Let my DH have it!
So last night I let my DH have it--a piece of my mind, that is.
We recently kicked SD(24)out of our home because her rude behavior toward me had steadily escalated and began to border on psychotic. To make a long story short, she did her best to publicly humiliate me, turn my DHs family against both of me, and destory my marriage. If she had any position in life at all (other than a leech), I could have sued her for slander--it got that bad. In the end she failed miserably on all counts and outed herself to everyone as the manipulative bitch she is, but the damage is done.
So, with reluctance and a $1000 gift, DH set up the SD(24)in her own place.
SD(24) immediately set the "rule" with her 4 siblings (18, 21, 23, 25) that absolutely no one was to get a Christmas present for my BD(11). Of course they towed the line. So I had to explain to my BD(11) why she didn't receive any Christmas gifts from her adult steps like she had in the past.
SD(24) then organized a holiday dinner at her new place for all her sibs and my DH. Of course he went, and I was left to explain to my BD(11) why she and I weren't invited to the holiday dinner. (Honestly, I wouldn't have gone anyway, and I wouldn't have put my BD(11) in their presence while they were exchanging gifts with each other and she was left out of it all. That would be cruel.)
Now the SD(24) has arranged another "family dinner"--once again leaving out my BD(11) and me. Of course DH happily agreed to attend. This is, of course, planned for one of the two Saturday nights per month that DH and I are child-free--our going-out-together night.
I had enough of it this time and let my DH know that I thought he was out of line to continue like this. I reminded him that SD(24) has done NOTHING to apologize for her latest public attack on me, and that it's NOT OK for him to act like everything is back to normal with her.
I asked him, what if an aquaintance would have launched a similar public attack on your wife? What would your reaction be? He admitted that his reaction would have been terrible, but that it was different because it's his daughter and he loves her.
I just about PUKED at this point!
I reminded him in no uncertain terms that crap that is hurled at me also splashes on him, and as long as he acts like everything is OK, the crap will continue to hit me. Hey, his rotten adult children still have his attention and his money no matter what their behavior, so why should they stop attacking me? I told DH that him attending the "family" functions without his entire family (includes me and BD(11)) sends a message loud and clear that it's OK to marginalize us. It's exactly what the SD(24) wants--a power play with her in the lead.
Bottom line: I told DH that he has to be clear with me and his adult kids where his allegiance lies. He can no longer play both sides. If he won't stand up for me AS MY HUSBAND and demand that his adult kids (and anyone else for that matter) behave decently toward me and BD(11), I will leave. Period. If he continues to play by the dysfunctional rules set out by SD(24), he can have a happy life alone because I'm outta there.
I need a man who can stand up for what's right. Not a guilty wimp who allows people to abuse his wife. I asked him to tell his SD(24) that he can't attend her "family" functions and treat her squarely until she gets OK with me, because attacking me is just as bad (or worse) than attacking him. He needs to demand that she grow up and make it right, whatever that means.
DH struggled with this concept, as his struggling made me even angrier. Was I right to demand that he do things differently with regard to SD(24)?
- Sarah101's blog
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ABSOLUTELY.. I agree w/you
ABSOLUTELY.. I agree w/you 100% He cant continue to enable her to treat you and your dd like you dont exist. She is trying to make you into a 2nd class citizen. She is 24 yrs old.. she should grow up and learn how to give respect to people that have helped her in life. Too bad she didnt like getting the boot.. She is an adult.. and as such should learn how to be on her own. I was at age 22. And I am proud to say that I supported myself since that age.. and have made my life into something. She on the other hand will always feel entitled as long as her daddy allows her to be entitled.
He already set her up in a
He already set her up in a place and gave her $1000.00, so the least she could do in return is stop pulling that kind of crap with you.
The only right thing for him to do is decline the invitation. What she's doing is wrong, and if he goes, he's not doing his job as her father, and of course, especially not as your husband- why would you want a husband who doesn't stick up for you?
This is the same problem I have. When my son is rude to my H, I remind him of everything H has done for us, and demand that he respect him, and when H has a problem, I do my best to correct my son.
But when his kids do something wrong to me, he always takes their side
and I have lost love and respect for him as a result.
I see it differently.
They are adults. He cannot control nor be responsible for their behavior.
They are also his children. Of course he loves them. But loving them is not a betrayal of you.
However it got there, you've got a very clear boundary established and I would embrace it. I would be glad that I don't have to personally deal with the skids anymore. I mean, regardless of what SD24 or the others have done, they are still his children. There are not a lot of things that you and I as mothers wouldn't forgive of our own children, right? Maybe this really is the best alternative. He gets to see them, but you and BD don't have to. Of course he's going to want to visit with them over the holidays, but hey, you're off the hook! You don't have to buy another gift or endure another minute in the company of his offspring if you don't want to.
It actually sounds like the answer to a lot of other people's prayers, believe it or not! Would you not forgo a few hours a couple of times a month just for the pleasure of NOT having them in YOUR life on a regular basis?
Your DH cannot control their behavior and I don't think it's fair of you to punish him for the behavior of the other adults in his life. You can't think he supports their behavior. He doesn't. Of course he doesn't want them or anyone else hurting his wife. But you can't ask him to choose between you and his children, no matter how horrid they are, and you can't hold him accountable. They're not children. They may be acting like it, but they aren't.
