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Rosedeer's picture

Well she called my DH and wanted to make a deal we get SS Sun. -Tues and she gets him Wed. -Fri. and they switch Saturdays, on her sat. we pick SS on Sun at 6pm on our Sat. we pick up SS at 9am oh sorry not we it only says my DHs name, she wont come to our house or call because it is long distance eventhough DH pays 600 a month in CS, so they would still have to go to court to decide placement because she wants him to go to school in her district and we want him in our district because we have not moved 6 times just once into a house we built and we are not moving she rents a trailer and says shes not moving eventhough she was moving in April but that changed. My DH will agree if we get placement which I know she wont give us, I dont think kids should go back and forth during the week once they start school, I know week to week would be hard on my SS but I think having a routine from week to week is better than spliting it up during the week, school is hard enough. Is any one a lawyer or judge what do you think? I have no idea what the judge will say, we are worried because DH is a guy! I would love to get full custody with visitaions to her, and if he comes home on Sat. with more flea bites we are going to do something, all opinions welcome, you guys help me stay sane!!!


SM#1's picture

I agree. I think it is a bad idea to switch kids up during the school week. Summer time is a different story but during the week with school going on is stressful for all parties involved.

Sia's picture

switching up school weekdays is too hard on them! I don't think that woman should be allowed within 10 ft of that poor boy! I hope you guys get custody! If he does come with more flea bites, take him to the local police station yourself and have them photograph the bites and file charges of abuse against her!

stepmasochist's picture

I think you guys can establish that this woman has had difficulties providing a stable environment for the child and the flea bites are just icing on the cake. You should definitely try for custody with her having EOW. What does your lawyer recommend? But before speaking to the lawyer you need to sit down with DH and work out what is EXACTLY that both of you want the outcome to be.