th and 5th weekends. Last semester she had a sob story about how she just had too much homework to do and we needed to keep him another weekend a month too. I was pretty upset about it, but didn't say anything.

BM's food revelation

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I have posted a couple times about what a picky eater SS6 is. Yesterday BM shared this hilarious nugget with DH.

Apparently she got him to eat a whole fast food cheeseburger and some fries! (Wow, good for you...) Her stunning revelation of a technique to get this to happen? She didn't give him crackers, chips and candy all morning!

Apparently if a child is actually hungry they'll be more likely to eat! Mother of the Year!

Master of Food

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Hey all-

I've been a lurker for a good long while now, but I had to share this one.

We have finally found the perfect food arrangement for SS6! He has always been a picky eater and we've gone back and forth between making him eat something and setting a timer and letting him go hungry if he doesn't eat.


Siferra's picture

I have one SS6 that we have about 50/50. His mom has always had health problems, and most recently her heart has not been well. She was in the hospital about 6 months ago for a few days, and now they're scheduling her to get a pacemaker/difibrulator.

CS question

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My DH handles all the issues with CS. We keep our finances separate and each have our own checking account, but we file joint taxes.

If BM were to take us back to court would my income be figured in to his CS calculation? I know that everything differs by state, but what is the norm there? I just don't know.


My First Kid

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My roommate and I were hanging out a few days ago and she remarked how far behind she felt in life, as I am about to have my second kid, and our other friend just had her third.

Excuse me? I have one SS6, and I am pregnant. Our other friend has two skids and just had a baby. No, I do NOT have two kids, I am having my FIRST. She says “Well, yeah, but you’re SS6’s parent”

Another Room for Baby Problem

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I've been enjoying reading everybody's responses to vanrocksout's post about keeping a bedroom for stepkids. I have a similar problem to vent about 

We have 4 bedrooms: Master, SS6’s and two roommates. I’m also pregnant, due in February. I’ve told each of the roommates we don’t intend to kick them out right away, but it’s going to be super awkward. The master bedroom is huge so we plan to keep the baby with us for the first several months, but eventually one of the roommates will have to move out. Problem is, neither one is likely to be able to do so.
