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Comparing SS and DD

Siferra's picture

I know this sounds terrible, but I can’t help but look at my SS7 and think how much better my DD4months is going to be.

My SS turned 7 today and working with him is a challenge. I’ll ask him “What did you do today?” and he’ll say “I dunno.” I’ll try to prod “oh common, surely you can think of one thing you did today?” “no.” Or he’ll try to point at something and say “look over there!” to get out of answering. At this point I start to get frustrated. “Common, SS, I want to hear about your day. Could you please tell me one thing you did?” “Look over there!” he tries again. I start to get angry that he refuses to participate in even the simplest social conversations, even though in my mind I know he’s just incapable. I’ll either give him a cop out: “Did you play on your computer” so he can answer “yes” and be done, or I’ll just trail off and leave the issue.

To top it off, he has become a huge whiner. If the dog thumps him with her tail he’ll say “oww! The dog hit me!!!” *eye roll!*

We got SS a bike for his birthday yesterday. DH takes him out to ride on it, and he immediately starts with “I can’t get on it Daddy, you have to put me on!” DH says that no, SS has to get on by himself. Then SS starts to pedal a little and says “This is too hard!!” DH says “it gets easier once you get going”. SS pedals a little bit, then stops, and complains that it’s too hard again. DH tells him to keep going but to stay away from the curb. SS keeps riding closer and closer to the curb, despite DH’s instructions. He’s going slowly enough to steer well, but he keeps getting distracted by a water bottle in the street, by the dog in the park, by an open mailbox, etc. He tumps over into the street. DH picks him up, dusts him off, and back on the bike. They FINALLY make it to the park and SS complains that he’s too tired to push his bike up to the bike rack. He had plenty of energy to play though.

I just hate that I look at my SS and I look at my DD and I know my DD is going to be so different… It’s terrible but very likely to be true.


smdh's picture

Sadly, ds1 is already more capable than SD8. He actually TRIES to do things for himself. He figured the seatbelt on the plane out in under 5 minutes. She needed dh to help her.

smdh's picture

My sd is not stupid, she is lazy and has been taught that she is a precious angel who shouldn't have to do anything for herself.