I don't think it's a choice for him between his wife and his children. I think it's a choice for YOU... can you accept him being in their lives as long as it doesn't affect you or are you going to insist on them changing their behaviors for you to want to stay with your husband? I think a marriage is between the two people who took the vows. I see you letting others influence that union when they absolutely should not. What do you think about that? Can you just live your life as if they don't even exist and be okay with him still having a relationship with them? Because you can bet your bottom dollar that they will not apologize or make ammends simply at his request and he cannot disown his children simply at yours.
~ Anne ~
"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook
This is what I have an issue with. "This is, of course, planned for one of the two Saturday nights per month that DH and I are child-free--our going-out-together night."
I would put a stop to that. I would tell him we have 2 date nights per month and if you want the marriage to be ongoing then you need to be here for date night.
Be happy the witch got a life somewhere else and you don't have to deal with her. Us successful sps know that the skds were there when we got there and they are going to be there after we are gone. A parent is not going to or expected to give up their kds regardless of the age. The witch thinks she is spiting you and hurting you when in actuality this is what most people would pray for. Enjoy the time with your daughter when he is gone, movies, dinner and just girl time.
skids can be frustrating
I think it is really unfortunate that your sd is behaving in this manner and it is unfair to your bd. I would try to talk to bd and try to explain why this behavior is bulls*it and let her know that you are sorry about it. Thankfully, you do not have to tolerate any rudeness to your bd in your own home but unfortunately if sd wants to be an ass in her own it is her decision.
I would not have sd in my home for any reason whatsoever if she was going to act like a jerk. It is tough when it comes to dh though. They are his kids. She may be acting like an asshole, but it is not fair to him to expect him to pick sides and not see his daughter. I would let him know that I fully expected him to defend you and refuse to take part in or allow any negative talk about you in his presense but I would not ask him to choose. I know it's hard and I understand why you are angry with him but this isn't his doing. If he wants to go to her house you should let him but request that he not go on any nights that you have set aside as your time.
I love Sparky's idea of using those nights as an opportunity to spend special alone time with your bd.
I know this life have chosen is not an easy one. ((( hugs )))
I was right there with you and cheering you on, I promise I understand being insulted by the adult kids and not getting the man you love to support you by placing clear boundaries.
Heck, I have some how been blamed for being cursed at by one of them, and I just stood there while she went on a drunk spill about hating me.
They are adults true , but you do have a marriage that needs some respect to be paid to it, so can you compromise, he spends time with them BUT you ask , what if my name comes up or my daughter's ? He says if so he will not have it , if his own wife cannot be made part of the family then he will not tolerate talk about.(this is just an example) but each agree with what you can live with, like the date night. He checks with you and so many times a month you say yes but not at expense of your time together alone!!!
Based on the Bible these men as husbands are supposed to be making decisions in our best interest and treat us as the church and you know the Lord hated his temples being disrespected! AND these men, no matter what age their children are , are supposed to be setting a good example to lead his children to Christ( if you are not religious I bet you might still agree that these men should be good examples to their children , becasue we all know good men are not all religious , just as all religious men are not good!)anyway he should set an example NO MATTER WHAT AGE they are? True they are adults and they can do what they like ,but he is their father and as so their teacher and time to show them unconditional love along with fact that he will not tolerate disrespect for his wife, a man that has sense can do both!!!My suggestion, spend the time but not the money, honey! I love you but you need to understand that i love and stand by my wife would be a great thing for these brats to hear!!!!!!
Money,I heard from a friend once with older children that she told them they could do whatever they wanted , they were adults but that she cast her personal vote with HER money, I wish your DH would cast a vote against them slandering you!
"We don't understand life anymore at 40 then at 20, but we know it and admit it" Jules Renard
A balancing act for sure
Thanks for all your great comments--I appreciate this forum so much!
Reading back on my original entry, I can see how it sounded as if I was forcing my DH to take sides--and I was in this instance--but certainly not forever. There's no way I could, or would want to, keep him from his 5 adult skids, no matter how repulsive some of them are to me.
I struggle with encouraging DH to step up and stake a stand against their bad behavior toward me and the BD(11), but at the same time not advocating severing any relationships. That would never work in the long run. I want my DH to recognize that HE is the one who has to set the tone with his adult children and let them know when they cross the line with abuse toward me or my BD.
The more he steps up (which is hard for him to do), the more kindly I feel toward the skids because I know we are a team. I don't feel like he is on my team when they can continue to disrespect me and BD and he acts like everything is OK.
One Team
I know what you mean about being a team. You have to be a united front or everything just goes to hell. I totally agree with you about this step family balancing act. It is tough. Sometimes it is so hard to know where to establish the boundaries. No matter what, it seems like their is always anger or guilt.
It is not fair for you or your bd to be treated this way and like Cruella said no so called ADULT should treat a kid that way. It just isn't right.
I think that is why so many people just give up.
ONE FLESH = SPOUSE (not children)
There is only one person on earth that you are called one flesh with; and that is your spouse.
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24).
This passage dictates the preeminence of the husband-wife relationship ABOVE ALL OTHER relationships.
The marriage bond is above your relationship with your parents or your children. Yes, you came from your parents’ flesh, but one day you chose to leave and marry your spouse. Yes, your children come from your flesh, but they are only temporarily in your home as well. One day they will also leave you to marry someone else. This fact only proves that the permanent relationship of husband and wife must take priority over your parents or your children.
Not sure if you are religious or not, but I have held onto this passage and voiced it to my DH who seems to respect it more than me just saying "where is your allegiance?" or "who are you more loyal too?"
This takes me out of it... puts the focus back where it needs to be... on DH making the RIGHT choice, the one he vowed to make.
"Of all your relationships and responsibilities on the horizontal plane your spouse must hold the first position."