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Rosedeer's picture

My SS came home from his BMs house with flea bites all over his body, I thought we were done with this, but now he has 17 more new bites and she does nothing to stop the bites, she says that she boomed her house, well retard they are not gone. He is only 4 and itches all the time and he does not deserve to have flea bites on his body because she is a shity BM and should not even be allowed to see her son, I cant take dealing with her, she just denies the whole thing, I need a drink. How much more do we have to take, they go to court in DEC. for full custody I just keep praying the judge sees her for the idiot she is.



ferretmom's picture

Take pictures of the bites and take him to a doctor and get medical documentation. Every thing counts in custody hearings. This could force the judge to bring child services in and they would investigate bm's home. You can always go to them yourself once you have a doctor's report and don't forget photos.

northernsiren's picture

fleas have to be REALLY bad to be biting humans. My 2 indoor cats somehow got fleas this past summer, and F and I never got bit ourselves, just our poor fur babies. Frontline, bathing, and extensive, frequent vacuuming fixed it,

(we can't bomb b/c of our reptiles) but it has to be done religiously over the course of several months....

poor kid, how filthy!

from my SD, the reason we're going through it all....:
o, btw, my dad and *northernsiren* are the best family a girl(and boy) could ever hope for. Thank you for helpping me through these hard times.

CACowgrl's picture

To help your SS, vitamin B12 helps deter the fleas. As a child, I was a flea bite magnet!!! No one else really got bit, but me. Those were the days before Advantage and other flea medicines for our pets. Every summer, it was a nightmare for me. Our house was not dirty, but we had indoor/outdoor cats that brought fleas into the house from other people's yards. My parents would bomb the house time and again, but until it got cooler, i'd suffer. My doctor suggested vitamin B12 and it really helped. Ask his doctor if it's ok for him to take, it might help him get some relief. She needs to bomb the house and buy Advantage or Frontline and put it on her animals. That usually takes care of the job. But I know, easier said than done when it comes to getting these BM's to do anything!!!!

CommoMike's picture

If the dog is certainly swarmed with fleas, as your shampoo the puppy, if you notice that wash turning reddish colored, this can be a remaining blood which dried out after the fleas bit your canine. You might want to wash several of times, according to the severeness.

Make use of an oats based shampoo too, this really is de-stressing for the dog's skin, particularly if they have got clear injuries as a result of scratching their bodies. Let your dog to dry up extensively and also vacuum your house properly, in case you have virtually no carpets and rugs, sweep your current hard woods adequately, due to the fact as soon as you take care of the house as well as the dog, you are likely to have a significant amount of lifeless fleas, based on how awful the pest infestation had been.

If the dog's skin area is crimson and even inflammed and you may view just where they scraped by themselves raw. Go to your nearest drug store and have an otc hydrocortisone treatment which commonly sells with 1 percent. You'll want to put on this at the impacted areas repeatedly every single day. That will not burn in the least and may be pretty enjoyable.

If the dog has been seriously bitten by fleas from top to bottom, you'll want to search for veterinary clinic service simply because numerous flea bites may result in anemia in certain dogs. Most often the actual vet will provide the dog one shot of anabolic steroids and also have you stick to the hydrocortisone skin cream.
